Your feedback needed on project goals
Thank you for your interest in this project!

Clackamas County and our partners, Happy Valley and the Oregon Department of Transportation, Metro and TriMet, will be working with our community to create a vision for a healthier, more livable community. This means safe, accessible travel options for everyone to access recreation and parks, jobs and schools.

In this newsletter, we will share project updates and offer opportunities to provide feedback. Please share this resource with your neighbors and friends.
Open House: Goal Development
Sunrise Corridor Community,

Join us April 10 at the first open house of the Sunrise Corridor Community Visioning effort, now underway! We’ve been learning from community members, our Steering Committee, businesses, and agencies in the areas about the area. We want to hear from you!

Open House
Wednesday, April 10, 2024
Drop by between 5:30: and 7:30 p.m.
Adrienne C. Nelson High School Commons

Come learn more about the visioning effort and weigh in on the proposed goals that will guide us toward the future. Goals include health and well-being, local identity, transportation, economic development, and more.

If you are unable to attend in person, you will have the chance to learn more and share your thoughts online from April 10-24. We’ll send you a note once it’s available.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Clackamas County