A community of learners over 50
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February, 2024 | Vol 4, No.4 | |
So Many Reasons To Smile!
As February approaches, we embrace the spirit of growth and discovery that defines our community of lifelong learners. With each passing month, we deepen our understanding, broaden our horizons, and embrace the joy of continual discovery.
We were so honored and delighted to welcome USF President Rhea Law and Rocky The Bull (pictured with me) to the wonderful Winter-Spring Open House. Your presence brought a smile to my face.
In this season of love and learning, we extend a heartfelt welcome to all
our members, both longstanding and new. Your curiosity and dedication continue to inspire us as we embark on another exciting journey together.
February is also the month we celebrate Black History Month, and we join our nation in saluting the magnificent achievements and impact that African Americans have had in weaving the beautiful fabric that is our culture and society.
Our desire to share the wonders of lifelong learning drives us to expand our visibility, to connect with more individuals who share our passion, and to create an even more vibrant and inclusive learning environment.
Happy February, and may this month be filled with endless opportunities for exploration and enlightenment!
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Are You A Numbers Person?
You Can Make a Difference On The Finance Committee
OLLI-USF's Finance Committee is looking for an OLLI volunteer to lead the committee. As Finance Committee chair, you will help shape OLLI-USF’s financial strategy by working closely with the OLLI-USF director, the USF Foundation, and the OLLI Board of Advisors.
Skills needed for that position include being a leader with a strategic perspective, an understanding of spreadsheets, and general knowledge of budgets.
Let your leadership abilities shine! Contact Bruce Gobioff today for more information.
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Feb. 23 - Volunteer Information Session
Mar. 8 - Volunteer Awards Nominations Deadline
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Another Bull Run
Food, Glorious Food! SIG members collected numerous donations for the Feed-a-Bull USF Food Pantry at their recent tour and program at Meals on Wheels Tampa. Pictured are the pantry's student volunteers unloading the donations.
Food, Glorious Food! and other OLLI SIGs began supporting the food pantry several months ago by collecting food donations at their in-person meetings and programs.
Additionally, OLLI members were generous with food, cash, and gift cards for the pantry, when they attended the Holiday Party in December.
The donations help alleviate food hardship and hunger and provide supplemental food assistance to USF students experiencing food insecurity.
Click here for more information on the Feed-a-Bull Pantry.
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Lunch Bunch Launches New Year At The Lakeside
Twelve members of Food, Glorious Food! held their first Lunch Bunch of the year at the Stone Water Grill, a new lakeside bar and grill in Land O' Lakes on Jan. 9.
Despite some predicted stormy weather, the group enjoyed great food, great conversation, great service and an altogether wonderful time.
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Opening the Doors to New Opportunities
OLLI Director Veronica Maxwell welcomed university leaders, OLLI staff and well over 300 OLLI-USF members to the Winter Spring Open House on Jan. 10 at the Glazer Family Jewish Community Center in Tampa.
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Energy and enthusiasm resonated through the facility as members and guests circulated among course instructors and committee and SIG members to glean information and have their questions answered.
They enjoyed continental breakfast treats while mingling and catching up with friends and acquaintances.
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Joseph McAuliffe, manager of educational programming and Jeanne Dyer, technology coordinator, previewed upcoming winter/spring course offerings. Several new instructors captured the attention of the audience with highlights and bits and pieces of their upcoming classes. | |
Keynote speaker USF President Rhea Law shared her vision for USF’s future and emphasized the university’s commitment to fulfill the educational needs of students at all levels.
She touched upon the many accomplishments of the University during her tenure, most notably the recent invitation to join the prestigious Association of American Universities.
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President Law assured the audience of the important place OLLI holds at the university.
Not to be left out, USF mascot Rocky the Bull occupied a seat on the stage with
President Law and visiting dignitaries and easily made his way through the crowd.
--Photos, Kat Hanscom, Mike Hayes
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A Visit to Meals on Wheels | |
Twelve members from the Food, Glorious Food! SIG, joined by OLLI Director Veronica Maxwell, were treated to lunch and a tour of Meals on Wheels Tampa on Jan. 16. | |
It was a reunion for Veronica and Steve King, executive director of Meals on Wheels Tampa. They served on the Suncoast Credit Union Senior Citizens Advisory Board in pre-Covid days.
The gracious and welcoming staff escorted the group to the kitchen, where one of the chefs led them through the three areas used to prepare meals five days a week.
The huge kitchen is staffed by 20 people and houses state-of-the-art industrial kitchen equipment.
