Holy Week Begins

Dear Cathedral,

The time has come for the most holy season of the Christian year - Holy Week. It begins with Palm Sunday, March 24, when we remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey and being hailed as King. Within a few short days, Jesus is being hunted, imprisoned, and killed. The narrative of Holy Week is often called The Passion. It ends with the resurrection on Easter Sunday, March 31.

In preparation for Palm Sunday, I will lead a retreat for those who want to become Episcopalian or learn more about our faith. While we are learning, others will gather in Burwell Court to make crosses out of palms. We will make hundreds of these crosses for ourselves, St Philip's, St Mary’s, and Church without Walls, our service with the homeless each week. Please join us for either of these two events. There is more information below.

On Sunday at 9 a.m., we will walk through downtown Jacksonville led by Jesus on a horse. It is a beautiful walk and other churches join us. It's our chance to shout "Hosanna!" and wave a palm. We are cheering for Jesus, our King.

Bishop Chip Stokes will be with us on Sunday to lead our worship. He is the retired bishop of New Jersey and is a wonderful liturgist. It is an honor to have him with us. After our worship, he will lay his hands on the people who want to be part of the Episcopal Church.

Walk with me.

Walk with me through this city and the days of Holy Week. 

In Christ,


Sunday, March 24

Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday, Year B

Bishop Chip Stokes, preaching

8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral

9 a.m. Breakfast, Coffee Station

9 a.m. Digital Disciples, Zoom

Register here.

9 a.m. Palm Sunday Procession

Meet at the corner of Duval and Market Streets

10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Cathedral

Incense will be used.

The service will be livestreamed here.

Children, Tweens and Youth will have formation classes during the 10:30 service.

Young children will be engaged in activities surrounding The Passion.

Tweens and Youth will be stuffing Easter Eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt in Ingram Lounge.

1 p.m. Church Without Walls, Cummings Chapel

"Stations of the Cross" in Taliaferro Hall

Lenten Art Exhibition featuring the carved stations of sculptor Christine Bailey.

Helpful Links

Lectionary Readings

Service Leaflet

Link to Sermons

Prayer Requests

Vestry Minutes

Event Scheduling Form

Center for Prayer & Spirituality

Hakimian Family Nursery Hours

9 a.m. to Noon

St. John's Cathedral Bookstore & Gift Shop  

9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Cathedral Calendar

Notes on Service Music

Tim Tuller, Canon for Music, gives notes on the service music for Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024

Adult Confirmation and Inquirers Retreat

Saturday, March 23

9 a.m. to Noon

Those who are interested in being confirmed and who are seeking to learn more about The Episcopal Church are invited to join Dean Kate for a half-day retreat. 

Bishop Stokes will confirm, receive, and reaffirm candidates after the 10:30 a.m. service on Palm Sunday, March 24. For more information, please contact Megan Cochran.

Palm Cross Making & Mimosas

Saturday, March 23

9 a.m. to Noon | Burwell Court

Many hands make light work! Help us prepare Palm Crosses for Palm Sunday. It's fun and easy, a great activity for all ages.

Sunday of the Passion, Palm Sunday

Step into history with us on Palm Sunday! Join our vibrant procession as we reenact Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Follow Jesus on horseback down Duval Street to James Weldon Johnson Park, then back to the Cathedral by Church Street. Let's wave our palms and raise our voices in joyous alleluia! Drums and horns are welcome. There will be palms to wave for everyone!

Attention Families: Please meet at the Cloister (the covered walkway between the Narthex and the hallway heading to Taliaferro) and get into the spirit by putting on a shepherd/farmer costume! Grab a palm and follow Jesus on horseback through Downtown. 

Procession of the Palms Sunday, March 24

9 a.m.

The procession begins at the corner of Duval and Market Streets

NOTE: There is no 9 a.m. formation on Palm Sunday so that all may participate in the Procession.

Sunday of the Passion

8 and 10:30 a.m.

The Passion Sunday service reflects the sharp contrasts of Holy Week. We will enter the Cathedral after a joyous procession through downtown Jacksonville, praising Jesus as Lord and welcoming him to Jerusalem. The service then moves to a reading of the passion narrative, allowing the congregation to hear the whole story of Jesus’s suffering and death.

