Join a Study - Parkinson's Foundation List of Available Studies
Parkinson's Disease Medical Care Planning Resource
Dr. Jiayun Xu is creating a tool to help you and your family members talk about future medical planning in Parkinson's Disease. They are looking for a person with Parkinson's and a family member who is/was caring for a family member with PD within the last 5 years. You must be able to speak and read English, willing to be audio-recorded and have access to a phone or internet. For more info contact Dr. Xu at or phone 765-494-4017.
Speech Accessibility Project
Beckman Institute at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign has a new study called the "Speech Accessibility Project" to help speech recognition tools understand diverse voices. You can record your speech from home and earn up to $180/$90 for caregivers. For more info: 1-888-309-6499 or