Words from GDABVI Board Chairperson
Dear Friends,
I want to take a moment of your time to introduce myself. My name is Cathy McAdam, current Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the Greater Detroit Agency for the Blind and Visually Impaired (GDABVI).
I am known to many of you in the blind and low vision community. I spent my social work career working across all disabilities. My volunteer days were spent with my colleagues and friends in the blind community as a long-time Assistive Technology Advocate and Disability Advocate for employment and career opportunity.
In the early 2000's I led a tutor-training project, and I am proud to see the results today. All those who participated in the GDABVI project are successful computer-user trainers and advocates!
I have strong, emotional ties, and reality-based reasons to want to see this agency rebound and thrive. As I believe in networking, I appreciate other programs the blind and low vision consumers have access to in the counties we serve. I respectfully suggest that we can always use more good programming and services for those who are newly impacted by low-vision or blindness and to expand availability to satisfy the needs of us, Oldtimers, is "great". GDABVI offers a support group; orientation and mobility training; home visitation; Braille instruction; computer training; and more!
We are indeed struggling to rebuild! We know the rumors in the community, and we are ready to step up and move forward beyond the “chaos”. We ask for your support, financially, through your networks, and throughout the larger disability community, as we move forward!
Let us work together to make GDABVI one of the best resources for our blind and low vision community!
For more information or questions on how you may help, please contact Jim Smock, Executive Director, at 313-591-3794 or by email: jsmock@gdabvi.org.
Cathy McAdam
Board Chairperson