Volume: 9.4S | September 2024



Students excited to be back on campus

Welcome to your monthly GEM!

Here's what you can find in this email:

  • Upcoming Dates & Deadlines
  • Financial Aid Feature: Federal Work-Study; Student Loans at LCCC
  • Confirm Your Information
  • Registration Holds: Balances and Required Title IX Training
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Resource Spotlight: Student Engagement; Ludden Library; Office of Student Accommodations; Counseling & Campus Wellness
Click here to catch up on previous GEMs!

Upcoming Dates & Deadlines

  • Sept. 16: B12 Classes Begin
  • Sept. 20: End of 50% Refund Period - B14 Classes
  • Sept. 24: Last Day to Withdraw - A8 Classes
  • Sept. 24: Last Day to Drop with No W and with 100% Refund - B12 Classes
  • Sept. 25: Registration Holds placed for past due balances and incomplete Title IX Training (Details Below)
  • Sept. 27: Fall 2024 Graduation Applications Due (Apply using the Self-Service App in your myLCCC account)
  • Oct. 1: End of 50% Refund Period - B12 Classes
  • Oct. 11: Fall Break - LCCC Closed
  • Oct. 14: B8 Classes Begin

Financial Aid Feature

What is Federal Work-Study?


Federal Work-Study (FWS) is a type of financial aid that enables students to work at eligible part-time jobs on campus and earn regular paychecks to help offset education expenses.

At LCCC, there are many part-time student positions around campus. Some of them require FWS, and some do not. If you find yourself with time and interest in a part-time position on-campus, then your potential supervisor may check to see if you are FWS-eligible. This is not something that is checked or awarded unless you are actively seeking an on-campus position.

You can learn more about Federal Work-Study from

View On-Campus Student Employment Positions

Student Loans at LCCC

Are you receiving student loans as part of your financial aid award at LCCC? Make sure you know some of the important, often-overlooked details about your loans:

  • Subsidized student loans = the loan does not accrue interest while you are in school
  • Unsubsidized student loans = the loan accrues interest while you are in school (and after)

Check your Self-Service app for more information about your financial aid.

If you have more questions about your aid, great resources for help include:

Self-Service Confirm Button.png

Confirm Your Information!

Now is a great time to update and confirm your contact and emergency information in the Self-Service app in your myLCCC account!

Keeping your information up-to-date helps LCCC know how to get ahold of you, send you important mail (such as refund checks!), or who to contact for you in case of an emergency.

It's easy:

  1. Log into myLCCC
  2. Go to the Self-Service app
  3. Click on your name at the top of the page and go to Contact Information
  4. Review your information - address, email address, and phone number.
  5. Edit or add information as needed, and then confirm! (Note that address changes will not show up immediately; they must be manually verified and will show up within a week of updating.)
  6. Click on your name at the top of the page again to go to Emergency Information.
  7. Add or confirm the name and contact methods for your emergency contact person.

Enrollment Verification

A man's hands holding a pen and pushing buttons on a large calculator on a tabletop.

Do you need proof of your enrollment and credits for insurance?

You may need to obtain an Enrollment Verification.

The easiest way to do this is to access a ready-to-print Enrollment Verification from the Self-Service app in your myLCCC account.


If that does not work for you, you can request one by email from the Student Hub ( using your student email address.

Image of part of an open checkbook with a pen laying on top of it.
Title IX icon.PNG

Registration Holds

Registration holds will be placed on students' accounts on September 25 for students who have a balance due, or who have not yet completed their mandatory Title IX Training.

Past Due Balances

If you still owe some money for your Fall semester balance, now is the time to take care of it! You can sign up for a payment plan, or pay in full, using the Self-Service app in your myLCCC account.

Title IX Training

LCCC students are required to complete annual training regarding alcohol/other drugs and sexual violence prevention.

You must complete your training prior to registering for the Spring semester. You can access the training in your myLCCC account.

You can find more details in your student email account - look for an email titled Online Interpersonal Training for more information.


Need to make schedule changes?

Students can add/drop classes in the Navigate app.

Before making schedule changes, it's recommended that you talk to your Student Success Coach and the Student Hub, to discuss potential impacts to your academic progress and financial aid standing.

Some students may have holds on their account that will prevent them from adding/dropping classes in Navigate for various reasons. In most cases, you can talk to your Student Success Coach regarding holds and what you may need to do to resolve them. Email your Student Success Coach or schedule an appointment in Navigate if needed.

Resource Spotlight

Ludden Library

LCCC's Ludden Library is a crucial resource for students!

The library houses thousands of physical resources and many online and technology resources - including subscriptions to online publications, as well as equipment for check-out including laptops, calculators, and webcams.

In addition, library staff are a great resource to help you with anything from starting or refining your research to citing your sources! Not to mention that the physical library spaces at both the Cheyenne and Laramie Campuses are great for studying or meeting up with classmates to help get you in the right mindset to work on your schoolwork.

Student studying in the Ludden Library.
Student walking in front of the Ludden Library

Office of Student Accommodations


LCCC's Office of Student Accommodations provides confidential, comprehensive, free accommodations for students with documented disabilities, Title IX needs (including pregnancy and breastfeeding), and Veterans. They can help provide services or support to reduce mobility, sensory, and perceptual concerns to help YOU be successful!

If you had an IEP in high school, are diagnosed with a physical or mental health need, or are pregnant/breastfeeding and need support while you are in classes, connect with OSA to learn about options you may have for assistance.

Student Engagement

Students painting during welcome week Fall 2024

Through LCCC's Student Engagement office, there are countless opportunities to get involved on-campus. This can look different for different students - it could be joining a club, attending an event, or even getting an on-campus job.

Campus involvement helps you meet other students, expand your perspective, and develop a support system to help you at LCCC and beyond. There are clubs based on academic programs, extra-curricular activities, shared belief systems, and more. Campus events offer fun, learning, growing, and networking opportunities.

Check out to keep up-to-date on upcoming events so that you don't miss an opportunity to catch a movie screening, meet an artist, attend a concert, or whatever else might catch your eye!

Laramie students wanting to get involved: Apply to be a Laramie SGA Senator!

Contact Student Engagement for more information:

Crossroads Building 107 (Cheyenne Campus) | | 307.778.1119

Counseling & Campus Wellness

LCCC's Counseling & Campus Wellness offers free mental health services to help support you and your overall wellness. All LCCC students (Cheyenne, Laramie, and online) are eligible for free services, including short-term individual counseling, crisis intervention, and skill development. Community referrals are available as well. After hours, please call 307-778-4397 for emotional and crisis support.

In addition, LCCC students are eligible to receive free healthcare services at the Tuesday Night Health Clinic, staffed by residents from University of Wyoming Family Medicine. Testing and treatment for many conditions are available. The Tuesday Night Health Clinic is open 6-8pm on Tuesday evenings while classes are in session at the Cheyenne Campus.

Laramie Campus students are also welcome to make an appointment at the Albany Community Health Clinic for medical care. The website for more information is Education Health Centers of Wyoming.

Did you know?

You could win prizes just for reading the GEM! Click the button to the right to be entered to win a $50 gift card to the LCCC Bookstore!

Click here to be entered to win!

The Golden Eagle Monthly is an email series connecting you to the information that you need!

Questions about the GEM can be directed to the Student Hub.

Please note that using the "unsubscribe" link below will unsubscribe you only from GEM emails.

Laramie County Community College is determined to create an environment where individuals engage in productive dialogue built upon a foundation of inclusion.

LCCC Website



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