Meals on Wheels serves a growing population in the Tampa Bay area where volunteers deliver 1,100 meals each weekday.
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Brrr! It Was Cold (But Enjoyable) For A Hike | |
The Outdoors SIG recently took an overnight trip to Gainesville, where the 20 OLLI hikers braved the 33-degree temperatures and wondered, are we really in Florida?
The trip's highlight was a ranger-led hike in Paynes Prairie. SIG members knew this was going to be special when the ranger unlocked the "secret" gate and ushered them through.
The non-public hike of 2.75 miles wound through beautiful old Florida forests populated with ancient oaks and punctuated by limestone sinkholes. The hike ended at the Alachua Sink boardwalk where SIG members saw a variety of birds including uncommon snail kites and migratory white pelicans.
The trip to Gainesville also included the Florida Museum of Natural History, the Butterfly Rainforest, the Harn Museum and Sweetwater Wetlands Park.
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Mangia! Mangia!
Twenty-four members of the Conviviality and Celebrations group met recently for lunch, Italian style at Maggiano’s Little Italy in Tampa. The food and service were outstanding, and three birthday celebrants were treated to Italian cookies and fresh strawberries. Delizioso!
The group of OLLI members and guests meets monthly at various eateries in the Tampa area to celebrate and recognize birthdays and other special occasions.
The next luncheon is scheduled for Fri., Feb. 16, at 1 p.m., at Thai Ruby, 15319 Amberly Dr., Tampa.
All OLLI members and guests are invited to join in the fun. Email Kat Hanscom for more information.
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What The "H" Is For Lunch? |
The letter H was the inspiration on Jan. 26 for nine members of the ABC Cooking Club, an activity of the Food, Glorious Food! Shared Interest Group.
Club members meet once a month at a member’s house and bring a home-cooked dish conforming to a letter of the alphabet. In January, the creative cooks brought dishes such as hasenpfeffer, hoisin salmon, honeydew gazpacho, honey cake and other dishes.
Also conforming to the letter of the month, members arrived hungry and left happy!
Please contact Dale Sena for more information about the ABC Cooking Club.
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Volunteering with OLLI Lets You Follow Your Passion!
Attend a free, no-obligation volunteer information session to learn more about how your knowledge, skills or experience can help OLLI!
The next session will be held Friday, Feb. 23, at 1 p.m. Click here to register.
Have a question? Ask Us Anything about volunteering by emailing the Ask Team.
--Diane Russell
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Help Us Recognize Outstanding Volunteers
Our more than 200 volunteers are the lifeblood of this organization. Their efforts keep OLLI available and affordable for all of us.
Every year, OLLI-USF recognizes our outstanding volunteers with the following awards:
--Award of Excellence, for an outstanding contribution to a one-time event or project
--Above and Beyond, for a significant contribution to an ongoing project
--Lifetime Achievement, for significant contributions to the growth and development of OLLI over the years
--Exemplary Teamwork Award, to acknowledge a significant contribution to
OLLI by a team.
You can help us recognize outstanding volunteers by nominating them for an award.
Nominations are reviewed and determined by members of our Volunteer Engagement Committee.
The winners will be announced at the Volunteer Appreciation Event
this spring. They will be celebrated on our Facebook page, profiled in OLLILife, and featured in our fall catalog.
The deadline for awards nominations is 5 p.m., Friday, March 8.
Please click here to submit a Volunteer Awards nomination.
---Diane Russell
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2023 Volunteer Award Winners | |
Not pictured: Ashley Bennington, Sandy Buckley, Bettina Harvey, Ann Sofia, Brenda Uhlich
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Come Celebrate the 2024 Lunar New Year!
The OLLI China SIG will host its next gathering on Sat., Feb. 17, at Water Works Park in Tampa in combination with the Lunar New Year free event sponsored by the Suncoast Association of Chinese Americans.
Everyone is invited to arrive at noon to watch cultural performances and then join the SIG-specific activity at 1 p.m. at the calligraphy booth. The activity will include a short presentation by SIG member Ann Liggett about the Chinese writing system and a calligraphy demo by China SIG Co-Leader Kun Shi.
Each participant will receive a lucky character on red paper and a fortune card. Participants can taste various Asian delicacies from food vendors at a cost and take photos with the performing artists and dragon dancers.
Click here to view the event flier for details.
--Nancy Stuart
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Learn All About It: From Formation Of OLLI To Present
There is a special video created to describe (in cartoon style) the legacy of OLLI. Sit back, click here for the video and enjoy!
