Check out this letter, developed with NAMA and company, that we are planning to send to Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo. This letter urges Secretary Raimondo to dedicate a significant portion of the $2.6 billion that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) received in the Inflation Reduction Act to support community-based fisheries, small-scale seafood systems, beginning and young fishermen, and fishing communities recovering from extreme weather or the impacts of climate change. You can read more about the $2.6 billion funding pot here.

Our aim is for this letter to be a broadly-supported message, similar to a 2020 letter that many LCN members signed during the first months of the COVID pandemic. We want to send a message with as many signers as possible that NOAA should be using IRA funds to support sustainable and community-based fisheries, small businesses, and fishery-dependent communities as they face challenges like climate change, consolidation, and the graying of the fleet.