Many of you may not be aware that we have a large counselling service which over the past 12 months, has delivered over 6,000 sessions – helping people address issues such as depression, addiction, anxiety and relationship problems. We run a low-cost scheme, too. For further information, visit, or for enquiries, email or telephone 01462 558491.
Mindfulness: we are currently delivering 4-week Mindfulness programmes in every primary school in Hitchin, funded by Hitchin Youth Trust.
Positive Movement: our bespoke, award-winning programme for older people is now being delivered in care homes in Luton and surrounding areas (commissioned by Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes NHS) with quite remarkable results. Staff report reduced need for use of hoists and walking sticks, while several participants are able to stand up and walk unaided.
NHS Health & Wellbeing Coaching Service: patients of Hitchin & Whitwell GP practices can be referred to this service which we have been running with excellent results for nearly 3 years.
Volunteering Opportunities
Growing People, our horticultural therapy programme supporting people with mental health issues, runs a volunteer programme on Thursday mornings which will always welcome new volunteers to help with various gardening tasks. Email
Our Partners
Nourish Vegetarian Wholefood Café
Now open every day of the week including Sundays from 9:30am to 3pm. tel 01462 557755
Our partner organisation, Enchanted Garden Events, provides bespoke, unforgettable celebrations in the Centre grounds year-round – and is licensed to conduct wedding ceremonies as well. Tel 07967 633859
Room Hire
We hire rooms when they are not used for our own courses. Contact
There’s lots more news to come – and we hope to see you at the Centre very soon.
With very best wishes
The Team at the Sadie Centre