Scouting News

my.Scouting and Scoutbook Down for System Maintenance

Saturday, November 5th

The My.Scouting and Scoutbook systems will be down this Saturday, November 5th, beginning at 10:00AM to 10:00PM for a system upgrade. All features will be offline during this time. This includes, all My.Scouting tools, the training site, Online Registration, Internet Rechartering and Advancement along with Scoutbook.

Buy a Pie Distribution!

First, we would like to THANK YOU for supporting our Scouts by Buying Pie to Keep Them Dry! Pies will be available for pick-up at the Council Leadership Center on Friday, November 18th and Saturday, November 19th... just in time to enjoy over the holidays. As of today, Fruit of the Forest and our New York Style Cheesecake are tied for first place in our 2022 Pie Poll! Don't forget to cast your vote.

[Buy A Pie Details]

Unit Renewal (Recharter)

Each year, all Scouting units must update their member roster and pay fees for the coming calendar year. This process is called Unit Renewal, or Recharter. This year, Unit Renewal is open October 15th through December 17th. Visit our 2023 Unit Renewal page using the link below to access instructions, training, a user guide, timeline, test sandbox environment, and the live Internet Rechartering console.

[2023 Unit Renewal]

Special Veterans Day Recognition

This Veterans Day, Heart of Virginia Council is proud to fulfil its Duty to Country with a special photo album on our website and social media honoring the Veterans in our Scouting community. We all know a special service member who should be celebrated this November 11th. Please send your photos (along with their name, title, branch of service, and other information they would like shared) to to be included in a special online tribute to their incredible service.

[Recognize a Veteran]

Citizenship in Society

Merit Badge Counselors

The new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge became required for all Scouts as of July 1, 2022, so counselors are needed ASAP! Since this badge is to be taught in small groups to Scouts within their own troop, the Heart of Virginia Council needs every Troop to select at least one person who will help guide Scouts on their journey of self-discovery.

[Get More Information]

Dollars4Dough DOUBLES to 20% in November!

We are excited to share that Papa John’s is supporting the Heart of Virginia Council through their Dollars4Dough program. When you order Papa John’s online, use code “SCOUTS” and we will receive 20% of each order in November. Get to gobbling this month! This promotion must be used prior to checking out, and is valid at all 20 Central Virginia locations.

[Tell Me More!]

National Advancement News

Are you a parent, volunteer, or serving in a leadership role? We highly suggest subscribing to Advancement News, a bimonthly National publication that’s delivered straight to your inbox every other month. Each issue includes helpful and timely information about the Guide to Advancement, Cub Scout adventures, Merit Badge changes or news, Scoutbook tips and tricks, and much more.

[View and Subscribe]

Set Your Clocks!

Don't forget to set your clocks back ONE HOUR before you go to bed tonight! Double-check your stove and microwave clocks, and quadruple check the coffee maker if you have it set to brew in the morning.

We spring forward in 126 days... but who's counting?

What's New at the Scout Shop
Patch Sewing Service
The Heart of Virginia Council Scout Shop, located in the Leadership Center at 8090 Villa Park Drive, is offering a Patch Sewing Service to save you some time and frustration (especially if you don’t own a sewing machine and the thought of hand stitching or using Badge Magic on those patches makes you shudder).

Patch sewing

Cub Chat Live Fridays at 3pm

Cub Scout Unit leaders, volunteers, and parents... have you checked out Cub Chat Live? Each Friday at 3pm, a team of National leaders with Scouting Magazine gets together to host a Facebook live event where they discuss topics that are meant to help you succeed. Today, they're discussing FUN Pack and Large Events!

[Tune In and View the Archives]

Cub Scout Shoot-O-Ree

Cub Scout Packs from across Council are invited to a weekend of fun shooting sports at Red Oak Nursery in Montross, Virginia. The Rivers District is hosting their annual Shoot-O-Ree the weekend of November 12th - 13th. At only $5 per youth participant (that's Scouts, siblings, and friends... adults are free), you can come out and participate in shooting activities Saturday and camp overnight.

[Register to Attend]

2022 Creepy Hollow Photo Album

We’re building a photo album of the 2022 Creepy Hollow Cub Scout event at Cub Adventure Camp, and would LOVE to include photos of your experience! Send photos in an email to with the subject “Creepy Hollow Photo Album” and they will be featured on Heart of Virginia Council’s website, the Cub Adventure Camp website, and social media. You do not need to provide details unless you’d like to.

[Share Your Shots!]

Scout Life Magazine Toy Giveaway

Have you read your November 2022 issue of Scout Life magazine? To help you get started on your holiday shopping, flip to page 16 for the annual Scout Life guide for some of the hottest toys and games of the year. Want to win some of the great stuff they review? Pick the prize you hope to win and submit your contact information once a day until November 30th! Many will enter, only 22 will win.

