The ILLBA Roundup

Monday March 27, 2023

Upcoming Events

Coffee With the ILLBA

Tuesday April 18th Via Zoom

10:00am-11:30am CT

Topic: Best Practices For Managing Hybrid Teams

Plant Tour Of Forest River/Starcraft

Elkhart, IN

Tuesday May 23rd

Save the date! More details coming soon.

City of Chicago Updates

Webinars and Workshops

Department of Business Affairs & Consumer Protection’s

FREE business education webinars .Click here for the schedule


Outstanding Fines? Administrative Hearing Debt?

Click here to learn more about the Administrative Debt Relief Program (ADR)

Deadline is Friday March 31st

Open to businesses and individuals


Compliments? Complaints, Incidents?

Report it!

Non Emergency - call 311

Emergency numbers

O'Hare 773-894-9111

Midway 773-838-9111

Incident Report - issues, complaints and compliments

Click here for incident report

If you witness an incident, do not confront the individual(s) for safety reasons. The CDA encourages you to use one of the above ways to inform authorities.


Last Call!

2023-2024 ILLBA Board of Directors - Nominations Now Open

There are five (5) open board seats (including one vendor/supplier seat) for the upcoming board of directors election.

Nomination qualifications per the ILLBA Bylaws:

  • ILLBA member (operator or vendor) in good standing for two (2) consecutive years prior to election  (for exception consideration, please contact Lynn Kafkes, Nominating Committee Chair)
  • Timely payment of dues prior to submission of the Slate of Candidates by the Nominating Committee
  • Terms are for two years

If you (or someone you know) has a desire to get involved and give back to the industry, please contact Lynn Kafkes for nomination details.

Deadline for nominations is Friday March 31st, 5PM.

Chris Thomsen

TTC Worldwide LLC

(The Transportation Consultants)


City of Chicago Events and Traffic Restrictions

Wrigley Field Transportation Restrictions Map 2023 - click here


Reminder: Interstate 90 (I-90)/Kennedy Expressway Bridge Rehabilitation Began March 20th

The Illinois Department of Transportation will be rehabilitating the Kennedy Expressway (Interstate 90/94), from the Edens Expressway (Interstate 94) junction to Ohio Street. The estimated $150 million project consists of rehabilitating 36 bridge structures and the Reversible Lane Access Control (REVLAC) system, replacing overhead sign-structures, installing new signage and modernized LED lights, pavement patching and structural painting. Additionally, Hubbard’s Cave, from Grand Avenue to Wayman Street, will be painted and new LED lighting installed.

An FAQ about the project can be found by clicking here.

The work will take place over three consecutive construction seasons, broken down into the following stages:

  • Stage 1 – Inbound Kennedy: Click here for stage 1 fact sheet.
  • Stage 2 – Reversible Express Lanes: Click here for stage 2 fact sheet.
  • Stage 3 – Outbound Kennedy: Click here for stage 3 fact sheet.


IDOT Construction Projects

For a list of the construction projects around Illinois by district, click here

Did You Miss Breakfast With The ILLBA ?

(We missed YOU!)

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our first in person meeting of 2022. Great breakfast and and a lively discussion with networking tips and insights led by Iliyana Zecheva of Production Transport.

Our next breakfast meeting is Tuesday June 13th - mark your calendars and we hope to see you there!

News You Can Use

Lawmakers Eye Tougher Safety Standards For Uber, Lyft

Illinois lawmakers are considering a bill that would hold rideshare companies to a stricter standard of care for their passengers. Rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft are currently exempt from the so-called “common carrier” standard that applies to other forms of transportation like taxis, railroads and airlines. It means that entities moving travelers from point A to point B are held to a high standard of keeping those passengers safe from harm.

Click here for news clip from WTTW

US Must Boost Air Traffic Control Staff As Travel

Demand Rises

The United States government said the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) needs more air traffic controllers as more and more Americans take to the skies.

Read more

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”

—John Quincy Adams, sixth president of the United States