The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
提名委员会通过确定和提名个人在 2023-2024 年 PTSA 执行委员会和理事会任职,发挥着关键作用。 PTSA 在支持我们学校和社区方面的成功依赖于我们志愿者的热情、奉献和多样性,而提名委员会则帮助寻找合适的人担任合适的工作。
该职位的任期为2023年3月至6月,参与提名委员会并不妨碍您被提名为 23-24 届理事会成员。提名委员会将寻求填补的空缺职位包括:
- 联合主席
- 通訊联合副主席
- 联合财务主管(应收账款)。
- 筹款主席
- 拨款委员会主席
如果您有兴趣成为提名委员会的一员 - 或者对上面列出的任何理事会角色感兴趣 - 请填写以下表格,我们将与您联系!
Rebekah + Jaclyn
BHS 的家人、朋友和社区,您好。
好消息!我们已经筹集了 72055 美元。
我们的目标是今年筹集 70,000 美元,我们正式实现了目标!感谢大家对我们 PTSA 的项目和社区的慷慨捐赠和支持!我们将使用这些资金资助所有的 PTSA项目,其中包括:
- 直接向学术、体育和学生组织提供超过 35,000 美元的赠款 员工答谢活动
- 支持 Youth Eastside Service 在学校的心理健康咨询
- 支持Giving Closet, 为有需要的 BHS 学生和家庭提供生活必须品
- 通过 Blast 和 BHS PTSA 网站与我们的社区共享信息
- 更多,更多!
我们已经将收据通过电子邮件发送给捐赠者。对于通过公司匹配捐款的人,Benevity 会为您提供确认捐款的文件,您可以将其用于税收目的。
每年,我们的BHS PTSA会认可两位在我们学生中表现出色的学校社区成员。金橡树奖颁发给在孩子和青少年中表现出卓越的学校或社区志愿者,以表彰他们的奉献精神和服务。杰出教育家奖则表彰对儿童教育有重大贡献的个人。
我们需要听取您的意见!您是否认识在过去的学年中对您的学生产生了重大影响的学校志愿者或教师?如果是,请发送电子邮件至mzhou12@yahoo.com ,提名这个人获得金橡树(优秀志愿者)或杰出教育家(超级教师)奖项。请列出他们的名字和他们所做的对您的学生产生影响的事情,或者您认为他们值得被表彰的原因。提名将在四月底截至。奖项得主将在六月初的最后一次全体会议上得到表彰。
2022-23年WOLVERINE GUARD的最后期限很快就要到了! 这里有一些重要的提醒。
PTSA的WG项目与贝尔维尤学区的毕业志愿者时间要求是分开的。我们不与Naviance同步,只接受Wolverine Guard的时间记录。
3月21日星期二,带你的朋友和家人到位于Bellevue Way NE 317号的MOD披萨店,并提及Bellevue高中戏剧艺术项目,以支持该项目春季音乐剧和即将到来的苏格兰艺穗节之旅。
记下日期 - 春季音乐剧 - 4月26-29日
Hello! FTC 18225 High Definition is hosting our first "Building STEM and Other Key Capabilities with Fun: Our Story as an FTC Team and Opportunities with FIRST" event on April 1st from 1-5 PM at Microsoft Reactor (Building 20 3709 157th Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052). We will host FTC workshops on using Onshape, computer vision in Java, and much more based on YOUR interest! Additionally, we are inviting several acknowledgeable speakers to share their experiences about FIRST and how STEM is important for solving world challenges! We are committed to making sure your team is successful and prepared for the upcoming FTC 2023-2024 season! If you are interested, please make sure you fill out the following form: https://forms.gle/6QzrVhcw4gaEnBP89. Each person must fill out this form individually to make sure they receive a badge at the event. Registration is required for participation. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at ftc18225@gmail.com. Thank you, and we hope to see you there!
我们很高兴地宣布,我们的爵士乐队 1 被选中参加在Seattle's Paramount剧院举行的第 26 届年度 Hot Java Cool Jazz 音乐会! 我们才华横溢的学生将与来自 Bothell 高中、Garfield 高中、Mt. Si 高中和 Roosevelt 高中的其他四支顶级爵士乐队一起亮相。 这不是普通的乐队音乐会——这是一场专业制作的活动,展示了西雅图地区最优秀的爵士乐学生。 快来欣赏吧! BHS Jazz 1 将首先表演。 不要迟到!
