Volume 5, Issue 3 | March 31, 2023
Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Happy spring! This newsletter includes announcements about a recently-passed supplemental budget, highlights from a selection of recent events relevant to the district, and a brief section with public health and assistance resources. Please continue to be on the lookout for our press releases to stay up-to-date.

As always, serving our constituents is our top priority. In April, I will host two in-person office hours. Please note cancellations due to state holidays. If you cannot attend scheduled office hours, you are welcome to contact my staff to schedule a meeting.

Very truly yours, Joan
State Legislature Passes FY23 Supplemental Budget
This month, I joined my colleagues in the State Legislature in a vote to pass an amended $1.1 billion spending bill (H.58) that focuses primarily on supportive housing initiatives. The bill, now enacted, will bolster our assistance programs, provide resources for MassWorks infrastructure projects, build out our state's Clean Water Trust Fund, and more.

If you would like to track specific bills and their progress through the Legislature, please visit and make an account at the top right corner of the webpage. My staff is able to help track bills as well; feel free to contact our office with any questions.
Representative Meschino's Campaign Finance for Childcare Bill Re-selected as Women's Caucus Legislative Priority
The Massachusetts Caucus of Women Legislators held a briefing on caucus priorities for legislators and staff on March 28.

The Caucus strategic priorities for this session include:
⁃ Elevating women’s economic opportunity and eliminating barriers;
⁃ Addressing racial and gender disparities in health care; and
⁃ Empowering women in government.

My bill with Rep. Mike Connolly and Senator Pat Jehlen, An Act supporting parents running for public office (H.669/S.422), was selected as one of five legislative priorities for the Women’s Caucus to further advance women’s empowerment in government. I look forward to working with the Caucus and my colleagues to pass this legislation, which will allow state and local candidates to use their campaign funds to pay for childcare-related expenses.
Above: Representative Meschino speaks about her bill at the legislative priority briefing to fellow legislators and staff.
Committee Hearings Begin in 193rd Legislative Session
The 193rd Legislative Session is well under way, and I attended my first hearing of the session with the members of the Joint Committee on Advanced IT, the Internet and Cybersecurity (AITIC) on Tuesday, March 28. I am looking forward to better understanding our technology future in Massachusetts and working under the leadership of Chairs Tricia Farley-Bouvier and Mike Moore this session.

As a member of a Committee, I will hear testimony on bills and weigh in on legislation relating to each of these subject areas. Listed below are the names of my assigned committees for this session:

Joint Committees
  • Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy (TUE)
  • Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure (CPPL)
  • Advanced Information Technology, Internet and Cybersecurity (AITIC)
House Committees
  • Intergovernmental Affairs (new appointment)
Above: Representative Meschino (left) sits on the AITIC hearing panel with the Committee Chairs and staff.
Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces 17th Annual Park Serve Day
On March 23, the Healey-Driscoll Administration announced that registration is now open for the 17th annual Park Serve Day, which will take place on Earth Day, Saturday, April 22, 2023. The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) holds Park Serve Day annually, in conjunction with Earth Week, to provide volunteer opportunities throughout the Massachusetts State Park system. Volunteers will help clean coastlines, clear trails, pick up litter, plant flowers, and paint at state parks across the Commonwealth, among other important tasks.

Our district's Wompatuck State Park will be hosting a featured event beginning at 9 am that day. To register, please follow the directions at this link.

DCR advises volunteers to wear sturdy shoes and work clothes and bring water and snacks. It is also recommended that volunteers bring sunscreen and insect repellent. Weather can be unpredictable, so please dress accordingly. All parking fees will be waived for volunteers at locations where Park Serve Day events are taking place. DCR asks visitors to park in designated areas only.

You can learn more about DCR Park Serve Day here.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Now Hiring Lifeguards
The Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation is hiring lifeguards! DCR lifeguards and water safety staff get to spend their summer outdoors as a member of a dynamic team that is trained to prevent injuries and respond in the event of an emergency. They work together to help ensure the safety of visitors to agency-managed pools and waterfronts throughout the Commonwealth.