[Enter the Giveaway]

Brick Fest Live Volunteers Needed

Lego Lovers, we’re excited to announce an opportunity for Scouts (14 years of age and up, male and female) and adults to run the Lego Car Derby Track at Brick Fest Live on November 5th and 6th, 9am to 5pm, at the Richmond Convention Center. Youth and adult volunteers are needed to fill several roles and are welcomed to volunteer for more than one shift. You could qualify for service hours!

[Get More Details]

Your journey to a Philmont trek in 2024 has begun! The registration portal will open at 9 a.m. MDT on Saturday, Oct. 1st and close on Thursday, Dec. 1st. All units who enter their information during this time will be entered into a lottery drawing to determine availability for their preferred dates. A wilderness and learning adventure that will last your lifetime is just around the corner.

[Enter the Lottery]

Awards and Nominations

Silver Beaver Nominations Due November 30th

Do you know a Scouter who needs to be nominated?  The Heart of Virginia Council’s highest volunteer recognition, the Silver Beaver Award, will be awarded to highly deserving Scouters who have made a huge impact in the lives of youth through their hard work, self-sacrifice, and years of dedicated service.  

[Download the Nomination Form]

Duty To God Nominations Due February 28th, 2023

BSA's National Duty to God Award nominations are now open for the 2023 awards. Do you know a person that has gone above and beyond in their Duty to God and their impact has reached a national level beyond their service to their local area? If you do, then please take the time to nominate them. The nomination form is due by February 28th, 2023.

[Make a Nomination]

2022 Eagle Commencement

Save the Date

The 2022 Eagle Commencement is scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 19th, 2023. Join us at Randolph-Macon's Blackwell Auditorium from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. We're welcoming Life Scouts to join our Honor Guard, and invite attendees to register for an hour-long tour of the campus beginning at 1:30pm.

[Learn More]

Recruiter Strip - the Most Important Patch in Scouting?

"When considering the array of Scouting awards and recognitions available to young people, there’s one that stands above them all. If you think about its ability to grow Scouting and introduce this life-changing program to new people, the Recruiter Strip might be the most important patch in Scouting. It's also one of the easiest to earn. The Recruiter Strip has just one requirement: recruit a friend into Scouting." Bring a buddy to your next unit meeting. If they join, you'll receive your first Recruiter Strip free of charge.

[Learn More]

Join the Adventure! (Camping and Outdoors)

Denali Camporee

You and members of your troop have planned, worked, and saved money for the last two years to camp in Alaska's Denali National Park. Denali is as large as the state of Massachusetts, with only 90 miles of roads. You will be dropped off 50 miles from base camp and have to walk back in five days. You will cross streams, swampy tundra, and thick forests with a lot of “deadfall” forest litter. With food getting low, you may have to harvest a few Ptarmigan with your slingshots. Register now for the Denali Camporee at Cub Adventure Camp the weekend of November 18th.

[I'm Up for the Challenge]

Winter Camp at Brady Saunders

Don’t sit around this winter being bored – come chill out with your friends at Winter Camp! Scouts are invited out to T. Brady Saunders January 13th – 16th, 2023 to get out of the house, have some fun, and earn merit badges. We can’t think of a cooler way to enjoy winter than being at camp. The Program Guide has been posted!

[Register for Winter Camp]

Merit Badge Counselors Needed for Winter Camp

We are currently looking for merit badge instructors for Winter Camp 2023. Many leaders serve as merit badge instructors for the camp. We especially need volunteers to teach merit badge classes for the Sunday and Monday sessions and Eagle Required merit badges, especially Environmental Science, Sustainability, Personal Fitness and Personal Management. Volunteers help to make this event a success.  

[More Info & Registration]

Weekend Experiences at Cub Adventure Camp

Our Weekend Experience at Cub Adventure Camp is a program designed for you, by you, and to meet the needs of your Pack. Come out for the morning, come out for the afternoon, or come out for both. Pick your program for your pack. A three-hour block in the morning on Saturday. A three-hour block in the afternoon on Saturday. Participate in one activity or two. Come out just for the day, or make a weekend camping adventure out of your Experience.

[Learn More]

Weekend Experiences at T. Brady Saunders

Our Weekend Experience at T. Brady Saunders opens parts of camp for weekend use! Weekend primitive camping opportunities are available at S. Douglas Fleet from August through May, based on availability. We offer Troops the opportunity to customize a program specifically tailored for their Scouts. Come out for nature, fishing, shooting, STEM, and more. We even have canoes available for rent!

[Learn More]

Philmont Scout Ranch: The Ultimate in Scouting Adventures

Philmont Scout Ranch is a national high adventure base, owned and operated by the Boy Scouts of America. The Heart of Virginia Council Contingent is sending three 12-day trek crews to Philmont Scout Ranch in 2023. Sign up now to reserve your spot!

[Learn More and Register]

2023 Back-At-Camp Council Camporee
It's time to get back to what we all love to do - Scouting with lots of friends! This will be a fun and memorable weekend for all Scouts and a time to catch up with old friends. Think of this as a Council-sized National or World Scout Jamboree! Save the date: April 21st - 23rd, 2023 at the Goochland Reservation!

