April 2024


March Wrap-Up


A record-breaking success!

Our event on March 8th, A Grand Ol' Party, was a huge success! Leadership Institute, Phill Kline, Ted Nugent, gorgeous tables, exquisite food, games, music, and friends made for an unforgettable evening. This was a fundraiser, and we are excited to announce that after all expenses were paid, we netted over $35,000! The majority of this money will be used to support candidates with improved technology for GOTV and ballot chasing. We have purchased additional chairs for our meetings so that every attendee can have a padded chair. Since we have a variety of clubs utilizing the office, we are also discussing the best security option for providing access.

An event of this magnitude takes months and a plethora of volunteers to plan. Our sponsors made it possible! Special thanks to the following sponsors:

Hunter Nation

The Hodgdon Family

Senator Ty Masterson

Christina and Patrick (Marty) Erwin

Mike Beehler

John and Barbara Cantrell

Kay Shirley & Mike Perry

KC Cocktail Co.

Instafun KC

Mingucci Photography

If you had to miss A Grand Ol' Party, we're sorry. Good news, though! We have some great events coming, including an April fundraiser you can read about below.



It's Time to File!

Precinct Committeemen and Committeewomen are the bedrock of our Party. Not only do they vote for leadership of our local Party, but they fill unexpected vacancies and spread the word about our candidates. Recently, the precinct committee people from House District 39 met for a special election following the resignation of Rep. Owen Donohoe. These committee people were responsible for voting for their district's replacement. They were the voice of the people! Congratulations to Angela Steins, who is now serving as the newest Kansas State Representative after being elected that night.

Will you serve again? Will you step up this time?

The filing deadline is June 3rd at 12:00 noon.

Please email for more details.


Are you registered to vote AT YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS?

If you have moved, it is imperative that you register with your new address to help maintain the integrity of our voter rolls.

What's New?

Find out what your legislators are working on each day here.

What is "sine die"? Sine Die is Latin for "without a day".

It is a term used for the adjournment of the Legislature when the day to reconvene is not yet scheduled.

Elephant Club Sets a Record

The March Elephant Club featured Sheriff Calvin Hayden. Our sheriff spoke on crime, how the border situation affects us, and the fentanyl crisis in Johnson County. We filled every table available until it was standing room only! With 77 people seated we may need another round table. Thanks to Hayward's BBQ for providing a delicious lunch.

April Elephant Club Speaker:

J.J. Carrell, retired border patrol agent and author of Invaded: The Intentional Destruction of the American Immigration System.

J.J. will talk about some of his incredible experiences during his 24-year career with the United States Border Patrol. He will also discuss his book, which reveals the extent of the Biden/Mayorkas border catastrophe. J.J. is a forthright, no-nonsense speaker, and you won't want to miss this opportunity to hear him in person!

Motomama's Munchies will be back this month with a balsamic glazed pork tenderloin spinach salad, au 'gratin potatoes, and lemon bars for dessert. Lori is great about accommodating dietary restrictions - just let us know!

Please note: if you plan to attend a luncheon, be sure to RSVP so we can get an accurate headcount to our caterer. We provide a headcount on the Saturday before Elephant Club each month.

The Elephant Club invitation for the April luncheon is out and posted on our Facebook page. Reserve a seat below:

Reserve Your Seat >>

Making the News!

The Johnson County Republican Party is getting attention these days. Most recently, we've been asked to give our opinion on the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) and also weigh in on the presidential preference primary outcome. We are happy to share with the Press the Republican Party platform of smaller government, lower taxes, individual responsibility, and respect for life. We will continue to speak out locally against oppressive property taxes, excessive spending, and extreme ideologies designed to threaten the fabric of our families.

Spring is here and summer is coming!

We will be giving this flag to a JCRP supporter! Join the Elephant Club or make a $100 or more contribution to the Party, and you just might find that you'll have a new way to show your patriotism!


JCRP does not allow the recording of its programs without permission.

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