We are the Church that serves
and spreads God’s love to everyone
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News for the Week
of March 3, 2024
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With Holy Eucharist Rite I
Third Sunday of Lent
8:00 a.m., Sunday, In Person
10:00 a.m., Sunday, In Person and Online
9:45 a.m.—11:15 a.m.
Chilton Hall Room 1
Sunday School
9:15 a.m.
Chilton Hall Room 2
Holy Eucharist, Healing Service
and Adult Education
Wednesday, March 6, 1:00 p.m., Parish Hall
This Sundays Readings
1st Reading - Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19:1-14 - BCP pages 606 and 607
2nd Reading - 1 Corinthians 1:18-25
Gospel - John 2:13-22
Music for 10:00 a.m. Service
Entrance Hymn - Hymnal #28, Down at the Cross
Kyrie - Hymnal #S-90
Sequence Hymn - Hymnal #150, Forty Days and Forty Nights - Vs 1 and 2
Offertory - Hymnal #149, Eternal Lord of Love
Sanctus - Hymnal #S-114
Fraction - Hymnal #S-158, O Lamb of God
Communion - Instrumental, Sicilliano
Closing Hymn - LEVAS #228, Go Down, Moses
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Home Visits
With Holy Eucharist
In addition to our on-line services, we also have Eucharistic Visitors who will joyfully bring Communion to those unable to come to our in-person services. Please contact our office at 623-582-5449.
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Aloha Friday with Fr. Tim
No Aloha Friday for this week, but please click the link below to read some of Fr. Tim's past Aloha Friday reflections.
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Community News and Events
@ St. John the Baptist
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April 17 "I will be there." | |
St. John's Walk to Jerusalem
This week we walked 650.27 miles!
We have walked a total of 4,714.44 miles! Craig Cantrill was our distance leader this week with a whopping 48.6 miles. Getting closer every week!
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Baptisms on Easter Sunday
If you or someone you know would like to be baptized, Easter Sunday is an amazing day to do that. Please contact the office or Fr. Tim to set up an appointment to talk it over.
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Chapel Rock Sunday
March 3rd
The first Sunday of March is always Chapel Rock Sunday in the Diocese of Arizona. Here at St. John's, we will have the milk can out for donations that will help support the camp and campers that might not be able to afford to attend. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
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Important Meeting for Lay Ministers
Sunday, March 17, 11:30 a.m. after the service, Sanctuary
Calling all members of the Altar Guild, Eucharistic Ministers, Acolytes, Lay Readers, AV Stream Team, Ushers, and Greeters! Please join Fr. Tim and Deacon Chuck for this important meeting to discuss the upcoming services for Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter and other important topics. Please contact the office if you have any questions.
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Beach Towels for Camp Genesis
The Diocesan Prison Ministry Team is getting ready for Camp Genesis. They are asking for donations of NEW beach towels for the camp kids. All colors or designs will be greatly appreciated. There will be a basket in the Parish Hall for your donations of new beach towels. Please contact Maryanne Vermillion with any questions.
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2024 Paws for Vets Annual Golf Tournament
Saturday, May 11, 7:00 a.m., Coyote Lakes Golf Course, Surprise AZ
Tournament registration is now open! Click link below to register.
Volunteers are needed to help make this tournament a success. You may email Kirstie Myers at kirstie_myers@icloud.com to volunteer.
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Revised St. John's Pilgrimage to the United Kingdom
May 4- 14, 2025
Fr. Tim has worked with Faith Journeys to revise the trip. Please click on the link below to review the new trip itinerary and cost. If you have questions, please contact the office.
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Habitat for Humanity
In the last fiscal year, Habitat for Humanity Central Arizona closed on 15 new homes and completed another 535 repair projects, serving 1278 individuals. The Episcopal Habitat Coalition, of which St. John the Baptist is a member church, is proud to have worked with HFHCA to make that possible. If you would like to hear about the various ways you can participate in building homes, hope, and communities, please see Sandy Basche or e-mail her at dsbasche@gmail.com.
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FTTA- Bob Trotter Curanderismo Presentation
Our own Bob Trotter, a retired NAU college professor (medical anthropologist), presented his talk on Curanderismo: Healing Through Faith, Prayer, and Traditional Knowledge, last Saturday. His presentation included still photography and narrative on some of the traditional healing practices taking place in Mexican American communities. Please check out the photographs in the Parish Hall.
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Birthdays at St. John's
Ramona and Linda celebrated their birthdays 2 weeks ago. Tony and Bob received their birthday blessings last Sunday.
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Church Directory Updates
We are updating the church directory and need your help. If you are not in the directory, or your contact information has changed, or if you would like your birthdays and wedding anniversary added or if you would like your picture added. Please fill out the green form on the shelve on the south wall titled Information for Church Directory and put them in the Notes for Parish Office on the office door. We will update the information as soon as possible and Renee’ Taylor from the office will be in contact with you for photos. If you have any questions, please contact the office.
