November 2022

On the Road

SCHMETZ Kits for Rhonda’s Sold Out International Quilt Festival Class:

#160 What Needle Do I Use? A Hands-On Exploratory Class.

This week, I’m flying to Houston TX for International Quilt Market & Festival. It’s been three years since I have seen many industry and personal friends beyond Zoom screens. I haven’t flown or eaten in restaurants much either. In a way, I almost feel like I’m stepping out of a hole or darkness into a new reality. How have people and “things” and opportunities changed? How have I changed? Don’t worry, I haven’t been living under a rock, but I truly look forward to seeing my sewing and quilting buddies in person. The hugs, stories, and joy will be treasured. 

Sew SCHMETZ & Grabbit® Too!

SCHMETZ Holiday Gift Tin Coming Soon

Congratulations Anita!

October 2022 Shout-Out Winner!

Anita Jackson

The Sulky Candy Corn  

Embroidery 75/11

This project was so much fun, I made several stuffies for my grandchildren!


Seeing your finished projects is fun and inspirational. Thanks for participating! This month’s random giveaway winner is Anita Jackson.

See your project and projects of sewing buddies posted on Wednesdays on Facebook and Instagram SCHMETZneedles. Keep sharing your projects. Another random winner will be announced next month. Sew SCHMETZ!

Send your entries here:

Rhonda Will be Broadcasting from

International Quilt Festival in Houston, TX

on Wednesday, November 2.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Noon CST


Who Will Be the Lucky Winner?

What are you doing Wednesdays at 2 PM EDT? Listen to Textile Talks. It's free but you need to register.

Wednesday, November 2, 2 PM EDT (Register now)

Crafting the Vote

Presented by: Surface Design Association

Wednesday, November 9, 2 PM EST (Register now)

Conversations with the Artists: sustainABILITY

Presented by: SAQA


Wednesday, November 16, 2 PM EST

Topic TBA

Presented by: International Quilt Museum

Wednesday, November 23, 2 PM EST

Topic TBA

Presented by: Quilt Alliance

Wednesday, November 30, 2pm EST (Register now)

Sacred Threads, Expressing Life's Journeys

Presented by: SAQA

Click HERE for more information.


We have a NEW Web App. As the name implies, this is a web-based app. No matter if you use an Apple device or an Android device, the web app has you covered. It's easy to add a link to your home screen to get to the new resource center on our website. Instructions can be found at SCHMETZ Sewing Resources - SCHMETZneedles. Our existing Apple and Android apps are still available but are being sunsetted and no longer supported. 

Click HERE for instructions.

SCHMETZ Bulk Needles

Grabbit® myPad™ Needle Organizer

Grabbit® Magnetic Pin Cushions

Grabbit® BobbinSavers®

SCHMETZ Needles Combo Packs

Mini Grabbits®

Where's Rhonda?

2022 Virtual Events & Shows


November: 1-5 Houston Quilt Festival; 2 SCHMETZneedles FBLive;

8 Four County Quilt Guild; 9 Sheboygan Quilt Guild;

16 Common Threads Quilt Guild; 28 Halton Hills Quilt Guild 

December: 1-3 Stitchin Heaven; 7 SCHMETZneedles FBLive;


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