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Did You Make A New Year Resolution?
Last month, OLLILife presented a poll on New Year resolutions. "Learning a New Skill" was the most appealing idea from the participants. Perhaps one or more of OLLI's classes will help in keeping new resolutions intact.
Below is a breakdown of the complete poll results.
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Two of our OLLI members responded to the poll with their thoughts on resolutions:
Jane Peppard wrote:
Instead of making a new year's resolution that I will no doubt break in the first few weeks of 2024, I am taking at least five minutes every day to do something that brings me joy. For me, that’s making art. Here’s the first collage of the new year, called Skyline.
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The thoughts of Chris Ward:
I resolve to focus more on the here and now. There will still be time to plan for the future and recall the past, but I want to dwell more in the present to fully experience life
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Thanks to everyone who took time to answer the poll. Also, to Jane and Chris for sharing their ideas for the year with us.
--Pat Dodge
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Welcome to our Newest Volunteers | Welcome and congratulations to our newest volunteers who attended the Volunteer Information Session on Jan. 26. |
Top row (left to right): Kathy Palmer and Diane Russell of the Volunteer Engagement Committee; and new volunteer Deborah Bolduc.
Bottom row (left to right): new volunteers Luis Filipe Couto and Lisa Colpe.
Not pictured: Marilyn Bradley, Jim Panzarella, and Jackie Stein.
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Greetings OLLI Members!
The Newcomer Lunch is today, Feb. 1, at Brunchies, 14366 North Dale Mabry Blvd. in Tampa at 12 p.m. Join us if you can. No worries if you miss this one; watch for another on the horizon.
Help Wanted
The Membership Committee is looking for additional members to help us spread the OLLI word around Tampa Bay. In particular, we need:
a) Members who can make welcome calls to newcomers
b) Help with membership mailings in the OLLI office
c) Energetic, seasoned OLLI members willing to host an informal gathering for members in their own zip code areas
Member Profiles
Do you know an OLLI newcomer with a particularly interesting background who might be an ideal candidate for the OLLI Membership Corner? Let us know.
Contact Pam Tyler, 575-779-1382, or email her in regard to any of the above requests.
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Enriching Your Life Through Travel
Each month, OLLILife invites people involved in various areas of OLLI to discuss the delightful aspects their activity provides to the membership. This month, we learn not only about the opportunities to travel but, also, what we can actually acquire from each trip we take.
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As I start my eleventh year as an OLLI-USF member, I’ve been thinking about what keeps me coming back.
Certainly, I’ve learned some technical skills, starting with my first Photo Shop course and continuing through some iPhone classes this term! I’ve had a remarkable opportunity to listen to some very bright people toss around some very perceptive analyses of great works of literature and poetry without being condescending to those of us who haven’t spent our lives researching great writers and themes!
At least as important as the intellectual activities, however, have been the friendships I’ve made and the experiences I’ve had through OLLI. Sometimes it’s just enjoyable to converse with someone of similar age and life experience without fear of being judged, or to share disparate impressions of events and places without the conversation disintegrating into competition.
| One of the OLLI Travel Committee's goals is to provide those same types of opportunities for every OLLI member, whether through weeklong overseas trips or the one-day excursions that we’ll be ramping up over the coming year. During my career, I had the opportunity to visit all 50 states and more than 40 foreign countries (mostly for business reasons). I can honestly say that I learned something memorable during every one of them - whether it’s the Jante Law in Scandinavia, the architectural heritage of Barcelona or the mix of modernity and history in South Africa and India. | |
And along the way, I have frequently had a chance to pick up a little souvenir that has paid me back with years of memories that have far more value to me than the handful of Swedish krone, Peruvian sols or South African rand they cost me to buy. Year after year – some for three decades or more - the items shown below have been a part of my holiday display. Each year, they reward me with fond memories of fun trips in past years.
The brightly decorated egg on the right was created by a resident of one of the villages in Kwa-Zulu-Natal, the South African province including the City of Durban.
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The blonde Vikings remind me of my first trip to Sweden. | | |
I found this nativity scene at a local crafts fair in Lima Peru. | | |
I hope you’ll take advantage of opportunities like these to broaden your perspectives while building deeper relationships with our fellow OLLI members right here in Tampa!