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Attention Ministry Leaders
A new way of getting information to our flock. Please notice the step ladder of binders on the south wall shelf. They are there to add to the love we have for our ministries. You can add mission statements, pictures, sign-up sheets. Anything to bring more information to everyone that might be interested in any and all of our Ministries. Please feel free to fill them with wonderful stories of our spiritual lives together. Contact Barbara Bratcher or Michelle Weaver if you have questions.
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February Stewardship Message
Time, Talent and Treasure
"If your faith doesn't cost you something, it isn't worth everything."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer German Theologian
and author of The Cost of Discipleship, 1937
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St. John’s Giving and Attendance for February 25th
Pledge $9,146.51
Plate $1,231.00
Thrift Store $77.00
Food Pantry $.00
Other $159.09
Weekly Expenses $2,543.45
Attendance 110
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Altar Flower Dedications - No Dedications for Lent
The Easter Lily sign-up sheet will be available soon. Please sign up for flower dedications on the clip board on the Ministry Shelf on the south side of the parish hall. Suggested donation is $40.00. We can have more than one dedication on a Sunday if you want to split the cost. Contact the office for more information.
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Garden Ministry Invites you to Come Visit!
Yes, we are in the season of Lent and while there are no flowers on the altar, mother nature is getting ready to share her spring beauty with us all. Stacy and Sandy from the garden ministry invite everyone to come and enjoy Meghan's Garden!
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Ministry Events This Week
@ St. John the Baptist
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Announcements and Newsletter Submission Deadlines
Please submit all announcements for the Sunday, bulletin (white flyer) by noon on Wednesday. Announcements and pictures for the Weekly Email Newsletter (Constant Contact) by noon on Thursday. Submit by email to info@stjohnsaz.org. For questions contact Renee’ Taylor, Parish Administrator in the office.
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For more information about a ministry, please send an email to the ministry contact by clicking on their name. Schedule of events is always available - please click button below to view the SJB electronic calendar.
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St. John’s Closet Thrift Store
Friday and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Chilton Hall, Rm 3.
Open at 8:00 March 2nd, for P.O.W. W.O.W.
Donations are accepted during the hours we are open.
Ministry Contact Les Brown and Mae Sinclair
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Stations of the Cross
Friday, March 3, Fridays during Lent, Sanctuary, 6:30 p.m.
Led by Deacon Chuck and Stacy Milhoan
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St. John's High School Youth Group
St. John's High School Youth Group has partnered with other local Episcopal and Lutheran Churches to create a community for our youth. The youth will be meeting every Friday from 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. Each Friday will have a theme and snacks will be provided. All high schoolers are welcome! The locations of the meetings are going to rotate between the Episcopal and Lutheran Churches involved. Listed below is our schedule through March. Locations, with addresses, will be announced as soon as they are set.
Contact Jessica Dugan at 623-680-8733 for more information.
March 1st - Hang Out Games and snacks. St. John's Room 6 Chilton Hall
March 8th - Service Project. Location and time to be determined.
March 15th - Dungeons and Dragons at St John Lutheran, address to follow.
March 22nd - Stations of the Cross at the Episcopal Church of St John Baptist
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Borderlands P.O.W. W.O.W. (Produce on Wheels Without Waste) Volunteers Needed
Saturday, March 2, 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., Parking Lot
Set-up starts 2 hours before opening to the public and clean-up takes about 30 minutes after. All help is much appreciated as without it we couldn’t provide the valuable service to our community! St. John’s receives 5% which goes towards helping feed the Veterans and our Food Pantry.
Questions: see Tracy Hare, Buz Isban or Pattie Prosory.
Blessings and Thanks, The Borderlands’ P.O.W.W.O.W. Team
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Men's Fellowship and Bible Study
Saturday, March 2, 8:00 a.m. Zoom
Ministry Contact Colin Smith and Dan Basche
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Godly Play Sunday School
Sunday, March 3, 9:15 a.m. to 9:55 a.m., Chilton Hall Rm 2
Class is from 9:15 to 9:55 for ages 4 years through 6th grade. The Bible story will begin at 9:15. Families with small children are invited to sit in the front rows during either service.
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Bible Study Between Services Led by Dan Basche,
Sundays between services, Chilton Hall, Rm 5
Please join us for adult bible study between services. Bring your bible, grab a cup of coffee, a treat and join us. Bibles are available.
Ministry Contact Dan Basche
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Harry Potter Book Club
Monday, March 4, 6:00 p.m., CH-Rm 6
6:00 p.m. Dinner, 6:30 p.m. Study, "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"
Ministry Contact Jennifer Roland
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Wednesday Eucharist, Healing Service and Adult Education
Wednesday, March 6, 1:00 p.m., Parish Hall
You are invited to bring a brown bag lunch.
