
Research News & Funding Opportunities for Tulane Cancer Researchers - April 23, 2024

Tulane Cancer Center Director Stefan Grant, MD, biked in a bedazzled pink bra on Saturday, April 20, at Krewe de Pink's 8th Annual Pink Bra Walk / Run & Bike Ride. The event benefits Tulane Cancer Center's Breast Cancer Research Program. Since 2016, Krewe de Pink has donated over $243,000 to support breast cancer research here.

Time-Sensitive Announcements

Tulane Innovation Institute Faculty Innovation

Research Mixer

TODAY, 5:00 - 7:30 PM

Qatar Ballroom, Room 212

Lavin-Bernick Center, Uptown

Attendees will enjoy a lively cross-learning opportunity to hear about the innovative research and initiatives Tulane faculty peers are leading in their respective fields and identify connections for potential partnership. All schools and disciplines welcome! Refreshments will be provided. If you would like to sign up to present, please contact Jillian Delos Reyes at For more information and to RSVP, click here.

Annual Meeting Abstract Deadlines

American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting

December 7 - 10, 2024 - San Diego, CA


For more information and key dates for ASH 2024, click HERE.

American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting

September 29 - October 2, 2024 - Washington DC


For more information on late-breaking abstract submissions for ASTRO, click HERE.

Are You Attending or Presenting at ASCO 2024?

If you plan to attend or are presenting at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago, May 31 – June 4, we want to know so that we can publicize / amplify our faculty’s contributions to this important annual meeting.

Please send us a quick note via reply email here if you plan to present or attend.

And if you are presenting, please provide your abstract title(s) as well as the date/time of your poster/podium session.


Tulane Research, Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Awards




The Research, Scholarship and Artistic Achievement Awards honor outstanding scholars and recognize exceptional research achievement and impact on advancing knowledge, innovation, or creativity in science, engineering, health, arts, humanities, education and other academic fields of study. Click here for award criteria. Click here for the nomination form. 

Educational Research Day

Wednesday, May 22 - 1 - 4 PM

Murphy Building, 131 S. Robertson

5th Floor, Leone Learning Center


The Office of Medical Education encourages all School of Medicine faculty, staff, residents, and students to participate in Educational Research Day by presenting their medical education research, in poster format and/or attending the event to learn about the work of others in the New Orleans Health Sciences community. Three finalists will be asked to present their research in a 12-minute oral presentation. 


Posters will highlight Medical Education research in areas such as:

  • Active or Team-Based Learning
  • Faculty Development
  • Curriculum Design & Assessment
  • Simulation
  • Technology Enhanced Learning


Now Available in SciENcv: NSF's Implementation of the NSTC-approved Common Forms for the NSF Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support!!

NSF is pleased to announce that the NSTC-approved Common Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support which are compliant with the new NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 24-1), are now available in SciENcv.

These revised formats will be required for proposals submitted or due on or after May 20, 2024. While these revised formats cannot be uploaded in or until May 20, 2024, NSF encourages proposers to become familiar with them in preparation for proposal submission in May.


NSF and colleagues from the NIH/National Library of Medicine will conduct a webinar on Thursday, April 25 at 1:00 PM CST to discuss the revisions to these forms as well as provide a demonstration of the revised functionality to create and download these required proposal documents in SciENcv. Registration is required and is now available. This webinar will be recorded and available for on-demand viewing.


Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to the Policy Office at

This Week's Seminars, Webinars & Workshops

Tulane Research, Innovation & Creativity Summit (TRICS)

Wednesday, April 24 &

Thursday, April 25

Lavin-Bernick Center for

University Life - Uptown


This event will showcase the breadth and depth of research, innovation and creativity from disciplines, departments, units and schools across Tulane University. Graduate students, undergraduate students, trainees (postdocs, residents and fellows), faculty, and research staff will present their research, scholarship and achievements. The event will also include distinguished lectures and affiliated workshops.

For more information, including the schedule, please click here.

