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M. Colleen Klimczak, CPO

Certified Professional Organizer

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PACT: A Different Way to Set Goals

Hello everyone:

I am writing this on Sunday afternoon while listening to a band called House of Hamill on YouTube. We saw them live just last night at a gig in Lombard. They are amazing, check them out!

Something that is important to us is to support independent musical artists. I attribute this to my love of music, and to friends who had bands in college and recognizing that A - that is so cool! and B - that a band doesn't survive without support and fans. We follow bands and ensembles you have likely not heard of but who are AMAZING! (I will try to share more, too!) In addition to the House of Hamill show yesterday, we also drove to Kalamazoo (my hometown) this past week to hang out with family and see a different band, Carbon Leaf (also amazing).

"Support Independent Musical Artists" is an example of a goal. And it is also difficult to be more specific or time sensitive with this goal, since it is really a life-long goal. It's more of a process goal than a single deadline type of goal.

Enter - PACT Goals. "PACT" stands for Purpose - Action - Continuous - Trackable, and it is a goal setting tool that helps us with process goals versus the single-event-type SMART goals. I'm excited to share this idea with you, read this week's new article to learn more, PACT: A Different Way to Set Goals

Do you listen to my podcast episodes every week? If you like to read the newsletter, you may also like to listen to the podcast! You can listen on all the podcast apps, of course. The 4 most popular platforms for my listeners seem to be Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Google Chrome and Spotify, at least this week. AND, if you don't typically listen to podcasts, you can listen on my website, or on my YouTube Channel. Check it out!

QUICK LINKS: More in 2024! Let's Do This!

Talk to you next week!


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