Dear United Way of Story County Community,

With a new month upon us, I am reminded of the invaluable contributions made by our dedicated volunteers. April serves as National Volunteer Month, a time for us to celebrate the incredible impact hundreds of teens, adults, and “Sixty Forward” individuals make on United Way of Story County and our broader community each year.

For me personally, the significance of National Volunteer Month runs deep. My passion for community service and ultimately my career in nonprofit organizations were born out of volunteer opportunities as a high school and college student. It was during those experiences in supporting programs addressing food insecurity and access to health care in my local community that I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of service and the remarkable difference it makes in the lives of others.

Research shows us the profound positive impact volunteering has on health and wellness across all ages. A recent study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that teens who participated in community service were more likely to experience better overall health and wellness. Compared to their peers who didn't volunteer, they were significantly more likely to be in excellent or very good health and less likely to experience anxiety.

Similarly, Deloitte’s Global 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey found that younger generations are increasingly drawn to build a career with businesses that support their desire to contribute to the community. This drive for creating lasting positive change not only benefits the entire community but also leads to increased employee commitment and satisfaction. A Journal of Happiness study found that volunteering positively impacts both physical and mental health, reducing stress and increasing life satisfaction. Older adults who volunteer also experience significant health benefits, including reduced risk of mortality and physical limitations, increased physical activity, and improved psychosocial outcomes.

At United Way of Story County, our volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, lived experiences, and interests that all play vital roles in advancing our mission. From the dedicated volunteers of Women United who provide mentorship and childcare support for our financial education programs, to the individuals and businesses who volunteer for our annual LIVE UNITED Food Drive, ensuring no neighbor goes hungry, each volunteer contributes to the health of our community. Additionally, we are proud to partner with Iowa State University student-athletes who lead important initiatives like the CyCans food drive, and the Ivy College of Business volunteers that help hundreds of our neighbors through our free Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. We are also deeply grateful for the expertise, leadership, and passion for service provided by our UWSC board and committee members.

As we celebrate our volunteers, I invite you to join me in expressing our deepest appreciation to each and every volunteer who gives back to our community through the gift of service. Your generosity knows no bounds, and your impact resonates far beyond measure. Together, we are not only building a better community, but we are forging a path towards a brighter future that will inspire generations to come.
709 individuals were provided crisis intervention and supportive services.*

6,986 underserved learners were reached with programming from our partner agencies.*
Financial Stability
255 families were able to access child care with the use of sliding fee scales funded by UWSC.*
All Aboard For Kids
For youth on the autism spectrum, summers can be incredibly difficult. Missing the structure and routine provided during the school year, summer has the potential to be detrimental to youth who thrive on a schedule. All Aboard for Kids seeks to fill that gap, providing a place for youth to connect with their peers and have authentic experiences outside of the school setting.

Many of our participants made strides during our program, but Blake stood out in his progress. We saw tremendous growth from Blake throughout the summer. As each day passed, we saw him open up to staff and his peers more and more as they became familiar with each other. In both our S.T.E.A.M Academy and Future Focus programs, Blake made quality connections with several of his peers. In the afternoons, Blake was a leader and a support to his fellow participants when we went out into the community to engage in service learning projects and visit businesses. During one visit to the Salvation Army food pantry, Blake eagerly jumped in to help prepare boxes of food for families in need, interacting with the food pantry staff and his peers to make sure he was getting the job done right.

During one of the final weeks of camp, the lead teacher in Blake’s room described a heartwarming story: Blake, along with two friends, had gotten up in front of the rest of the group to sing a song. Blake had written the song himself and recruited his two friends to sing alongside him. All three boys received hearty applause from the other participants and staff once they were done singing. One of our staff described the moment as “a beautiful example of how comfortable the students felt at camp and with one another to put themselves ‘out there’ in front of peers and teachers.”

At All Aboard for Kids, there are opportunities for social connection embedded in everything we do, and seeing Blake's growth and leadership shine through in so many areas is both encouraging and rewarding. Blake has been such an important part of the All Aboard for Kids story for the last two summers, and we hope he will continue to be a part of it moving forward!
Why It Matters

The mission of All Aboard For Kids is to promote growth in all areas of development for autistic youth through dynamic and engaging learning experiences. United Way of Story County funds both the STEAM Academy and Future Focus, including providing scholarships to make these programs accessible to all.

It's Food Drive Time!
April brings our annual opportunity to come together as a community and stock up our local pantries! The LIVE UNITED Food Drive will be happening all throughout Story County beginning April 22 and running through May 2. Look for our Food Drive flyers around town or find a drop off location below. We know hunger continues to rise in our community. Help out our neighbors in need by making sure the pantries are stocked for the busy summer months! Can't make it to a drop off site? You can donate dollars for pantries to purchase goods at our website below (select Food Drive) or make a donation via venmo (@unitedwaystoryco)!
Thank You, Volunteers!
Give. Advocate. VOLUNTEER. It's part of the heart and soul of United Way of Story County. Without volunteers, our campaign wouldn't run the same, our Women United program couldn't help to reduce the barriers of participants attending, the mail wouldn't get opened as often, 1,000+ hours of Day of Caring work would go uncompleted... the list goes on. We owe it to our volunteers to celebrate and recognize them all month long. Stay tuned on our socials for some special shout-outs to individuals that make United Way of Story County what we are. Speaking of volunteers, we're looking for a few more LIVE UNITED Food Drive volunteers. Email Anneke at if you're interested in picking up donations (coffee and snacks included)!
Tax Deadline Is Here
We have only a handful of slots left for free VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) appointments! We're grateful to the many volunteers that have helped us make an incredible impact this tax season, providing hundreds of individuals with free tax assistance. If your household income is less than $64,000, or you know of someone who would qualify, and could benefit from free simple tax filing, please visit our website at The last few appointments will go quick! We'll be anxious to report back the actual impact this program has had on our community in the coming months. Be on the lookout for that soon!
April 10 - YLS Painting at Mainstream Living RSVP HERE

April 10 - Resume and Job Application "Drop-In" Session for youth 14-24, Ames Public Library, 4-7pm

April 13 - #GETAJOB Fair, youth 14-24, North Grand Mall, 11am-2pm

April 22 - May 2 - LIVE UNITED Food Drive

April 24 - YLS Youth Mental Health Spotlight RSVP HERE

May 10 - UWSC Partner Agency Meeting