LSU / LCMC Health Cancer Center Faculty Candidate Seminar

TCRab+CD4-CD8-Double-Negative T Cell Antitumor Immunity Against Melanoma and Breast Cancer

Hui Zhang, PhD

Assistant Professor

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Washington State University

Wednesday, April 24 - Noon - 1:00 PM

LCRC 1st Floor Auditorium

Lunch Available at 11:45 AM

Zoom Meeting ID: 910 5888 3573

Passcode: 733222


Louisiana Cancer Research Center

Tea Time

Wednesday, April 24 - 3:00 PM

Louisiana Cancer Research Center

1700 Tulane Ave., New Orleans

1st Floor Conference Room

Join your cancer research colleagues for an informal gathering of networking and socializing. Faculty and lab team members are encouraged to attend. Light refreshments will be served.

Open MIC Night Sponsored by the Tulane Innovation Institute

Wednesday, April 24, 5:30 - 8:00 PM

Qatar Ballroom, Room 212

Lavin-Bernick Center, Uptown

Do you have an idea for solving a medical or wellness problem? Participate in Open MIC (Medical Innovation Challenge) Night. This event encourages participants to innovate and think of creative solutions to complex problems. Click here to learn more about pitching or attending as a spectator.

Tulane Institute for Physician Scientists (TIPS) Seminar

Discovery in Host Defense and Immune Homeostasis: An FSTL-1 Journey

Brian T. Campfield, MD

Assistant Professor of Pediatrics

Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Tuesday, April 30 - Noon

Via Zoom

Click here to register for this seminar.

Plan Ahead

ORCID Workshop for Researchers

Tuesday, May 7, 1 - 2 PM

Zoom Webinar - Register here

Getting and using your free ORCID iD and ORCID record can help you save time and get credit for your work in funding, publishing, and research reporting workflows. Funding organizations, publishers, and research institutions are increasingly requiring or asking for ORCID iDs from researchers, so this workshop will help you make sure you are ahead of the game. This webinar is free and open to anyone who is interested. The session will be recorded and shared with all who register.

More Information

Louisiana Cancer Research Center Seminar Series

The Role of Cancer Cells with Both Epithelial and Mesenchymal Traits in Metastasis and Approaches to Target These Cells

Sendurai Mani, PhD

Dean's Chair of Translational Oncology

Associate Director of Translational Oncology

Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine

Brown University - Legoretta Cancer Center

Thursday, May 9 - Noon - 1 PM

Louisiana Cancer Research Center - 1st Floor Conference Room

Lunch will be available at 11:45 AM

Zoom Meeting ID: 988 3427 6980

Passcode: 050968

Louisiana Cancer Research Center Scientific Retreat

Friday, May 17, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Xavier University of Louisiana University Center, 3rd-Floor

1 Drexel Dr., New Orleans 70125


Click here to register.

Funding Opportunities

Tulane COBRE in Sex-Based Precision Medicine (SPM)

Pilot Project Program

Now Accepting Letters of Intent - Due by 5:00 PM on April 30

Email to Dr. Weiwei Xu (

The COBRE-SPM anticipates awarding three pilot projects for the 2024-2025 funding period. The purpose of the award is to provide critical start-up funds to catalyze innovative, groundbreaking research that leads to the submission of successful NIH R01 or equivalent grant applications in the SPM area. The COBRE-SPM will solicit one basic sciences pilot project (total budget $50,000 direct costs), one clinical pilot project (total budget $75,000 direct costs), and one transdisciplinary project of convergence research from a transdisciplinary research team involving several schools/universities (total budget $75,000 direct costs). There are no indirect costs associated with this award.

For more information on eligibility, the application process and timelines, please click here.

NCI Cancer Control and Population Sciences

New Notices of Special Interest

The Epidemiology and Genomics Research Program in NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences is sharing information about new Notices of Special Interest, listed below. The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts notices provide more details and contact information for inquiries.

