Weekly Update:

Friday, September 6, 2024

Happy September, Cornerstone Family! We're excited to welcome Rev. Kent Mathews as our guest preacher this Sunday! He'll be preaching on John 3:28-30 and John 14:1-3,27 with a sermon titled, "Together Yet Apart". You can read more about Kent below.

Our services will include celebration of the Lord's Supper. We'll also be collecting our Benevolence Offering as an outflow of our worship. This fund is designated to assist people in our congregation and community who are struggling financially. You can place your offering in one of the boxes in the Worship Center or give securely online (select "Benevolence Offering" in dropdown menu).

Also during our services, we'll be having a special "Mission Minute" with Robin Hodges, a Job Coach at The Blue Valley Food Pantry. She'll share how our donations for the September Mission Focus will bless the community, while also providing opportunities to grow work and comunication skills for those with disabilities in the Blue Valley School District. We're excited to see you at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. or 10:00 a.m. online!

Kent is the President of Heartland Theological Seminary (KC) and Department Chair with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Charlotte, NC). He holds several regional and national offices with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC). In addition, he's the Chancellor of Faith Covenant Pastor Training Schools in Dubai, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, India and Nepal, as well as the Director of Gospel in Action Church Planting Network (Uganda).

Cornerstone Social: Fall Pig Roast

Event: Fall Pig Roast

Date: Saturday, September 21st

Time: 5:00-7:30PM

Location: Dale and Bonnie Jenkins Backyard in Overland Park

Details: Usher in the fall with a fun event for the whole family! We'll enjoy the fall weather with fun outdoor games-- cornhole, badminton, croquet, bingo and even an apple cider press! We'll provide smoked pork and turkey, drinks, tableware and tables/chairs, but are asking you to bring one of the following: casserole, beans, salad or dessert. Let us know you're coming and what you're bringing through the RSVP link below. Additional details can also be found below. Questions? Contact Doug Sharpe.

Additional Details

Serve at Parents' Night Out

Our next Parents' Night Out is on Friday September 13th and we'd love for you to serve with us! We host PNO to build bridges with our community and it allows us to reach people we would otherwise never see. For some of the single parents that register, this event is one of the only times they get a break. For others, it provides them with a date night or just a night of rest. More importantly, this event allows kids and adults to see that churches are safe and fun, that they belong here and that we care about them.

We would love for you to serve on our PNO team, and we can’t wait to see the relationships you develop with our community that have the power to create a life-changing impact. Use the button below to sign up to serve!

Sign Up to Serve

Cornerstone Basics: Greatest Hits from Psalms

Cornerstone Basics is a class designed for you to learn more about the basics of the Christian faith. For the fall series of Basics, Cornerstone Member, Gene Baldwin, will lead the class through the book of Psalms. Details and registration below!

Date: Sundays starting September 29th

Time: 10:10-10:50AM

Length: 12 sessions

Where: Cornerstone Library

Description: The word "Psalm" in Greek means "song" so it's no surprise that this book of the Bible is of poetry and lyrics! The Psalms contain 150 songs, or poems, divided into five books: Songs of Ascent, Hymns of Praise, Psalms of Thanksgiving, Lament and Wisdom. About half of them were written by David.

Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer called this book the "Prayerbook of the Bible" as these are very personal and relatable songs. While you'll only study the first 12 Psalms, this class will deepen your love for the Psalms and give you a thirst for more!

Questions? Contact Gene Baldwin

Register Here

September Mission Focus

Our September Mission Focus is The Blue Valley Food Pantry! They are a community food pantry staffed by students with disabilities and designed to increase the vocational skills of special education students in the Blue Valley School District. A list of needed items are below. Grab a missions bag in the lobby and bring the items back to the mission bin anytime in September. Thank you for your donations!

We're collecting several items the pantry is low on:

  • Kid-friendly cereals (Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, Fruit Loops, etc.)
  • Adult cereals (Chex, Cheerios, etc.)
  • Canned fruit (any kind)
  • White rice

September Cornerstone Classics

Time to start reading! The next Cornerstone Classics book club meeting is coming up! Their September book is A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by Phillip Keller. They’ll gather online on Monday, September 9th at 7:00PM to discuss this classic Christian book. Sign up below!

Register for September

Has any of your information changed? Help us keep our database current by dropping us a note on our Contact page.

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