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Bunco at St. John’s
Thursday, March 7, 6:30 p.m., Parish Hall
Come join the fun! Bring $8.00, $5.00 to play, $3.00 for the church. Exact change please!! Three quarters (.75 cents) to play LCR (Left, Center, Right) If you can please bring a sweet or savory snack to share!
Ministry Contact Les Brown and Renee’ Taylor
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Coming up
@ St. John the Baptist and the Diocese
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Movie Night at St. John's!
Saturday, March 16, 6:00 p.m., Sanctuary
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for this fun and educational event. We will offer drinks and snacks. After the movie we will have a fun and thoughtful discussion about the theological aspects of the movie. Our first movie will be "Oh, God!" This 1977 American comedy classic starring George Burns and John Denver is based on the 1971 novel of the same name by Avery Corman, the film was directed by Carl Reiner. We hope to make this a regular event at St. John's. For more information, please contact the office.
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April 17 “I will be there.”
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@ St. John the Baptist
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Is God Calling?
Maybe our Creator is calling you to be a vital volunteer! Here are some ways to serve God & neighbor @ SJB:
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Greeters Ministry Seeking Your Servant Heart
What better way than to open the door to serve and spread God’s love to everyone, than to be a greeter? Weave an occasional Sunday morning worship time with our warm hearts as a Greeter and feel the joy in your heart!
Ministry Contacts Susan M. Duncan and Casey Klems
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Prison Ministry Needs Postage Stamps
Postage stamps are needed for sending birthday and Mother’s Day cards to the women at Perryville prison. Please put the stamps in the Treasurer’s box by the office door. The cards and words of encouragement that are sent to the women incarcerated at Perryville Prison are always greatly appreciated as shown by their many heartfelt responses. Many thanks for thinking of the needs of others.
Spring Highway Clean-Up Ministry - Date Change.
Saturday, (New Date) March 9, 7:00 a.m. Meet for Breakfast at the The Place at 51st Ave and Bell, 8:10 a.m. meet back at the church to carpool to the site. Return to St. John’s 10:45 to 11:00 a.m. Please dress appropriately as it is sunny and windy there. Hats, jeans, sturdy shoes and gloves are highly recommended. We will have water, bags and bright vests.
Ministry Contacts Dan Basche and Mike Werner
Hospitality Ministry
Please prayerfully consider becoming a part of this important ministry. It takes 6 people each Sunday to set up (2), keep up between services (2) and clean up (2). Sometimes there is a call for “all hands-on deck” when we have a funeral. Not having to worry about the after-service reception helps relieve some of the stress for those families. So please consider becoming a part of the welcoming hospitality that is St. John’s, The Church that serves and spreads God’s love to everyone. Remember many hands make light work.
Ministry Contact Dovie Templin
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Food Pantry and Blessing Bags Supplies Needed
In February the Food Pantry served 70 families, 164 adults and 60 children.
Items that are especially needed this week are: toothpaste, can chicken, pork and beans, elow macaroni, white rice, brown rice, ranch dressing, strawberry jelly/jam.
Please remember to check the expiration date on your donations. We cannot give out expired food to our clients.
Besides food pantry items, we also have smaller bags of food, water and personal hygiene bags to respond to those asking for help. (Cans with pull rings are helpful). Please pick up your Blessing Bags by the church doors.
Food Pantry - Always Needed and Appreciated
Spam, Canned Tuna and Chicken
Syrup and Pancake Mix (Complete)
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Cereal (hot and cold)
Blessing Bags - Always Needed and Appreciated
Vienna Sausages/Beanee Weenee
Snacks and Cookies (Individual)
Personal size hygiene products
Real juice Small Cans (V8, OJ, etc.)
Thank you for helping our neighbors in need.
Ministry Contacts Craig Cantrill, Tacy Ingraham, Sally Trotter
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@ St. John the Baptist
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Pastoral Care
Fr. Tim and Deacon Chuck are pleased to make themselves available for pastoral care at all times of the day and night. At the same time, they want you to know that they are very mindful about respecting the value of your privacy. If you would like a pastoral visit or telephone call, please let the office know. This way the clergy will know that it is safe and appropriate to contact you and they can be certain that their communication does not come at an unwelcome time.
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The Daughters of the King
Prayer Ministry
St. John the Baptist's chapter of the DOK prays with you
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Please click the button to send a confidential request to the Daughters of the King. All requests are kept private within the DOK intercessory prayer group. If you’d like a first name added to the prayers said aloud during Sunday services, please indicate this on your email to the Daughters. Names are read aloud at every service for a period of 4 weeks from request. | | | | |