
It is the image that says Easter and Resurrection to me more than any other--Gutzon Borglum's "Rabboni" (this image, taken by Sarah Stierch at Washington, D.C.'s Rock Creek Cemetery, is used under the Creative Commons 2.0 Generic license).

Mary Magdalene thought he was the gardener... until the risen Lord said to her, "Mary."

How often is the Lord in front of us, at our side, holding us up, and we fail to recognize Him? We credit our own efforts, or the help of others. This Easter season, let's all resolve to look more closely for Him, and to listen when he calls our name.

On the Nightstand: Angels and Relics

Call me suggestible if you like. I've been called worse.

I fully intended to spend April reading a different book. But this afternoon I went for my weekly prayer and reflection hour at a neighborhood parish, and this book was sitting out. I had a few minutes, so I picked it up. I've read some of the author's other work, and it was always impeccably researched. I opened the section about devils and demons, and was struck by the scriptural references and saints' experiences with the evil one and his minions. Sometimes, they use attractiveness; other times, fear and physical harm. I resolved anew to face some temptations, and left the chapel. But when I stopped to use the restroom, I was blocked by a woman all in black who was strewing wet, shredded paper towels. She stared at me, then walked away. I followed her outside to see if she needed help, but she disappeared after turning into the parking lot.

So. This i what I'll be reading this month.

What's on your nightstand?

Hello Harrisburg... and Shaking the Family Tree

This Saturday I'll be exhibiting and selling books and meeting new friends at the Harrisburg, Pa., Diocesan Council of Catholic Women convention. If you're there, please stop by and say hi! And, if I get out of Arlington early enough (hope, hope), I'm going to stop in Emmitsburg, Md., at the National Shrine of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, which has undergone a renovation since last time I visited.

Next week, I'll be with my sister and a friend on Long Island's North Fork (Cutchogue, Southold, Greenport, and Orient, if you know the area) researching my maternal grandfather's ancestry. (That's Tell George and Mary Smith in their wedding day photo.) As so often happens with my ancestors, one of Tell's many-great-grand families was the Vails, who have a checkered history. The Vails were among the founding families of what is now Suffolk County. They also owned the tavern where Benedict Arnold had his headquarters after going over to the British side.

And I'm excited to share that in late July, I'll be going to Poland with some family and will spend time visiting the towns where Mary's parents lived before emigrating, mainly small communities northeast of Warsaw near the border with Belarus.

Happy Easter! And whether you're shaking your family tree or examining your soul, may you recognize the Lord's presence in all the good you do. Peace, Mel

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