Quality Corner

One aspect of a quality child care program is meaningful interactions between the provider and the children. 

In traditional child care programs, the duties and responsibilities are spread across several people. In family child care, however, the provider often has to shoulder them all alone. It can be challenging to find time for meaningful interactions. So what makes interactions meaningful? First of all, a strong foundation is built with positive relationships between the provider and the children. This takes time and intention. 

Consistency, attention, and respect are also all important aspects of a solid relationship. Once that relationship is established, being warm and responsive allows providers to get to know the children and follow their lead. 

Taking a moment each day to think about how your communication and behavior affect the children you interact with is an effective way to develop your awareness and responsiveness. Think about how your interactions might affect your relationships. For example, what messages do your tone of voice, facial expressions, and posture communicate? Being more aware and purposeful in your actions and demeanor goes a long way toward having meaningful interactions.

Here are some suggestions to make those interactions more meaningful:

Slow down. Life is busy. Instead of constantly thinking about what comes next, take a deep breath to help yourself consciously slow down and fully experience what is happening in the moment.

Be present. Being present means taking a moment to clear your mind of all distractions so that your focus is only on connecting with the children. With this focus, you can better respond to individual cues and needs.

Remember that being with children is your priority. Helping to support the growth and development of the children in your care is your greatest and most important role. When you are faced with many tasks throughout the day, it might be easy to get distracted by all the things that need to be done. It is not always easy to be present. Being mindful to include children in your tasks allows you to continue those conversations and interactions even during those busiest times.

Take time to understand children’s individual needs. It is important to get to know children as individuals with unique interests, needs, cultures, and preferences. Working to understand each child builds a foundation for connecting with them in meaningful ways.

Support children’s learning. When you are in tune with children’s individual needs, you can make responsive and sensitive decisions about the next step in each child’s learning.

Social Emotional Activity Center

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  While the holidays are supposed to be a joyous time with family and friends many are left feeling overwhelmed and anxious.  A poll conducted by the American Psychological Association (APA) concluded that 8 out of 10 Americans anticipate stress and anxiousness during the holiday season.  We tend to believe that the holidays are a magical time for children and that the stress of it all is only felt by the adults.  However, holiday stress affects children at the same rate as adults. 

Many factors contribute to increased feelings of stress for children during the holiday season.  Expectations are high for both children and parents.  There are pressures to capture the perfect family photos, wear the most beautiful outfits, attend every event, and do it all with excitement and a smile! Children are expected to be on their best behavior despite all the changes to their routine.  For children already experiencing mental health symptoms, the disruption to their diet and routine can be particularly challenging. 

It is important to be mindful of your child’s behavior and keep track of any behaviors that are out of the ordinary for them.  Signs that your child is experiencing stress include:  becoming teary for minor reasons or no reason at all, biting nails, physical complaints of headache or stomach ache, regression to younger behaviors (bedwetting, temper tantrums) or withdrawing from their peers and family.  The good news is that there are ways to alleviate the feelings of stress that your child may be experiencing!

There are many steps caregivers can take to minimize holiday stress and increase holiday fun!  Prepare children for changes in their routine by discussing with them what they can expect from each event.  Try to minimize changes to routine by scheduling events around their typical sleep schedules.  Make sure to bring familiar toys or sleep aids to help them feel more comfortable.  Most importantly be realistic with your holiday expectations and fully consider your child’s needs. The link below shares even more tips for minimizing holiday stress. Take a deep breath and enjoy the season!

Tips for Reducing Holiday Anxiety in Kids

The Local Hotspot

Lisa Lee, owner, director, and teacher of Lee’s Family Daycare, in Morgantown, KY has continued to maintain a high-quality early childhood setting in Butler County! Lisa Lee received notice November 30, 2023, that she has once again met and exceeded the state’s criteria necessary to be rated as a 5-STAR early childhood setting! 


Lisa is the wife of Jeff Lee, mother of Katie Lee Wilson (Jordan) and Ernest Lee, and the proud grandmother of Ava and Owen Wilson. Lisa began her journey as a family child care provider after her job with Sumitomo ended and she wanted a new career that involved educating young children. In 2004, Lisa opened her doors as Lee’s Family Child Care Home caring for a maximum of six (unrelated) children in her home and she has continued to serve many children and families since that time! 