日期:2023 年 3 月 31 日,星期五
门票:普通入场座位 25 美元,外加 1.50 美元的服务费以支付信用卡费用/邮寄费用
下午 6:00 开门
演出于晚上 7:00 开始
911 Pine Street
直接从我们的 BHS管乐队俱乐部家长会购买门票! 我们将有 300 张门票出售,并将保留 100% 的利润! 所有收益将支持我们的整个乐队计划:Marching管乐队、鼓队、Pep管乐队、Concert管乐队和爵士乐队。
您会看到票价中包含一笔小额服务费,用于支付信用卡费用/邮寄费用。 如果您有兴趣为 BHS 员工捐赠门票,请点击链接购买门票并捐赠门票。
西雅图剧院集团将为我们的 BHS 俱乐部家长会提供实体门票。 拿到门票后,我们将就送货方式与您联系(邮寄与电话/取件日期/时间/地点待定)。
注意:凭借门票才能进入剧院。 门票的照片是不允许的。
我们迫不及待想在Paramount见到你! 感谢您支持我们的 Bellevue High Band 计划。
Edd George 和Will Harvey
35 Bellevue High School DECA competed at the State Career Development Conference with more than 4000 students from across the state March 2-4. Seven of those students have qualified for the International Career Development Conference in Orlando in April, where they will represent Washington.
Congratulations to Arvin Amini (Sports and Entertainment Marketing), Khushi Chadha (Principles of Business Management), William Chang (Personal Financial Literacy), Mike Liu (Retail Merchandising), Caroline Wang (Financial Consulting), Henry Lewison and Jack Matty (Sports and Entertainment Team Decision Making).
William Chang was also elected to serve Washington DECA, an organization of more than 13,000 members, as its president for 2023-2024.
They call it spring training in Arizona and Florida, but this week for BHS Wolverine Baseball, it was definitely late winter training - chilly, with warming trends and spots in four pre-season, non-league matchups. Get up to date on last week's match-ups, and check out this week's league openers for the Wolverine Varsity and JV Baseball squads, and a special matchup for both teams, at home, versus Battle Ground.
On Saturday March 11th, both Varsity and JV got started with chilly Jamboree play at Eastside Catholic High School and BHS respectively, with three inning go-rounds that also included Juanita High School.
Then on Tuesday afternoon, JV took an early lead against Hazen and held on for a 9-7 home field victory. Varsity trucked up in the evening to North Creek for a close fought game, with North Creek breaking a tie late in the 6th, and defeating the Wolverines 6-3.
Thursday spelled double trouble for both teams against Eastside Catholic (Varsity fell 17-6, while JV met a similar end, 10-2).
Saturday brought sunshine in matches against Ingraham; here it was Varsity's turn to be on top of the split, with a decisive 11-3 win
at home, while JV fought and ultimately lost a tough 7-0 game at NWAC Field.
Monday, March 20
4:30 PM
JV at Lake Washington High School
Lake Washington High School Baseball Field
Friday, March 24
4:30 PM
Varsity vs. Interlake
Bellevue High School Baseball Field
Saturday, March 25
11:00 AM
Varsity vs. Battle Ground High School
Bellevue High School Baseball Field
2:45 PM
JV vs. Battle Ground High School
Bellevue High School Baseball Field
Bellevue beats Shorewood,12-4, in season-opener
Following a successful 3-0 Jamboree at Rogers High School on Saturday, the Bellevue Wolverines emerged with a 12-4 win over the Shorewood Stormrays in their first game of this 2023 season! The sun was out at Bellevue Girls’ new home pool, Woodridge Swim Club, with a great turnout for the season-opening game.
Bellevue’s #3, Lacey Aquaro, led the game with 7 goals on 8 shots, along with 3 ejections drawn, 2 steals, and 1 assist. Goal scorers from Bellevue include Ashley Kwon with 3, Joey Ives with 1, and Paige Heinemann with 1. Goalie Audrey Grays also had an amazing game, with 6 saves and 6 steals, while only letting in 4 goals. Our freshmen held their own for their very first game, working well together with their teammates, creating ball movement, and defending effectively. Additionally, the was a game packed with ejections, with 5 players total who got rolled.
Ashley Kwon opened out the game, scoring the first goal at 4:45. The first quarter featured 5 goals by Bellevue, 1 by Shorewood, with 9 ejections. Quarter 2 yielded 2 Bellevue goals, one of which was a 5-meter, scored by Lacey Aquaro. By the end of the third quarter, Bellevue led 10-2. The game finished out 12-4 Bellevue, with Paige Heinemann sinking the last one into the cage.
