Cookie Exchange
Just a quick reminder:
Tomorrow is the last day to RSVP to participate in the Cookie Exchange.
We will each bring 4 dozen cookies, bars, candies, or loaves to share with each other and we will all leave with the same amount of treats that we brought. What makes them even better? We didn't have to make them all!
We will get together to make the exchange at 10:00am on Saturday morning, 12/16 and enjoy some refreshments and visiting with friends. If you'd like to bring along your dog to play outside while we visit inside, DO IT!
You can't make the 16th? NO PROBLEM!
Bring the treats to Born to Run on or before 12/15 and we will gladly include them in the exchange and package up a bag of treats for you to take home next time you visit us...
Kindly RSVP by 12/13/23.
See the details here on our revised flyer!