The service on Passion Sunday is a significant opportunity to represent the wholeness of the gospel and to remember that the way to Easter joy is the way of the cross. We invite all to join us as you are able throughout Holy Week as we retell the story of Jesus's last days on Earth.

Holy Wednesday

Guided Stations of the Cross Wednesday, March 27

5:15 p.m.

Taliaferro Hall

The Lenten Art Exhibition in Taliaferro Hall highlights the sculpture of Christine Bailey alongside beautiful icons, each depicting one of the fourteen Stations of the Cross. The figure pictured to the left was titled "Christ of the Cotton Fields" by the sculptor. Christ slumps wearily under the weight of the cross. The Rev. Dr. Linda Privitera will lead the walk.

Holy Thursday

Maundy Thursday Holy Eucharist

Thursday, March 28

7 p.m.

The service will be live-streamed. Watch it here.

Maundy Thursday commemorates the poignant events of the Last Supper, a pivotal moment in Christian tradition. As the Bible recounts, Jesus shared a final meal with his disciples, imparting profound teachings of love and service.

During this gathering, Jesus humbly washed the feet of his disciples, exemplifying the spirit of humility and selflessness. The word "Maundy" stems from the Latin "mandatum," meaning "command," reflecting Jesus's directive to love one another as he has loved us.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another." (John 13:34-35)

Through the Holy Eucharist, we honor the sacrifice and profound love embodied in the Last Supper. We remember Jesus's impending betrayal and trial. Join us for the Maundy Thursday service, where the Gospel will be read, and reflections shared. Following tradition, we offer foot washing as a symbol of humility and service, inviting all who wish to participate. As the service concludes, the Altar is solemnly stripped, lights are dimmed, and all depart in silence.

The Watch - A Prayer Vigil

“Then he came to the disciples and found them sleeping, and he said to Peter, ‘So, could you not stay awake with me one hour?’” Matthew 26:40

The Watch - A Prayer Vigil

Thursday, March 28 at 8 p.m. until Friday, March 29 at Noon

Pray with us from your home or wherever you are.

In Matthew, Jesus asked his disciples if they could stay awake with him for just one hour; but they could not. Since that time, disciples have been trying to honor His request.

Here at St. John’s Cathedral, we will attempt to do our part by keeping watch and praying with Christians around the world. We invite you to join in remembering our Lord’s passion by praying and keeping watch with Him for a 30-minute segment during our remembrance of that fateful night. Sign up here

You may choose as many 30-minute time slots as you wish. Each time slot has a maximum of two people, when that number is reached the slot will no longer be available in the drop-down menu.

Prayers and Meditation Guide for The Watch

Holy Friday

The Seven Last Words of Christ

Friday, March 29

12 p.m. to 3 p.m.


This service will be livestreamed here.

Experience the depth of Christ's sacrifice as we reflect on "The Seven Last Words" spoken from the cross.

"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do."
"Today you will be with me in Paradise."
"Woman, this is your son" . . . "This is your mother."
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
"I thirst."
"It is finished."
"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."

Join us for this sacred service, where we will journey through these profound statements, A musical meditation follows each homily. This service offers a sacred space for contemplation and spiritual renewal. You may come and go as you please.

Le Chemin de la Croix (The Stations of the Cross), Op. 29, Marcel Dupré with Poetry by Paul Claudel

Friday, March 29

7 p.m.

In 1931 the great French organist Marcel Dupré improvised a musical depiction of the Stations in Brussels as meditations on poems by Paul Claudel. For many years Dupré was organist at Notre Dame in Paris where he deputized for Louis Vierne. Throughout the fourteen movements of The Stations of the Cross, Dupré weaves a rich theological tapestry symbolizing religious themes of Christ's Passion (suffering, redemption, the cross, and piety to name just a few) by linking them to musical motives (four ascending notes, a descending major triad, etc.).

Come for some respite on Good Friday evening for this meditative performance by Canon for Music Timothy Tuller of Dupré’s music; Hayley Tuller will recite Claudel’s poetry.

