Oct. 14, 2022
Generosity Sunday, October 30
One of the conditions of living in survival mode in the last few years has been our sense of scarcity. When the pandemic first started, we were overwhelmed with scarcity. We couldn't get enough hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies. We needed masks and ventilators. Some foods were hard to get, like peanut butter and milk. And don't forget how hard it was to get toilet paper. Some people lost jobs, and others had hours and pay cuts. Ongoing supply chain issues have continued our experience of scarcity. As vaccinations rolled out, there was a mad rush to get one. Inflation and a volatile market have intensified this feeling that we don't have enough. This chronic experience of scarcity leaves us spiritually empty and diminishes our experience of life.
Here's the kicker. The antidote to scarcity is not to acquire more. It's to practice generosity. Being generous with anything--time, money, kindness, skills, strength--frees us from feeling like we don't have enough. In fact, it reminds us that if we freely share what we have, we will all have enough. This fact shows up over and over in the Bible. Since our entire lives are a gift from God, practicing generosity is doing God's work. Generosity is a spiritual practice that allows us to thrive and not just survive.
We're trying to create a culture of generosity at FUMCLR. This means we want our first instinct to be how we can share ourselves and our resources so that all may have enough. We want people to experience the spiritual renewal that happens when we live like Christ, who gave everything for us. A culture of generosity means that instead of asking if we have enough time, we are quick to serve and volunteer. It's using our gifts and skills to benefit the community. It's being financially generous and working toward the Biblical concept of tithing. It's looking around at what needs to be done and doing it rather than waiting for someone to ask. It's about seeing our whole lives filled with abundance and sharing it.
Sunday, October 30, is Generosity Sunday. That whole day will be a celebration of all that we have and consider how we can share it with others. You'll be asked to bring your commitment cards representing what you plan to give financially to FUMCLR in 2023. However, I hope you see the whole day as a way to break out of the scarcity survival mode and thrive through generosity. This week you should or will receive your commitment card in the mail. There is also information on that card about our church's vision to move from surviving to thriving in God's grace. I hope you will spend the next two weeks prayerfully considering how you can more fully embrace the spiritual practice of generosity.
Spiritual Practices - Final Class
The final in a three-part series of classes on Spiritual Practices to reconnect and begin a journey toward healing is this Sunday. The final session:
  • October 16 – The Practice of Walking a Labyrinth. A practice of journeying to and returning from the center.
This Spiritual Practice is an exercise in mindfulness calling us to be present in the moment, present with God, and live more open-heartedly. Writer and artist Julia Cameron said: “You do not need to work to be spiritual. You are spiritual; you only need to remember that fact. Spirit is within you. God is within you.”  I hope you will join me for this final session as we remember this together. Please reach out for questions or more information at mcole@fumclr.org or 501-960-7731.
CHURCH DIRECTORY TIME! Pictures on Sunday until further notice!
Friends - it's been too long since our last church directory! After so many requests, we are finally gearing up for a new one! Starting Sunday, September 11th, Lesley will be in the courtyard taking directory photos from 10-11 am and 12-12:15 pm! Stay tuned for more details in the coming weeks.
Support Pride Fest 2022!
FUMCLR is a gold sponsor for this year's Pride Fest on October 15th in Argenta! If you would like to walk in the parade or ride on the float, meet David in front of Dickie Stephens Park at 11 am in Saturday. If you have any questions, please email Lesley (landrews@fumclr.org).Central Arkansas Pride is committed to uplifting our local LGBTQ+ organizations, and we are proud to be a community partner.
This is the last week to donate to Hurricane Ian relief. We want to get the funds to UMCOR next week. Mark your donation with UMCOR, and we will update everyone on how much we send to disaster relief.
We have started sorting school supply donations for the UMCOR Kits. We need more supplies!! We have a goal of 100 school kits, and we aren’t there yet. Take the provided list while you shop, and bring your donations to Church. You can place them in the “donation” baskets around the building. Mark your calendar to pack the bags with us on Sunday, November 6. Email Rev. Haley at hjones@fumclr.org with any questions.
The Pantry on Wildcat Way Funding Needed!
The Pantry, formerly known as Backpacks for Kids, is our weekend food ministry with our partner school Washington Elementary. The Pantry provides weekend food bags for all families at the school. That’s 340 students! Our team packs the bags at the school on Monday’s at 1:00pm. FUMCLR also financially supports The Pantry, and we need help. It costs $5.00/bag for 340 students. That’s $1,700 a week! Can you sponsor a student for a month? Can you sponsor 5 students for a month? You can donate to The Pantry by submitting your donation to the Church.
$5.00—one student/week
$20.00—one student/month
$100—5 students/month
First Family Halloween Concert- October 23rd at 3:00 pm 
Are you a Halloween person? Do you feel sweet relief when Target replaces their pool floaties and tank-tops with chunky sweaters and plastic skeletons? Do you look forward to that first cup of harvest cider in any given year? Do you treat the annual re-emergence of the pumpkin-spice latte as a high holy day?