NOT-CA-24-030: Administrative Supplements for Contemporary Modifiable Exposures and Cancer Across the Life Course and Cancer Control Continuum


NOT-CA-24-032: Administrative Supplements to Understand Effects of Within-group Heterogeneity on Cancer Control Outcomes in Underrepresented Populations EXPIRATION DATE: APRIL 30

NOT-CA-24-031: Validation of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Tools for Improved Assessment in Biomedical and Behavioral Research EXPIRATION DATE: JULY 6, 2025

2024 Hevolution Foundation Geroscience Research Opportunities (HF-GRO)


The Hevolution Foundation Geroscience Research Opportunities (HF-GRO) will provide up to $25 million USD in 2024 (the total budget planned over 5 years is $115M USD) to fund projects in Aging Biology or Geroscience (no clinical trials). Hevolution envisions funding approximately 40-60 projects in Aging Biology or Geroscience in 2024. Projects are 4 to 5 years in length, and with a budget range of $300-500k USD direct costs/year. Funding will be made available to independent investigators with labs in the USA, Canada, Europe and the UK. Applications for HF-GRO will be submitted to Hevolution Foundation as described in the Grant Guidelines. Questions about HF-GRO may be directed to

American Association for Cancer Research Invites Applicants for Victoria's Secret Global Fund for Women's Cancers


The American Association for Cancer Research invites applications for the Victoria’s Secret Global Fund for Women’s Cancers. In partnership with Pelotonia, the fund aims to support innovative research projects in breast and gynecologic cancers and to invest in the next generation of female early-stage scientists domestically and globally.

Through the fund, grants of $206,000 over two years will be awarded in support of basic, translational, clinical, or population sciences research. Proposals focused on research into the causes of cancer health disparities and approaches to achieve equity in outcomes, as well as applicants belonging to racial or ethnic groups shown to be underrepresented in the cancer-related sciences workforce are especially encouraged.

To be eligible, applicants must be female investigators with a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, MD/PhD, or equivalent) in a related field and not currently be a candidate for a further doctoral degree.

For complete program guidelines and application instructions, see the American Association for Cancer Research website.

NRSA Postdoctoral Research Fellowship

Deep South KUH Premier Research - Interdisciplinary Mentored Education (PRIME) Training

NIH-NRSA Training Grant - TL1 DK139566

Application Deadline: June 1, 5:00 PM

Applications Reviewed as Received

NIH-funded training grant post-doctoral fellowships are available for research training in the areas broadly related to Kidney, Urology, and non-malignant Hematology diseases. Trainees will pursue a one to two-year research program in the laboratory of an established basic or clinical research mentor, supplemented with training in advanced biostatistics and bioethics courses.

Trainees will be required to carry out an independent research project in the laboratory of a faculty mentor - a basic scientist or clinician investigator experienced in kidney, urology and non-malignant hematology disease-related research at Augusta University (AU), Tulane University (TU) or The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Current areas of research interest include renal transport physiology, acute and chronic kidney disease, diabetic kidney disease, cell and developmental biology pertaining to the kidney, polycystic kidney disease, hypertension, glomerular diseases, dialysis-related vascular access, lower urinary tract disease, inflammation and immunology, red cell pathology, nephrolithiasis, genetic diseases, sickle-cell disease, basic and clinical research in transplantation and outcomes/epidemiology research.

Selection of trainees is based on the demonstrated ability of the candidate and trainee’s career plan and potential for an academic career. Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents and have completed their MD or PhD by the start date of the fellowship.

More Information

CDMRP / FY24 Breast Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Lung Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Ovarian Cancer Research Program


CDMRP / FY24 Peer-Reviewed Medical Research Program


NIAID Notice of Special Interest: Inborn Errors of Immunity / Primary Immunodeficiencies (R03, R21, R01 mechanisms)


This notice applies to due dates on or after June 5, 2024, and subsequent receipt dates through March 16, 2027.

The purpose of this Notice of Special Interest (NOSI) is to support research on the discovery and characterization of Inborn Errors of Immunity (IEIs), also referred to as Primary Immunodeficiencies, to understand the causes and mechanisms of disease, enable early detection and molecular diagnosis, and support the development of strategies to treat and eventually cure these disorders.