Come to Woodridge Swim Club this Friday, March 17th , to watch the Bellevue girls take on Shoreline!
Bellevue beats Shorecrest, 12-1
Under the bright sun, with the highest temperature since October, a whole 63°, the Bellevue Wolverines took on the Shorecrest Fighting Scots. Due to BHS’s Music Programs’ trip to Disneyland this weekend, the Bellevue Wolverines had a whopping 8 players this game! But with only 1 sub, they played hard, emerging victorious, final score 12-1.
Top goal scorer was captain Ava Grays, with 4 goals on 4 shots, on top of her 5 steals and 3 ejections drawn. Freshman Ellie Albert was a defensive beast, with 7 steals and 2 goals, one of which was a 5-meter shot. Ashley Kwon and Lacey Aquaro were major assets on both ends of the pool. Our goalies alternated between field and goal during the game, Audrey Grays had 9 saves and 1 goal, and Freshman goalie Riley Neibert with 6!
The game started off with a penalty and a successful 5-meter shot by Ashley Kwon at the 6:37 mark. Bellevue continued strong, scoring 3 more times, drawing 4 ejections, and having a lockdown defense, with the score being 4-0 Wolverines at the end of the first quarter.
In the second quarter, Bellevue benefitted from another penalty, with Ellie Albert scoring the 5-meter goal.
Third quarter was action-packed, with 6 total ejections. Bellevue kept pushing, even with their 1 sub, and brought the score up to 10-0 at the end of the quarter.
Finally, Bellevue finished off strong, scoring 3 more goals. The Scots managed to sneak one in, bringing the final score of the game to 12-1, Bellevue.
Next Tuesday, March 21, the Wolverines face off against Northshore at Woodridge Swim Club @ 5:30! And, come watch Bellevue this Sunday, March 19, at Newport Hills Swim and Tennis Club for the JV tournament!
Congratulations to Brady Kageyama! He was named to the First Team of the 3A Boys State Basketball Tournament by the tournament broadcaster of the event, the Eli Sports Network. Check out the link below for the players that made the first and second teams, along with a short video of each FIRST TEAM member!
ESN’s All-Tournament State Basketball Team’s; 4A-3A Boys & Girls
The link to all the 4A and 3A boys and girls All tournament teams is here:
Monday March 20th
Girls Varsity Lacrosse v. Roosevelt High School @ Bellevue High School 5:30pm
Girls Badminton v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Fastpitch Softball v. Timberline High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys JVC Soccer v. Hazen High School at International School, Wilburton 5:00pm
Boys Junior Varsity Baseball at Lake Washington High School 4:30pm
Tuesday March 21st
Boys and Girls Track & Field at Mercer Island High School 4:00pm
Girls Badminton at Newport High School 4:00pm
Girls Varsity Tennis at Juanita High School 4:00pm
Girls Water Polo v. Northshore Water Polo Club @ Woodridge Pool 6:00pm
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Soccer v. Liberty High School @ Bellevue High School JV 6:00pm, Varsity 8:00pm
Supervisor TBD
Stadium Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Deb Andrews and Cathy Lanning
Wednesday March 22nd
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Lacrosse v. Eastlake High School @ Bellevue High School JV 6:00pm, Varsity 8:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity Tennis v. Issaquah High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Varsity Tennis at Issaquah High School 4:00pm
Girls Varsity Fastpitch Softball at Kentridge High School, Wilson Playfields 4:00pm
Boys Froshmore Baseball v. Newport High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys JVC Soccer at Interlake High School 7:00pm
Thursday March 23rd
Girls Varsity Golf v. Mercer Island High School @ Bellevue Golf Club 2:30pm
Girls Badminton v. Foster High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Varsity Tennis v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity Tennis at Interlake High School 4:00pm
Girls Water Polo v. Newport High School @ Woodridge Pool 6:00pm
Girls Varsity Fastpitch Softball v. Auburn High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Soccer at Juanita High School JV 5:30pm, Varsity 7:30pm
Girls Junior Varsity and Varsity Lacrosse at Lake Sammamish Lacrosse Club, Marymoor Park JV 8:00pm Field #2, Varsity 8:00pm Field #1
Friday March 24th
Dance Team at 2B/1A/2A/3A WIAA State Championship Meet at Yakima, WA Sun Dome Performance at 3:30pm
Girls Varsity Fastpitch Softball v. Ballard High School @ Lower Woodland Park Field #3 4:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity Tennis v. Liberty High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Boys Varsity Baseball v. Interlake High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Soccer v. Eastlake High School @ Bellevue High School JV 5:30pm, Varsity 7:30pm
Supervisor Thomas Gangle
Stadium Manager Minh Nguyen
Tickets Debra Andrews & Israel Perez
Saturday March 25th
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Baseball v. Battle Ground High School @ Bellevue High School Varsity 11:00am, JV 2:45pm
Boys JVC Soccer v. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School 1:00pm
Go Bellevue!!!