Summer Camp 2023

Hold-A-Spot Is Open!

The 2023 TBS Summer Camp Hold-A-Spot form allows for you to make a housing preference from the camp facilities listed below. Note that housing is not guaranteed and will not be final until arrival at camp. The Hold-A-Spot Fee is $350 (due at registration) and is non-refundable.  

[Hold Our Spot!]

2023 National Jamboree

Jamboree is more than a destination. It's the adventure of a lifetime, and there is simply nothing else like it on the planet. Open to Scouts BSA, Venturing, Explorer, and Sea Scouts who are 12 years of age and older. We've launched a National Jamboree page on the Heart of Virginia Council website to keep you up-to-date on #NatJamboree23 details!

[HOVC 2023 Jamboree Page]

Advancement, Training and Life Skill Opportunities

November District Roundtables

November Roundtables offer leaders hands-on experience and provide a form for leaders to offer and receive help from their fellow Scouters.

[Get Roundtable Dates]

Fall Den Chief Training

The Den Chief Training combines fun and enjoyment with an excellent character-building experience. Participants will learn leadership, organization, and most importantly, how to work with Cub Scouts. This training is for youth who are or want to be a Den Chief to a den in a Cub Scout Pack. It's also for registered adult leaders who would like to learn about the duties of a Den Chief. Join us on November 18th!

[Get Registered]

Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselor Orientation

The next orientation opportunity for new Citizenship in Society Merit Badge Counselors is on the calendar for Sunday, November 20th at the HOVC Leadership Center from 2:00pm to 3:30pm.  A list of prerequisites and other materials can be fond on the registration website, linked below.

[Register for Orientation]

Winter National Youth Leadership Training Cancelled

We have made the difficult decision to CANCEL our National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) winter session, scheduled for December 17th - 23rd. Registered attendees have been notified via email and reimbursements will be issued. Please reach out to our Leadership Center with questions: (804) 355-4306.

Our traditional summer session will take place in 2023!

Hazardous Weather Training

Each fall, we invite brand new (and experienced) youth and families to join us on the adventure that is the Scouting program. It just happens to be that many units will plan their fall camping experiences during hurricane season! It's situations like this that make Hazardous Weather training so important. This free 30 minute course covers hazardous weather conditions that Scouts need to consider, so they can plan ahead!

[Get Trained]

Employment Opportunities
Full-Time District Executive
Heart of Virginia Council is seeking qualified applicants for a full-time District Executive position. A full description of the opportunity, including job requirements and desired skills, along with compensation details and application instructions, can be found using the link below.

Part-Time ScoutReach Program Aid
ScoutReach Program Aids help deliver a quality Scouting program for underserved youth in our community. They also assist with leading volunteers to help grow the program and instill Scouting values in the lives of youth. Full details, including application instructions, can be found using the link below.

Job Opening - PT ScoutReach Program Aid
Recognition, Memorials and Honors

Eagle's Nest

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement or rank attainable in the Boy Scouts of America program. Only four percent of Boy Scouts achieve this remarkable milestone. [Eagle Scouts]

Memorials and Honors

Tributes and memorials are a way for us to honor, cherish, or remember our Scouting mentors and loved ones. [Honorees]

2023 Eagle Challenge

Brick Program

A great way to honor your Eagle Scout is to sponsor a personally engraved Eagle Brick. The cost is $200 per brick which includes engraving of up to eighteen characters per line (letters, space and punctuation) with a maximum of two lines. To be included in the 2023 Eagle Brick Unveiling Ceremony, brick orders must be received by July 7th, 2023.

[Learn More]

Connect with HOVC

Follow Us on Facebook

Like being in-the-know?  Our Facebook page is regularly updated with news and information we feel is most helpful to our Scouting community.  Swing by and give us a like and a follow, and don't forget to share the posts that are most meaningful or helpful to you.


Review Us On Google

The HOVC Communications team continues to work hard to provide existing, new, and potential Scouts with the best possible experience! That includes access to great, accurate information… and we think YOU are an important source! We would love to hear from you about your positive experiences with HOVC.

[Leave a Review]

Friday 5 and Courier Newsletters

Get the top news stories of the week and month by subscribing to our Friday 5 and Courier newsletters. We'll keep you updated on the news you need every Friday at noon. Subscribe and view the archives by visiting the link below.

[Friday 5 and Courier]

Scouting with Heart Newsletter

Submit your stories, subscribe, and view the archives for Scouting with Heart, a mid-week Heart of Virginia publication that focuses on the faces of local Scouting. We hope you’ll join us in celebrating our youth and volunteers by learning more about their service to our community and accomplishments in our program.

[Scouting with Heart]

District Websites
Check out your district for upcoming events and important news!





Huguenot Trail




Heart of Virginia Council  

(804) 355-4306 |


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