Follow Up from August WV Wraparound Provider Check-In

The recording from today's WV Wraparound Provider Check In is on the website under the "Recordings and Documents" page. You can also access Tammy Pearson's WV Wraparound Fidelity training here. 

Wraparound online pre-requisite trainings are located on the "Trainings" page of the website. You can also access the links to register for the upcoming WV Wraparound Provider Check Ins. 

Wraparound and Mobile Response Website

Additional Links Noted

Remaining Plan of Care trainings:

September 1st at 1pm

September 2nd at 2pm

If you attended a training last week, this is the same training, just with additional times offered.

POC Training Registration

If you are a Wraparound Facilitator or Wraparound Supervisor and are not in a cohort, please complete the cohort preference survey below 

Cohort Preference

If you have additional questions, please reach out to

Holly Glick Sly at