好吧,你是幸运的。 BHS 2026 级高中新生班级将于 2023 年 3 月 25 日再次举办他们自己的“家长之夜”!
将提供有趣的游戏和活动,并提供食物(小吃/比萨饼)。如果愿意,孩子们也可以自带食物。 该活动将于下午 5:30-9:30 在BHS的公共活动大厅/自助餐厅举行。
活动时长为4 小时,而票价仅为每位儿童 30.00 美元!在票售罄前赶快行动吧,所剩席位不多。填写表格并在父母之夜活动当天带上 30 美元现金!
请在活动开始前填写此电子邮件随附的 Microsoft 表格和豁免表格:
This March, the PTSA Grants Committee received 12 grant requests totaling just over $24,000 for our Spring cycle. We are excited to highlight the awarded grants, all funded through your generous donations to the PTSA each school year:
- Science Department: Biology/Chemistry reagents for hands-on experiments in class
- English Department: Seattle Shakespeare Company Workshops
- Theater Department: Color Printer for set plans, thumbnail sketches, scripts, music, programs, flyers.
- Social Studies Department: Washington State History field trips
- Science Department: Killarney Glen Park Restoration field trip
- Girls Gymnastics: Warm Up Sets
- Boys & Girls Track: Replacement Javelins
- Girls Water Polo: Exclusion Board and Water Polo Caps
- Boys Soccer: Tryout pinnies, JV/JVC uniform parts
- Administrative Walkie-Talkies for Emergency Response/Evacuation
We look forward to the Fall 2023 Grants cycle and will announce when applications are open via the Blast. If you have any questions regarding grants,
please reach out to our PTSA Grants Chair,
亲爱的 BHS 家庭们,
我是 Qiuya(Rachel) Li,贝尔维尤学校基金会的受托人之一。我的女儿目前是BHS的一名12年级学生。我是 BHS 的 贝尔维尤学校基金会(BSF) 大使。
如果您是贝尔维尤社区的新成员,贝尔维尤学校基金会 (BSF) 成立于 1979 年,是华盛顿州第一个致力于支持公立学校 PreK-12 项目的基金会。我们的使命是促进和资助能使贝尔维尤公立学校所有学生都得到最佳学习机会的项目。今年,我们将向贝尔维尤的学生和教育工作者分配 800,000 美元用于这些项目。学校之春 (SFS) 是一年一度的筹款和展示活动。以往,SFS都会邀请超过1000位致力于我们学生的成功和福祉的商务人士,社区领袖和慈善捐助者。 SFS 为贝尔维尤社区提供了一个见证学生们、老师们在 BSF 项目中工作,并庆祝他们取得的成果的机会。今年 SFS 将在Meydenbauer 会议中心举行晚间鸡尾酒会。
日期:2023 年 4 月 1 日
时间:下午 5 点至晚上 7 点
地址:Meydenbauer 会议中心
11100 NE 6th St, Bellevue, WA 98004
如果您对 BFS 或 SFS 有任何问题,请随时联系我们。
并且欢迎您将我的名字'Qiuya Rachel Li'列为'Star Captain',这样您就可以被分配到我所属的桌子了。
Qiuya (Rachel) Li
亲爱的 BHS 家庭,
新学期已经开始,我们诚挚地邀请您加入 BHS PTSA。
我们本学年的目标是拥有600名PTSA会员。 直到今天,我们仍然需要160个(很多!)家庭的注册才能实现我们的目标。
您的会员身份对于通过支持许多课外活动和丰富他们的教育来帮助 BHS 学生至关重要。
提交 Bellevue Blast 文章的截止日期如下:
学校新闻和 PTSA 文章 – 周五下午 6 点截止日期
体育和活动文章 - 周日下午 6 点截止
PTSA Presidents
PTSA Vice President Fundraising
PTSA Board
Committee Chairs
PTSA Vice Presidents Communications
PTSA Secretary
Krista Heys
PTSA Treasurers
BHS Administration
BHS Athletics/ Activities
BHS Main Office
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington