Dear Charter Representatives,
The 2022-23 Compliance Statement of Assurance submission deadline has been extended to October 1st!
As a reminder: the Board approved the use of the Compliance Statement of Assurance (“Compliance Statement”) to assist in communicating to charter holders the compliance expectations and requirements to which each charter holder must adhere. The Compliance Statement contains a list of the contractual and legal requirements applicable to charter holders and the operation of charter schools. The list of compliance statements is not all-inclusive; the charter holder is responsible for reviewing and having knowledge of all applicable provisions, laws and requirements to which it will be held.
The following resources can be referenced when reviewing the Compliance Statement of Assurance:
Additionally, below is a list of statutes of which charters should be aware that are not included in the Compliance Statement of Assurance:
HB2026: Requires each school, regardless of letter grade designation, to annually submit an updated K-3 reading program plan to ADE. Specifies promotion and retention procedures for a 3rd grade student who does not demonstrate sufficient reading skills.
HB 2118: Replaces one public body member on the ASBCS with an alternative school teacher. Changes withdrawal and enrollment procedures for alternative schools.
HB 2161: Prohibits a governmental entity or official from interfering with or usurping a parent's right to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of their children. Modifies parental consent requirements for school surveys. Expands parental rights regarding access to written and electronic records of a parent's child.
HB2178: Exempts a school psychologist who is contracted to provide services in an educational institution setting and who is certified by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) from licensure requirements.
HB 2495: Prohibits a public school from referring students to or using any sexually explicit material in any manner unless the material meets prescribed criteria.
HB 2632: Increases civics passing score.
HB2866: (K-12 Budget) Contains provisions relating to K-12 education needed to implement the FY 2023 budget; including: increased funding amounts for the base level and charter additional assistance amounts, distribution of results based funding, and special education Group B funding weight increases.
SB1159: Expands specified exemptions from teaching certificate requirements. Allows a school district or charter school to apply for approval as a locally-based school leadership preparation program (leadership program) to approve school-level leadership position certifications and modifies eligibility and requirements for classroom-based teacher preparation program candidates and providers.
SB 1165: Directs public schools and certain private schools to designate their interscholastic athletics teams based on the biological sex of the participating students.
SB 1630: Authorizes a school district, charter school or a privately owned and operated entity to use a motor vehicle designed to carry between 11 to 15 passengers or a motor vehicle designed as a type A or B school bus (motor vehicles) to transport students to or from home or school.
SB1654: Allows, beginning in the 2022-2023 school year, the parent or guardian of a student who has a seizure disorder to submit a copy of a seizure management and treatment plan (plan) for school personnel to use if the student suffers a seizure at school or at a school-sponsored activity.
The Charter Representative is responsible for downloading the form below, initialing each line, and signing the form. Only forms filled out and signed by the charter representative on file with the Board will be accepted.
For the 2022-23 school year, each charter holder shall submit to the Board a completed and signed Compliance Statement by October 1st. Please reach out to your Education Program Manager with any questions.