The Time is Now to update to Monterey!

Over the last few weeks we have sent a couple of reminders to make sure your MacBook/iMac is running Apple's most current operating system - Monterey. In this time we have reduced the number of updates that need to occur to just over 400. There are a couple of very important reasons of why we ask you to update your device:
  • Security - Running outdated operating systems on our devices causes a security risk for you along with a risk for our network.
  • Program Success - We have close to 50 different educational programs that we use across the district. Anytime there is an issue with one of these programs, the two questions asked are:
  • Have you restarted your computer?
  • Are you running an updated operating system?
  • Convenience - We have the ability to "force" an update on your device. We try to avoid doing this so it does not update at an inconvenient time for you (as this process usually takes about an hour). Please take the time this weekend to update your MacBook.
The easiest way to to update your computer is through Self Service. Go there and search for Monterey. Once you initiate the download through self service, you will be prompted to enter your username and password to complete the update. If you run into any issues with this update, please put in a ticket via the Help Desk, and one of the techs will assist.
SeeSaw and Schoology
As we move into next school year, all teachers should be sharing content with students through the approved LMS at each grade level. Kindergarten through 3rd grade will use SeeSaw and Grades 4 through 12 will use Schoology. Our instructional coaches are a great resource if you need support or want to find new ways to use these two great tools.
Infinite Campus Messenger

Last month, we shared with you how to check to make sure all of your grades are posted properly . This months video from Infinite Campus highlights The Message Builder tool which allows users to build and send messages to students and/or their families. This video demonstrates how to build a general message template that can be sent to students and families. Click HERE or on the image to watch the video.
GIF of the Month
Each month our IT Techs will share a GIF to remind you of an important item related to Technology in Mentor. This month's GIF is for cleaning up your Desktop Files using STACK! With just one click you can make it appear as though you have a completely organized Desktop! This will stack all of your like items (Screenshots, PDFs, photos, etc.)

Please make sure you update your Macbook!
IT Tips and Tricks

In IT Tips and Tricks this month, Todd shares how to use AirServer to airplay from your iPad to your MacBook. This allows a great amount of flexibility in your classroom. Check out the video by clicking HERE or on Tips and Trick!
A Little IT Humor!

Doug always manages to keep things light around our office so we thought we would have him share some IT Humor each IT News and Notes with you! Today's humor comes from the idea that even this iMac from 1995 has updated to Monterey! It's time for you to update your MacBook to Monterey!