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Surviving the Heat Outdoors

Hiking in the Heat

With a heat wave approaching this Labor Day weekend it is important to make sure you plan accordingly and be prepared to stay safe in the heat. Here are some tips to help keep you safe!


Avoid hiking at the hottest time of the day, it's best to start your hike early and end by early afternoon. If you do choose to hike mid-day make sure your route is shaded or near a body of water. Hiking at night can also be a better option if you're not a morning person.


Try to stay out of direct sunlight while hiking in a heat wave and make sure to wear the proper clothing so you are not absorbing heat. Light-colored, loose-fitting, lightweight clothing that is breathable is your best option. There is also UPF Sun Protection clothing if you want to be extra safe. Hats are a great way to protect your face from the sun, big brim hats that go all the way around are ideal. Using a sun-protective neck gaiter, bandana or lightweight cloth that can be dunked in water and worn around your neck is a great way to stay cool.


Drink lots of water! A hydration pack is recommended because it is more accessible than a water bottle and you are more likely to stay more hydrated with one. A good rule of thumb is 1 liter of water for every 2 hours of hiking. With extreme temperatures you should increase this to 2 liters per 2 hours of hiking.


Most importantly make sure you know the signs of heat exhaustion. Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, rapid pulse, faintness, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and headache. If you encounter any of these symptoms make sure you get out of the heat, rehydrate, and cool off.


In extreme conditions you may need to carry an SOS type of device to alert help if necessary. 


But as always, Stay Safe and Have Fun this holiday weekend.  

REI hot weather hiking tips
9 tips for hot weather hiking
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