Good Friday Offering

This Good Friday we will collect an offering to support the American Friends of the Parents Circle - Families Forum. Please donate as you are able to help continue the peace and reconciliation work of bereaved Israelis and Palestinians. Scan the QR code to the left or visit:

American Friends of the Parents Circle - Families Forum 2248 Broadway #1531 New York, NY 10024

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday Liturgy and Decorate the Nave for Easter

Saturday, March 30

9 a.m.

Dean Kate will lead a Holy Saturday liturgy in the Cathedral then, many hands are needed to decorate the Nave with Eater lilies in preparation for Easter Sunday. Please join us as you are able!

Easter Sunday

The Great Vigil of Easter*

6 a.m.

Easter Breakfast

7:45 a.m.

Holy Eucharist and Flowering of the Cross

9 a.m.

Easter Egg Hunt

10:15 a.m.

Holy Eucharist*

11:15 a.m. (incense will be used)

 *These services will be livestreamed

Holy Week and Easter Services Schedule

You can download a PDF by clicking the image.


BackStory: Racial Healing Over a Lifetime

Thursday, April 4

3 p.m.

Online: Register using the link below.

Join recently retired executive director of the Absalom Jones Center for Racial Healing Catherine Meeks and Dean Kate Moorehead Carroll of St. John’s Cathedral for a conversation about Catherine’s life and her work for racial healing and reconciliation. In partnership with Episcopal Parish Network, Catherine and Kate will participate in a BackStory discussion. BackStory is a regular program under the umbrella of St. John’s Cathedral Bookstore & Gift Shop. BackStory gives the reader a chance to answer some of their questions and hear firsthand how a book was developed. 

Register here for BackStory with EPN

Cultural Dinner: Latin and South America

Saturday, April 6

6 p.m. | Taliaferro Hall

$30 per person

A new repeating event will call upon our God-given gifts in preparing and cooking dinners that feed the soul and gladden the heart because the meals hearken back to our beginnings. 

We are a multicultural parish, and there’s no better way to celebrate our differing backgrounds than to come together over lovingly prepared food and drink to meet and get to know each other in friendship.

Our first Cultural Dinner will celebrate Latin/South American cuisine. The buffet-style dinner will feature delicious plates such as Mexican street corn salad, Argentinian beef & chicken empanadas, Puerto Rican roast pork, Mexican tamales, Cuban yellow rice, Cuban black beans, Mexican chicken enchiladas, Cuban plantains, Brazilian cheese bread, Latin tres leches cake, Cuban flan, and some delicious Sangria.

Register here for the Cultural Dinner

Get Ready for Hunger Fight 2024

Sunday, April 7

Following the 10:30 a.m. service in Taliaferro Hall.

Sign the whole family up for an action-packed intergenerational event that will feed our neighbors. Register by April 1.

Please indicate on the registration form that you would like a lunch. This event and the lunch are free, but registration is requested.

Register here for Hunger Fight 2024

Free Wheelchair Mission Kickoff Events

Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April 14

Free Wheelchair Mission is the world’s largest nonprofit manufacturer of cost-efficient, durable wheelchairs designed for the developing world. Since 2001, they have distributed more than 1.4 million wheelchairs to individuals living with disabilities in 95 countries, providing renewed dignity, independence, and hope through the gift of mobility. More details to be released soon about our Eastertide match opportunity!

Free Wheelchair Mission Founder Don Schoendorfer and Director of Development Angela Gomez will visit St. John’s Cathedral Saturday, April 13 and Sunday, April 14. Below are three opportunities to meet them and learn more about Free Wheelchair Mission.

Brunch and Mimosas Reception

Saturday, April 13 | 12:30 to 2 p.m.

Home of Wendy and John Anderson

Brunch provided by the St. John’s Cathedral Baking Ministry

Open to all, registration is required as space is limited. Register here.

Wine and Hors d’oeuvres Reception

Saturday, April 13 | 6:30 to 8 p.m.

Home of Beth and Michael Kirwan

Open to all, registration is required as space is limited. Register here.

Dean’s Forum

Sunday, April 14 | 9 a.m.

