Sending abundant gratitude and love to everyone who is a part of the Community Food Bank family. Yet again we have exceeded our goals in helping as many Grand Valley folks as possible have a festive Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones -- serving 540 households these past three days through our pantry and home delivery programs! Those households consist of over 2,000 individuals who will be able to enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal today. This is more than double what we did last year...
Thank you for making that a reality!! From our donors, to our volunteers, to our food drive contributors -- we simply could not do this work without you.
Three cheers and a special shout out to all the Community Food Bank staff members who worked tirelessly to make this week possible. We are so grateful to have such an amazing team of hardworking souls who care about one another, and the community we seek to serve.
Finally, we send our utmost gratitude to all the farmers, agricultural workers, and producers who work so hard to grow the food we eat.
Wishing you all a cheerful day of rest, gratitude, and good food!! Happy Thanksgiving.