Dear Friends,
We recently had three patients come into our clinic asking for an evaluation of their spine. The story was the same. They had been to an orthopedic group, had X-rays, MRIs and were set to have nerve conduction tests. Their paths had been explained to them. They were all told they would probably need some injections and possibly back surgery in the near future, based on their symptoms. Friends had mentioned our clinic as a place to be evaluated where there might be a less invasive approach to deal with their pain.
These patients came into our clinic and were examined. One patient only needed one visit to educate her on how to help herself. The two others needed 6-8 weeks of physical therapy. None of the three patients needed to return to their orthopedic groups, and they are having no issues with their backs, currently.
Several years ago, a high school athlete came into our clinic after injuring her knee in a soccer game. On the field, she was informed that she probably tore her anterior cruciate ligament and needed to be seen by an orthopedist, immediately. The athlete thought her season was over; the parents were overwhelmed as well.
Luckily, this family had a friend who knew of our clinic. We weren’t in their insurance plan. Normally, they wouldn’t have gone with us. We got the patient in the next day. We examined her and informed her and her parents that the pain may have been be too acute and that this is why the tests on the field may have indicated being positive for an ACL tear. We advised her to meet with the orthopedist, but began treating her daily, in the meantime. The pain subsided quickly, and she was getting back to walking and jogging in our Anti Gravity Machine. She saw her orthopedist 3 days later. She got the MRI a week later. The results of the MRI showed no damage or tear of any structures in her knee. Since she had been seen immediately by one of our physical therapists, rather than waiting for the visit to her orthopedist and for the MRI, she did not lose more than 10 days of soccer. The great part of this story, for those who know soccer, was that she was an exceptional sweeper on her team. That team ended up winning state; she was instrumental in that championship and will forever have that wonderful memory!
I am very much “into” taking responsibility for oneself. At McDonald Physical Therapy, we take responsibility for the progress that our patients make or don’t make. We see ourselves as their advocates. We also urge you to take responsibility for choosing your healthcare providers carefully. Our clinic has developed its great reputation through the quality of the service we provide and the wonderful physicians who believed that we had something unique to offer. I can never express how thankful I am for all the physicians and patients who have believed in us.
As an educated consumer of healthcare choices, we want you to understand that as an independent private practice, we face unique challenges. Some insurance plans refuse to let us in for their own profit-based reasons. They think the quality of our care and our competitive treatment costs are too much competition for them. Also, insurance plans dictate what our co pays are. We have no say in this. Some plans let us in but purposely force us to charge a higher co pay than providers with whom they are financially linked, in order to discourage patients from coming to us. Also, some physical therapy providers are owned and backed by large, national corporations with strong political lobbyists who have negotiated special, extra reimbursement rates from Medicare, double what we receive.
This is very frustrating for us and for patients considering coming to us! As one of the few independent, therapist-owned private practice and longest lasting in our region, we are free to make patient care the entire reason that drives us. Of course, we have to watch our numbers to keep our doors open, but we can truly say that our patients’ welfare is our bottom line. Too often, providers backed by big corporations have the pressure of having profit as their bottom line.
Patients who investigate their options thoroughly, and choose us have saved time and money, coming to us, even if we are not in their plan. We are often able to prevent the need for surgery or get you back faster after surgery. This is partly due to several things which set us apart; 1) our mission which drives us to get to the bottom of your physical issue and help you to recover as soon as possible, 2) the role of advocate that we take for you when you need us to, 3) the extra intense training, continuing ed, and weekly mentoring that our physical therapists and physical therapy assistants receive.
As you re-evaluate your insurance plans every year, you may want to look closely into who the plan allows you to visit. Who are the providers they are choosing for you? Your overall health is one of your greatest gifts. The healthier you are, the more you can enjoy your life.
Time is our #1 asset, which when spent, can never be regained. Our health and how we are able to walk, talk, breath, smile, and hug someone affects how we can enjoy our family and friends. With this in mind, please take the time to look around for your healthcare providers. Ask questions, and do not let a co-pay or your insurance be the main reason for jumping into a relationship with a physician, surgeon, physical therapist or any healthcare provider.
The key to this entire article is to help you realize that you need to choose your healthcare providers carefully and to feel free to seek other opinions. I hear too many people second guessing themselves when they come to us only after surgery and find out that sometimes their back pain is worse, and/or may take 18 months to subside. When a surgeon thinks a simple, arthroscopic knee surgery should solve your son or daughter’s knee pain, do you realize that having even this surgery can increase risk for quicker arthritic onset as they age? Do you just accept this first diagnosis, or do you get another opinion?
Taking responsibility for researching the best healthcare provider options and seeking more than one opinion needs to become a top priority in your life! It should require as much or more consideration than the kind of car, house or grocery store you shop at to save money. In the end, it will determine how you live out your later years, which you have worked and sacrificed so long for.
Enjoy the journey of being stronger every day,
Fran McDonald, PT, DPT, OCS