--George Hyde
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Nancy Baily-Williamson, SIG Liaison
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For more information on OLLI SIGs, see the full list here. Several of the SIGs meet on Zoom; others are meeting in person and are organizing group outings and events. To visit a SIG, email the contact(s) below. | |
Community of Readers and Writers
Colson Whitehead is a two-time winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Join us for discussion of his newest novel, Crime Manifesto in March via Zoom. A darkly funny tale of New York City, an evocation of Harlem during the 70s, and a sneakily searing portrait of the meaning of family. Email your interest to readersandwriters.too@gmail.com.
China SIG
Sat., Feb. 17, at noon. 2024 Lunar New Year Celebration at Water Works Park, Tampa. Please see the article above in the Opportunities section. For more information about this event and the China SIG, please email Nancy Stuart.
Food, Glorious Food!
Fri., Mar. 1. A visit to The Olive Grove, an organic olive orchard in Brooksville, will include a private group tour of the grove. While there, we'll sample some olive oils, learn about how olives are grown and processed, and enjoy a light lunch. Items will be available for purchase. The cost is $35 per person. You must RSVP by Feb. 10. Contact Kathy Palmer to sign up or for more information.
To learn more about FGF or to join the SIG, contact Sandy Buckley.
Hablemos! Spanish Conversation SIG
Zoom meeting: Tues., Feb. 6 and 20, at 3 p.m. All levels of Spanish speakers welcome. Email olli.hablemos@gmail.com for more information.
Games SIG
Online Games:
Thurs., Feb. 8, at 3:30 p.m. To play Scattergories, email Kathy Palmer for the Zoom link and more information.
Board Games:
Thurs., Feb. 15, at 11 a.m., at C. Blythe Andrews, Jr., Library at 2607 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. To RSVP, please email Robyn Cheung.
German Conversation
Tues., Feb. 13 and 27, at 1 p.m. For more information, contact Christine Basch.
Ici on parle français!
Mon., Feb. 5 and 19, at 1 p.m. For an invitation, contact Theresa Sokol.
Write Time for Poets
Thurs., Feb. 8, at 2 p.m. For more information about this SIG, email Cath Mason.
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OLLI Outdoors
More events - More Fun! The Outdoor SIG will help you get your steps in, and more, in 2024. Thurs., Feb. 8 - Nature and hike at Circle B Bar
Wed., Feb. 14 - Flatwoods We Love Nature walk and hike
Fri., Feb. 23 - Zoom meeting, Nesting Colonies around the Bay with Mary Keith of Tampa Audubon
Kayaking and bike riding events are being planned.
Email Donna and Diane at OLLIOutdoors@gmail.com for details about these events.
March - Hike Co-leader needed.
Leading a hike is like being at the head of a parade!
Hikes are led by volunteer hike leaders. Email OLLIOutdoors@gmail.com if you would be willing to co-lead this hike to the beautiful Brooker Creek Preserve on Thurs., Mar. 14. We will help you organize. Check out their website at https://www.brookercreekpreserve.org/
Mon., Feb. 26, at 10 a.m., at Unitarian Universalist Church (UUCT) Tampa. Operatunity member Lynn Pohl will introduce the group to Verdi's masterwork opera La Forzo del Destino. Operatunity meets the fourth Monday of each month at UCCT. All OLLI members are welcome to attend. For details and more information about this SIG, contact Kathryn Alyson.
Politics SIG
The Politics SIG provides a forum for discussion and informal debate on topics related to U.S. domestic and foreign policy. The P-SIG complements and promotes OLLI-USF classes on political science and history and is an adjunct to our weekly Saturday Social which covers current events of political interest. For more information and to be included on our mailing list, please contact Rich Kennedy.
Please email Rich Edwards or Jean Nixon for more information about this SIG.
Talking Movies
Fri., Feb. 16, at 1:30 p.m. Watch a movie and then get together on Zoom and talk about it. Movie to be determined. For more information, contact Arlene Zimney.
Self-Hypnotherapy SIG
Wed., Feb. 14 and 28, at 10 a.m., on Zoom. Email Anne Haywood for more information.
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Carolyn Clark is our Goodwill Ambassador, sending notes of support, congratulations and comfort on our behalf. If you or another OLLI member have a significant personal event, please let Carolyn know. | |
Send Us Your News
OLLILife wants to share topics of interest that pertain to OLLI-USF and other OLLIs in the country.
Send your article to ollinewsusf@gmail.com to reach your editors Sandy Buckley, Pat Dodge, Veronica Maxwell, and Kathy Palmer. If possible, please send a picture along with the article as pictures help tell the story.
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