Taliaferro Hall

Open to all. No registration required.

Coffee Hour and Book Signing

Sunday, April 14 | 11:45 a.m.

Taliaferro Hall

Open to all. No registration required.

Join the Green Spirits for a Walk along McCoys Creek

Saturday, April 13 | 9:30 a.m. | 401 Stockton Street

Register for the McCoys Creek Walk

Documentary Screening: The Philadelphia Eleven

Saturday, April 20


Sun-Ray Cinema Five Points

Join St. John's Cathedral, the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, and the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer at the Sun-Ray Cinema for a screening of The Philadelphia Eleven – an award-winning documentary marking the 50th anniversary of the July 1974 moment when eleven courageous women and three brave bishops shattered the stained glass ceiling by ordaining the first women as priests in the Episcopal Church.

All are welcome. An opportunity for reflection and conversation will follow the screening. Purchase your tickets using the link below.

Purchase tickets at Sun-Ray

Spring into FUN at our Spring Festival

Saturday, April 20

9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Join us for a day filled with joy, laughter, and plenty of goodies at our Spring Festival! This is your chance to explore the talents of our vibrant local community and indulge in the finest crafts and goods.

🛍️ Shop Local Delights: Make your way through Taliaferro Hall, where local vendors will showcase an array of treasures. From captivating books to lush plants, dazzling jewelry to exquisite quilts, there's something for everyone!

📚 Explore Across the Street: Venture to the St. John's Cathedral Bookstore and Gift Shop for even more delightful finds and surprises!

🎶 Groove to Live Music: Let the rhythm of spring fill your soul! Taliferro Hall will be alive with the sounds of our Celebration Choir and a toe-tapping Blue Grass Band, keeping the atmosphere lively throughout the day.

🍔 Savor Delicious Eats: Hungry? Fear not! Food trucks will be stationed along Cathedral Park, ready to serve up mouthwatering delights.

🎨 Meet Amazing Artists: Rub shoulders with talented artisans, including an award-winning quilter whose creations will leave you in awe.

Don't miss this fantastic opportunity to celebrate the season and support our local community. Bring your friends, family, and neighbors for a day of fun, shopping, and community spirit. See you there!

Gratitude Overflowing: Reflecting on a Memorable Weekend!

Jazz in the Garden: To all the jazz enthusiasts who joined us under the stars for an evening of enchanting melodies and soulful rhythms, thank you for making Jazz in the Garden a magical experience! Your presence and appreciation for the arts truly made the night shine brighter.

Lay Weeders Work Day: A heartfelt thank you to the green-thumbed volunteers who rolled up their sleeves and joined forces to beautify our beloved garden spaces. Your hard work and dedication make our property shine. Cheers to Kathie Meuselbach, Betty Ann Graves, Anthony Oswalt, Bonnie Hardman, Jean Hendricks, Laura O'Shields, Mary Davis and her grandson Brett, George Booth, Marc Willis, and Sylvia Armsby.

Voices from Israel and Palestine Dialogue: To everyone who participated in the thought-provoking dialogue exploring perspectives from Israel and Palestine, thank you for engaging in meaningful conversations and fostering understanding. If you missed it, you can listen to the dialogue here.

In every moment shared, in every task accomplished, and in every conversation exchanged, we've witnessed the power of community and the beauty of coming together in unity and harmony. That's LOVE at the CORE!

Birthday Blessings!

Sunday, March 24

No Cathedral Birthdays

Monday, March 25

Dee Beggarly

Tuesday, March 26

Luke Myers, Tory Walker

Wednesday, March 27

Robin Hyde, Bobbie O'Connor, Dick Wilkerson

Thursday, March 28

Peter Dame, Stuart Meyer

Friday, March 29

Gia Kasraeian

Saturday, March 30

Amy Bandalos, Regina Deters, Jennifer Gordon

The prayer line is always open...

Please let us know what you need and how we can pray for you. Many parishioners appreciate our clergy being with them prior to surgery. If you are having a medical procedure and would like pre-op prayers, please call the church office

(904) 356-5507. If you are calling after hours, press 4, and your call will be routed to a member of the clergy.

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