DCR is offering up to $1,250 in bonuses and an hourly salary of $22-$27/hour, depending on the position and related credentials. To be considered for a DCR lifeguard position, applicants must be at least 16 years of age by the date of hire, must complete lifeguard training, and must be certified in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The agency offers free training classes and certification to lifeguards who commit to DCR summer employment prior to the opening of designated swimming areas. For more information or to apply, please visit the agency’s website at
Division 4 Girls' Soccer Champions from Cohasset HS Make Official Visit to State House
On March 2, the 2022 Division 4 Girls' Soccer Champions, the Cohasset Skippers, visited the State House for a congratulatory trip. Congratulations to the students, coaches, and athletic department on such a fantastic achievement!
Left: Cohasset soccer players, staff, and parents enter Memorial Hall during their tour.

Right: The Cohasset Girls' Soccer Champions pose for a photo with Senator O'Connor.
Rep. Meschino Visits With Trustees of World's End in Hingham
On March 10, my legislative staff and I visited the Damde Meadows in World’s End in Hingham to learn more about their ecological preservation work and how to best support marsh conservation efforts. Thank you to The Trustees for hosting us on such a beautiful day!
Left: Representative Meschino (right) poses with Trustees liaisons and her chief of staff.

Right: View of the Damde Meadows marshland in World's End.
Rep. Meschino Leads Legislation Discussions with Climate XChange and Massachusetts
On March 15, I spoke alongside my colleagues Rep. Dan Cahill, Senator Jamie Eldridge, and Senator Becca Rausch at the MassRivers Legislative Day. I specifically discussed the need to protect our rivers and other water sources through regulations during drought periods in the Commonwealth, needs that are addressed in our drought management bill, H.861.

I also spoke on March 21 to a collective of state legislators working toward climate solutions, and I discussed our progress with the 2050 Climate Roadmap here in Massachusetts. Thank you to Massachusetts Rivers Alliance and to Climate XChange for hosting two enlightening events!
Left: Representative Meschino gives remarks about her drought bill with Senator Jamie Eldridge at the MassRivers Virtual Legislative Day.

Right: Representative Meschino (top left) gives remarks to state leaders across the country at the Climate XChange forum.
Cohasset and Hingham METCO Programs Visit State House
On March 21, students from the METCO programs at Hingham and Cohasset High Schools came to the State House to speak with me. It was great to see students, parents, and administrators from the Third Plymouth District discussing the importance of our district's school programs.
Above: Rep. Meschino (right) greets Hingham METCO students and educators.
Fifth Graders from Plymouth River School Visit State House for MA Civic Learning Week
On March 30, the fifth-grade classes from Plymouth River Elementary came to take a historical tour of the State House in honor of Massachusetts Civic Learning Week. I was happy to invite them onto the House floor to talk about our roles as leaders in our government and in our world. Thank you to the teachers and staff who made this great day possible!
Left: Students from Plymouth River pose with Rep. Meschino (right) and Senator O'Connor (left).

Right: Rep. Meschino speaks with students and answers questions on the House floor.
Announcing Office Hours for April

Constituent services are our top priority. We continue to work remotely on Mondays and Fridays. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, a staff member will be present in the State House. On Mondays, I host in-person office hours in the district.

If you would like to reserve a time slot for virtual office hours or outside of the times listed, please call the office at 617-722-2320 or email my Legislative Aide.

  • Monday, April 3, 10:00 am - 11:00 am, Linden Ponds, for Linden Ponds residents
  • Monday, April 10, 9:00 am - 11:00 am, Willcutt Commons, 91 Sohier Street, Cohasset

To learn more about our constituent services, please visit our website.
Basic Needs
General Resources

COVID-19 Vaccines
  • Schedule a COVID-19 Vaccination appointment using the Vaccine Finder
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Resource Line (Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM-6:00 PM; Saturday-Sunday, 9 AM-2 PM) is available by calling 2-1-1 and following the prompts for assistance / translation services.
  • Homebound Vaccination Program information
  • COVID-19 Vaccine Dashboard
  • MyVaxRecords.Mass.Gov allows residents to access their COVID-19 digital vaccine card and vaccination history

COVID-19 Tests, Cases & Treatment
Constituent Questions | 617-722-2320 | Office Contact Information
Contact my Campaign Team | Volunteer! | Donate

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