In 2005 she earned a Kentucky Director’s Credential, a state certificate that is earned though college coursework that shows individuals have business management and educational knowledge. In 2009 she was awarded her Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education. 

Over the years, Lisa continued to set goals for high quality care and education she offers the children in her care. She has been actively involved in the KY ALL STARS Quality Rating System since 2005. KY All STARS is a voluntary system that is designed to show that the early childhood settings (child care, Head Start and public Preschool programs) are seeking higher standards of quality than the minimum requirements for licensing or certification. The STARS program offers one through five-star ratings, with 5-STAR indicating the highest quality). Some of the criteria are focused on the training and education of the provider, the quality of the interactions between children and adults, the involvement of families within the program, and of course, the quality of the learning activities and materials available for the children as they prepare to go to school. 

Lisa has actively continued her education, maintained certified regulatory requirements, as well as maintained the ALL-STAR standards, while providing care to children 5 days a week and being at school events for her own grandchildren! In March 2023, Lisa Lee was acknowledged for her work as an outstanding provider in the Two Rivers Region at the statewide Family Child Care Conference.

We're thrilled to share some wonderful news that is sure to bring a smile to the faces of parents and little ones alike: Mrs. Gabby's Daycare is now open!

Gabriella Mesker is the owner of this newly certified home located in Barren County. Starting a Family Child Care Home is a significant endeavor, and her commitment to creating a safe and loving space for children is inspiring. Her passion for early childhood development will undoubtedly make a positive impact on the lives of the families she serves. We wish you a journey filled with laughter, learning, and countless precious moments as you embark on this exciting adventure.

Regulation Reminder

The day-to-day side of child care frequently gets lost in the mix as we create routines and patterns, but more often than not the day-to-day tasks are the most important.

When creating your menu, you can choose to have a weekly or monthly menu. You can even choose to have a set of menus that you routinely switch out, so you don’t have to recreate the wheel. But it is very important to remember to include all required meal components for each meal. Having full nutritious meals helps children have the energy and brain power needed in order to learn, develop, and refine their skills. Meal times are also a great time to talk about these meal components and how they can help children learn and grow!

Professional Development Training

View the WKU FCCN Training Calendar for more information and to register. 

The WKU FCCN delivers comprehensive, high-quality, and cost-effective face-to-face professional development opportunities. Our training focuses on topics of ongoing interest, recent innovations and initiatives, and current best practices in all content areas.

Join us for live training from the comfort of your home!

We strive to provide personal, live sessions that are welcoming to all that allow for networking no matter where in Kentucky you live.

You do not need any special skills to attend, however you do need access to the internet and a free Zoom account.


The Family Child Care Network will be offering a 4-part training series focusing on strengthening business practices. The purpose of this training is to strengthen childcare providers’ foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts, and practices. It encourages providers to realize the importance of financial planning to the sustainability of their business. It provides tips and best practices to help break down fiscal processes into manageable steps.

This training is intended to be one part of the learning process to build providers’ understanding of good business practices.  

Whenever possible, it is recommended that this training be supplemented with technical assistance and ongoing peer-to-peer sharing opportunities such as communities of practice. During this training, you will be introduced to financial reports that can help you better manage your center’s finances. We will also be helping you understand the concept of internal controls and how they can strengthen your program's fiscal health.

The next series will be in February and March 2024.

Registration will be available soon!

Each month the WKU FCCN provides independent studies. Independent studies are online and work at your own pace. They are available for registration until the 15th of each month. Independent studies must be completed within two weeks. 

Topics include:

  • Being Prepared for Emergencies
  • Caring For Infants In a Mixed-age Setting
  • Curriculum-based Assessment
  • Developmental Screening
  • Evaluating Your Services
  • Family Engagement
  • Family Engagement: Literacy Bags
  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition
  • Infant and Toddler Development
  • Early Childhood Environments: Learning through Routines and Rituals
  • Language and Communication for Infant and Toddlers
  • Let’s Get Appy
  • Parent Handbooks
  • Preventing Burnout
  • Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse Neglect and Safe Sleep
  • Science in an Early Learning Classroom
  • Social Studies in an Early Learning Classroom
  • The Stressed Child
  • The Value of Play
Training Calendar

Funded through Family Childcare Support Award SC 7362100001482


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