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November 10


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Greening of the Church

November 20 after service

The Sunday BEFORE THANKSGIVING, we remove our sanctuary's fall finery and begin decorating for Advent and Christmas!

Please join us following the 11:00 service for sandwiches and snacks as we make this annual transition. Thanks to our fearless leader Christina Sporleder whose organizational skills make this task a pleasure.


Thankful and Blessed!

Prepare your Thanksgiving table by selecting either a sheet of four napkin rings or a table  centerpiece.The inside of the napkin rings have table-talk discussion starters and offer those  gathered the opportunity to express their gratitude for all of God’s blessings.

The easy-to-assemble Thanksgiving centerpiece offers a prayer of gratitude to God and a hymn of thanks to sing or pray.

Both can be found in the narthex.

Advent Devotionals

A variety of Advent Devotionals are available in the narthex.

Select from devotionals written for

seniors (large print), adults, teens and families with children.

The Season of Advent begins on Sunday, November 27.

Looking for Saints to Pass on the Faith to our Young Ones

Our Sunday School program has been reconstituted and structured around our current numbers and ages of children and youth. In order to facilitate a variety of experiences, we have created a modular program for each age bracket – each week’s lesson and enrichment activities are laid out and supplies contained in a bag. Very little preparation is required. Practically – anyone can do it!

Passing on the faith to our children is a congregational duty – one that sows seeds of faith and service for the future of Christ’s church.

Please consider volunteering for a Sunday or two each quarter to share your time and energy with our classes – ages 3-6 or 7-10.

If interested or have questions, please contact Tracey at

Contact Bonnie MacHenry for more information.

Contact Deidre Howard to share your ministry event or special activity in our weekly updates. All inputs due by NOON on Wednesday.

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