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Feedback from the listening sessions on our youth program

The Staff Parish Relations Committee appreciates the time you took to provide feedback on our children and youth programming. Click here for a summary of your comments on the strengths of our youth program, as well as its opportunities for growth. (The summary for the children's program will be shared in the coming weeks.) Any questions about this information should be addressed to a member of the SPRC. Thank you for committing to the next generation of disciples!

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Register by TONIGHT for Wednesday's dinner

Join us for dinner this Wednesday, April 17, where we'll enjoy a Taco Bar--chicken, beef, or veggie tacos with all the toppings (lettuce, cheese, pico, sour cream, jalapeños), rice, beans, and chips. Choice of soft flour tortillas or corn tortillas--the corn tortillas are gluten-free. Cost is $10 for adults, $6 for kids. Deadline to RSVP is today! Click here to register, and check out the series of talks we'll host after each dinner this month:

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Changes to worship schedule for two special Sundays

On Sunday, April 28, we will be gathering in Flowers Field at Dorothea Dix Park for our annual Worship in the Park! As such, we'll hold on-campus worship only once that day, the 8:30 traditional service in the sanctuary. To livestream that service, go to We will not be hosting a LightHouse service at 9, Sunday School at 10, nor worship in the sanctuary at 11. Instead we invite everyone to join us in the great outdoors--see you at 11 on April 28 for Worship in the Park!

Sunday, May 5 is Youth Sunday. On this special day, we will not hold worship at 8:30, only at 9:00 (contemporary service in Casper Holroyd Hall) and 11:00 (traditional service in the sanctuary).

We hope to see you at both of these celebration Sundays.

We believe God is present in the prayers we lift up for one another. To add a name to the prayer concerns bookmark, published each week in the bulletin, please email If your prayer concern is confidential, and you want only to share with the pastors, please indicate so in your email. We will keep names on the prayer bookmark for one month, unless otherwise requested. Please hold these places and people in your hearts this week:


Katherine Parker Lowe, sister of Wilbur Parker

David Leach, husband of Darlene


Zack Anstett

Hayns Barringer

Doug Gill

Gilbert Hay

Phil Templeton 

Tom Lindley 

Gladys Rose 

Nancy Stamey 

Dick & Theresa Stevens 

Pat Wiles


Our Government Leaders 

Those Affected by Natural Disasters 

Our In-Crowd Members 

Peace in Palestine, Israel, and Ukraine


Pastors David, Molly, Laura, and Sarah

District Superintendent Brady

Bishop Shelton

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How do we integrate deep losses into our bigger story? into God’s bigger story? Grief and loss are the “stuff of life,” especially in these post-pandemic and chaotic days. In this workshop, Khris Ford, Co-Director of the NC Institute for Spiritual Direction, will present a framework for understanding the process of grief, as well as the basics of trauma. We will talk about how to integrate spirituality and faith in a grief- and trauma-sensitive way. Email Khris to sign up.

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