Farm Shares

Our Farm Shares come in a half-bushel box and are packed with a variety of vegetables, lettuces, greens, herbs, a dozen eggs, and a market bouquet. Available for pick-up or delivery, every week, or every other week.


Bouquet Subscriptions

Select from pick up or delivery. Enjoy 10 fresh-cut arranged bouquets in a sparkling mason jar. This subscription is for 10 weeks between June and September.


Dahlia Tuber SALE

When I discovered dahlias, I was hooked. And when I started sharing them, you were too! In April we will have our very first tuber sale! Newsletter subscribers will get first access to the tuber shop online. As soon as the tubers are ready, we'll let you know!

Succulent Party

@Trailhead Coffee Shop

Do you love succulents? Plan to join the party on Friday, April 19th, at 6:30pm in Concord. Cost is $20. Bring a bowl. Materials and 3 plants included. Extra plants will be available for purchase. Email me if you want to sign up to attend.

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