1st Quarter 2024 | Volume 32, Issue 1

Photo by K.P. Wilska

A Quarterly Newsletter of the Friends and the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

Dear Friends,


The Board of Directors would like to announce the departure of Haily Summerford as the Executive Director of the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge.

We want to assure you that we have had a capable team of individuals in place for several years, allowing the work of the Friends to continue uninterrupted. Our team has been working hard to provide a seamless transition, and membership services, communications, business administration, financial support, and other responsibilities continue as before. Board Treasurer Will Rodgers and I, along with the Friends Executive Committee, are working closely with the team as they continue to provide these critical services.

Over the coming months, we will be conducting a search for our new Executive Director. We are dedicated to finding the best possible candidate who will help ensure the continued development and success of the Friends and the Nature Center. We remain committed to advancing the Friends’ mission and serving our community with excellence, and we are confident in the strength and resilience of our entire team in continuing to make a positive impact.

We are excited for the next chapter of the Friends as we continue the important work of preserving and protecting the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge for future generations. We want to extend our best wishes to Haily as she looks for her next adventure.

 If you have any questions or concerns during the transition process, please reach out to us at

 Thank you for your continued support of the Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge.


Linda Christie


Friends Board of Directors

Behind the Scenes at the Refuge

The Tree in the Trail

“A tree is down in the new section of the boardwalk trail.” That’s the notification I received recently. Trees falling across our trails is a routine occurrence on the Refuge, so I didn’t think much about it. After grabbing some coffee, my PPE (personal protective equipment), and a chainsaw, I headed to the boardwalk to investigate. At first, I couldn’t find the treefall. Why? Because it was camouflaged. You might ask, “How is a tree that is lying across a trail camouflaged?” Well, this tree hadn’t fallen across the trail. It was in the trail!


Friends News

2024: A Golden Year

The Friends of the Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge is marking a notable milestone during 2024. This year, we will celebrate our golden 50th anniversary.

The Friends have supported the Nature Center since our founding in 1974. In celebration of this milestone, let’s look back at how we got here. 


Fort Worth Wild 2024: A Very Special Celebration

Fort Worth Wild, the Friends’ annual dinner and gala, is scheduled for April 25, 2024, and promises to be a very special evening as we celebrate our 50th anniversary and honor a person who is near and dear to every Nature Center supporter, our very own Bob O’Kennon.


Wildlife on the Refuge

How Do Alligators Survive North Central Texas Winters?

Most of our readers probably already know we have American alligators in Texas. However, many residents of North Central Texas seem to be unaware of this fact and generally are surprised to learn that a healthy breeding population of alligators resides at the Nature Center. One of the most common questions I am asked about our alligator population is, “How do they survive our cold winters?” 


Volunteer and Staff Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight: Lisa Shierloh

When Lisa Shierloh first started volunteering at the Nature Center a year ago, her fear of snakes was palpable. The mere thought of handling them would send shivers down her spine. However, Lisa's passion for animal care and her desire to challenge herself led her to confront her fear head-on.


Operation Fully Staff the Education Team: Complete…

For a number of years, the education team at the Nature Center has operated with a full staff, although we have been understaffed for some short stints, particularly during COVID. After the pandemic ended, we were able to form a complete team once again toward the end of 2023. Allow me to introduce you to our newest Natural Scientist Assistants.


Did You See It?

Monarchs with Megan

Each issue, we highlight the most popular post that was featured on social media the previous quarter. Enjoy this look back at what caught our followers' attention. Follow us if you haven't already! Links are below.

From November 1, 2023

Our followers were excited about a new member event we offered in November featuring monarch butterfly expert (and Friends Board member) Megan McConnell. Attendees learned how to help support the monarch butterfly's migration and how this endangered species has been celebrated in the annual Mexican tradition of Dia de los Muertos. Activities included face painting, butterfly-themed crafts, Mexican cookies, and more. We are gearing up for a great roster of member events for 2024 and hope to offer this fun exploration of butterflies again.

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