Silver Beavers, Strategic Plans, Summer Camps... and more!
HOVC Scouter Newsletter | March 15th, 2024
Congratulations to Troop 2877B, the Arrohattoc District Unit of the Year! These youths were recognized among other exceptional Scouts and trained Leaders at the Arrohattoc District Recognition Event on March 7th. See more photos and stay up to date on Arrohattoc happenings on their Facebook page.
Hi Heart of Virginia!
Camp Card Sale - Delivery Update
Camp Cards have been shipped and are on the way! They should arrive next week, so stay tuned for distribution info dates and times. There is a LIMITED number of Camp Cards still available if your Unit would like to participate! Visit our website and sign-up ASAP so you can be notified when they arrive!
The Heart of Virginia Council’s highest volunteer recognition, the Silver Beaver Award, will be awarded to four highly deserving Scouters. These Scouters have made a huge impact in the lives of youth through their hard work, self-sacrifice, and years of dedicated service. This year, we're recognizing the service of Sharlee LaBrecque, Robert Johnson, Tom Innes, and Tom Wood at our special Recognition Gala on May 5th at Cub Adventure Camp!
Scouting has a rich history of positively impacting the lives of over 130 million youth, and we have a bright future ahead of us. We have modernized our traditional programs with the innovations of science and technology, while infusing safety into all aspects of our program. We continue to enable the girls and boys involved to develop lifelong friendships and build the life skills needed to become the future leaders of our communities, businesses, and country.
Cub Scout Day Camp at Deep Run Park: June 10th - 14th
Cub Scout Day Camp is often called “the camp that comes to the Scout.” Day Camp is an organized program for Cub Scouts and Webelos Scouts under certified leadership, at an approved site. We're excited to open registration for the first of several weeks of camp, taking place at Deep Run Park from June 10th - 14th! More dates will be added soon. Don't forget to invite your buddy!!
TBS Summer Camp Early Bird Special Ends March 18th!
Are you joining us at Camp T. Brady Saunders (TBS) for one of our action-packed weeks of summer camp? Take advantage of our Early Bird special ($25 off per registration), available to folks who pay 50% of their fees by March 18th. Unit Leadership, registration is open using the link below!