As we near the end of 2023 and enjoy the holiday season, it’s important that we remember all that was good. It’s so easy to focus on the negative, what didn’t go right or who we think has done us wrong. How often do we think about what’s going well, our blessings? I’ve noticed that when I look at all the little things that are good, they add up to something really big…. peace of mind. At the end of this year, make a list of all your positives, no matter how small. Review the list often and add to it. When you are having a down day or think the world is against you, pull out your list and allow it to put things into perspective for you. My team this year has endured many changes and at times stressful situations, through it all, we take a moment each month to remember all the good we’ve accomplished both personally and professionally. It’s easy to point out the negative, it takes effort and an open mind to recall all the positives. Once we review the positives, it’s easier to celebrate our successes and where we can achieve in the coming month or year. From our team to you and yours, have a wonderful holiday season, with a healthy, safe and happy New Year!