More Information

NIH: New Approaches for Measuring Brain Changes Across Longer Timespans (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)


STANDARD DUE DATES: 6/5, 10/5, 2/5

Funds Available and Anticipated Number of Awards: The number of awards is contingent upon NIH appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.

Award Budget:  Application budgets are not limited but need to reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.

The brain is a highly dynamic and consequential organ that undergoes dramatic shifts in cellular composition, connectivity, and activity patterns across the lifespan. A key factor limiting our understanding of these changes, particularly over longer time periods, is the paucity of methods to study longer-term trajectories. Better approaches are needed to link nervous system structure and function, as well as genetic and environmental influences, across time periods and levels of temporal and spatial resolution. This notice of funding opportunity encourages multidisciplinary collaborations to develop novel approaches or improve existing ones for longitudinal or cross-sectional brain measures across the lifespan. The ultimate goal of this funding opportunity is to improve our understanding of how each stage in brain development, starting from prenatal origins, leads to the next one, and how the parameters that are set at each stage predict later brain health or disease.  

More Information

Recent Member Publications

Comprehensive profiling of L1 retrotransposons in mouse. Zhang X, Celic I, Mitchell H, Stuckert S, Vedula L, Han JS. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 Apr 22:gkae273. doi: 10.1093/nar/gkae273. Online ahead of print. PMID: 38647072

The histone lysine acetyltransferase KAT2B inhibits cholangiocarcinoma growth: evidence for interaction with SP1 to regulate NF2-YAP signaling. Ma W, Zhang J, Chen W, Liu N, Wu T. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2024 Apr 19;43(1):117. doi: 10.1186/s13046-024-03036-5. PMID: 38641672 Free PMC article.

In the News

Ukrainian cancer scientists met recently with scientists from Tulane and LSU Health to talk about research they can bring back to Ukraine. The researchers’ visit was part of a three-week tour of U.S. cancer centers, underwritten by Audubon Bioscience, a Houston-based private biobank that has partnered with the nonprofit Peace and Development Foundation to advance cancer research and care in Ukraine.

During their stop in New Orleans, the delegation met with over a dozen researchers from Tulane and LSU to discuss global virology oncology research, molecular pathology, clinical trials, and organoid cancer models. 

Hosting the delegation were (pictured above from left) Matthew Burow, PhD, associate professor of medicine at Tulane; Seanne Falconer, MBA, Tulane Cancer Center Administrative Director; Alexandra Giardina, MS, PA, Audubon Bioscience; Stefan Grant, MD, JD, MBA, Tulane Cancer Center Director; and Joe Ramos, PhD, Director and Chief Executive Office of the Louisiana Cancer Research Center.

The visiting Ukrainian scientists included Nina Bondarenko, MD, PhD, Dnipro State Medical University (fifth from the right); Igor Tokarchuk, MD, PhD, Peace and Development Foundation (fourth from the right); Dmytro Shapochka, MS, Feofaniya State Hospital (third from the right); Sofiia Livshun, MS, CSD Laboratory (second from the right); and Rostyslav Semikov, MD, MSc, Chief Executive Officer of Audubon Bioscience.

Tulane Cancer Center eNewsletter - Inroads

Tulane Cancer Center Faculty In The News

Support & Resources

Next Generation Sequence Analysis Core

The Tulane Cancer Center NGS Analysis Core team assists investigators with furthering their research through comprehensive processing and analysis of data obtained from widely used high-throughput sequencing applications.

More Information 

Cell Analysis Core

The Cell Analysis Core Facility is designed to collaborate with investigators and contribute to all aspects of the research process, including consultation in experimental design, data analysis and storage, troubleshooting, interpretation of results, and the preparation and production of presentation graphics.

More Information

Tulane Cancer Center's Website & Facebook Page

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Please share your feedback. Is this newsletter helpful? What other information should we include? And send us your news and announcements regarding seminars, workshops, funding opportunities, new grants, recent publications or events by emailing Melanie Cross at