Streams of Awareness


October 31, 2022  


We are now in the throes of mid-term voting and we, as US citizens, have been given the privilege and responsibility to choose our future representatives who will lead in decisions that we will affect our country, our communities, our neighborhoods and our families.  This you all know. 

This opportunity that each of us have is one that is based on Judeo Christian values of our founding fathers who foresaw a country that would prosper and flourish under the freedoms that have been designated in our constitution.  


I am a Precinct Judge and in my little precinct alone, here are some of the stats from weeks end: VOTED: 657 -   NOT VOTED 6152.  This includes Republicans, Democrats and swing voters.  We are a free country unlike so many others and if we do not make a point to cherish the very right of freedom to choose and vote for candidates whose goals reflect our values, we are showing apathy and a disregard for freedom that has been fought for and died for over many years.  

EACH VOTE COUNTS: This election is important just as ones in the past have been.  Don’t wait….I ran across this article that share with you because I feel it holds so true.   

Song of Solomon 2:15 says, “Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vines: for our vines have tender grapes.” 

Foxes sometimes, in search of food, would enter into the grape orchards and devour the grapes and spoil the crop. However, the little foxes were too small to reach the grape bunches so they would chew on the vines and it would kill the whole vine. Instead of the farmer just losing his crop, he would lose his vine which was more disastrous. Spiritually some things we do or allow that we might think are little or insignificant can also be disastrous for us.

Listed below are some of the “little foxes” that generally keep us from our civic responsibilities, in the area of voting. The devil uses these lies and others so that he can keep godly men and women away from the polls and get the candidates of his choice elected. If we do nothing, it makes it easy for the enemy to help those who could become the wrong leadership for our nation.

  • “My one vote doesn’t count anyway.”
  • “I’m disillusioned by the whole political process.”
  • “I’m already too busy to take the time to cast an informed vote, so I just don’t vote at all.”
  • “Politics are corrupt anyway and as a Christian I don’t want to be involved.”

These are just some of the excuses that people use to justify their failure to exercise their civil responsibility to vote. Only heaven will reveal the many opportunities that we had to change things for the better in this nation, yet, we failed to do so because we failed to use our right to vote. We do not realize the privilege we have to be able to have a voice in the choice of “who shall be our leaders and what kind of laws should govern our land.” If we were to go to a country that did not afford its people this right and live under the usual dictators that rule those countries, we might be more thankful for this advantage. Author:  Betty Miller

You have just one more week to VOTE EARLY….and then only one day the following week.  PLEASE do not put this off.  The lines will be long on voting day.  It is a two-page ballot and no telling what the weather will be or if the machines will behave or if your schedules will get in the way of your plans for that day…YOUR VOTE COUNTS AND IS NEEDED AND ALSO IS a responsibility for each of us as citizens of this great country. Please don’t take this opportunity for granted.  

This isn’t just about voting but it is also about praying: praying for our leaders, for God’s grace and mercy for our country, for safety and security of our families, and for leadership that lines up with God’s standards and values. 

Continue your prayers: say them while you are driving or on a walk or standing in a line, or having a meal….Pray for God’s oversight and power and mercy to hover upon our country.  May his will be done, and may he give us the strength and courage to face the winds that blow through our lives and the bless us as we look to him for his comfort and direction as we are challenged by life’s uncertainties.   “God grant me the serenity to accept the the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference”.  

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!


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