Daily Lenten Offering

Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever becomes humble like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Matthew 18:1-4

God, help me to change, to accept and even embrace that what is normal and familiar may not be what is best or even good. Bring me back to my childhood and awaken my spirit, for wonder, humility, and imagination. Amen.


In our pursuit of maturity, Jesus surprises us with this invitation: become like children. Jesus perceives the deep power of child-like wonder: the litany curious questions, the tenderness of a humble, open heart. To be a child is not to be child-ish, but to weave together the themes of this Lent: humility, curiosity, empathy, and ever growing awareness of self.

Play is experimentation and creation. Play dismantles quickly and easily what doesn’t serve life, while simultaneously discovering new options. Play is a gift of God our Creator.

Play is messy, which is why some adults set games and silliness aside. Play disrupts the familiar and surprises us with the unexpected. Play is the challenge of Jesus, our Resurrected Friend.

Play is revealing. Play can be competitive, cooperative, imaginative. It expands our horizons by giving us new, unplanned experiences. Do we respond with unifying grace or dividing anger? Play is the joy of the Holy Spirit.


Each week, we suggest to you a short moment of pause and prayer before you leave the house, or maybe even just when you get out of bed. 

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