Us too!

... and do we have a great opportunity for YOU!

The Music Ministry of First United Methodist Church in partnership with the Children’s Ministry is proud to present the next event on the Kyle Linson Concert Series: our First Family Halloween Concert on Sunday, October 23rd at 3:00 PM in our sanctuary. It will be an afternoon of spooky, musical fun. 

Will we perform The Monster Mash?? You bet!!

What about Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor?? Oh, for sure, you know that has to be on the program!

Are you a fan of jazz? Come listen to our musicians play Autumn Leaves and ‘Round Midnight.

It will be an eclectic blend of music to celebrate the Fall. The first half will be geared toward our kiddos (though grown-ups will certainly enjoy it, too) with songs from familiar movies and cartoons. During the second half, while the kids are taking a spooky flashlight-tour of the church (looking for candy, no doubt), the adults will hear more grown-up fare. 

I hope I see you there!! - James Stanley
Grief Expressions- A Creative Way to Engage with Grief and Loss
Sundays, November 6th and 13th, Noon – 3 pm, Lunch provided
Join us for a creative arts activity to honor whom or what you have lost. While the source of our loss varies, all can benefit from the opportunity to engage with our grief in a creative and transformative way. The afternoon will include lunch, prayer, experience based workshops in journaling and art therapy. Artistic experience or ability is not required to participate and enjoy the workshop, just the willingness to create. All are welcome. Please rsvp to the church office by Nov 3rd, 372-2256. If you have questions, see either Donna Hankins, dhankins@fumclr.org or Mary Jane Cole, mcole@fumclr.org. We look forward to this special space and time to acknowledge, create and honor together!
Sunday, November 6, Winston Faulkner Gymnasium, 8 am- 1 pm
Get your Christmas shopping done early while supporting important causes! Support local nonprofits and mission ministries by giving in honor or memory of a loved one. Buy fair trade coffee and chocolate from Equal Exchange, beautiful jewelry supporting FLAME, or sewing crafts by Sew and Serve. You don’t want to miss the goodies at our Shop for Good Christmas Market!

On the same day, join us in the Fellowship Hall for a pancake breakfast supporting The Pantry on Wildcat Way. This ministry of FUMCLR makes sure families at our partner school Booker T. Washington are food secure on the weekends. We will also be packing UMCOR school supplies in First Cup Café. It will be a wonderful day of yummy food, philanthropy, and service!
The Next 200 Campaign Update
New Leaves on the Promise Tree!
We recently added 4 new leaves to the Promise Tree. This represents 4 individuals or families who have pledged a legacy gift to the church in their will or estate. Those who's names are being added to the leaves of the tree are:
Greg and Jeanie Burton
Ginny and Shawn McMurray
Liz and David Russell
Sonja Taylor-Larkowski
Eventually, these gifts will be placed in our Perpetual Endowment Fund which is used to ensure our church's strength and ministry in the future.
Please consider making your own legacy gift pledge. Gifts of all sizes are needed and appreciated. Every gift given moves us closer to our Next 200 goal of raising our perpetual endowment fund to $7 million before our church's 200th anniversary in 2031. The gifts you give will empower God's work through First United Methodist Church in the next 200 years.

If you would like more information or make a pledge of your own, contact Sonja Taylor-Larkowski (stlarkowski@fumclr.org or 501-372-2256 ext 209).
Next 200 Birthday Club - New Members
In honor of your birthday or the birthday of a loved one, give a dollar for each year of life. Your entire gift will go to the Perpetual Endowment Fund helping us reach our Next 200 goals. You can place your gift in the envelopes available in the sanctuary pew racks or contact Sonja Taylor-Larkowski (stlarkowski@fumclr.org, 501-372-2256 ext. 209).
Congratulations to new Birthday Club Members with gifts totaling $791:
Nancy Foster
Joe Roddy
Mary Lou Rasco
Mary Davis
Bill Sherman (in memory)
Carole Sherman
Marcia Caplinger
David Smith
Joy & Lynn Rockenbach
Pat Lile
Ingathering is a great service opportunity for individuals, families, and small groups at the Arkansas Food Bank. When you sign up for a volunteer slot, you can expect to sort food items and build food boxes for Arkansans. You can find out more information here: https://arumc.org/ingathering/
Dates to know: 


Sunday, October 23 at 10 am: Welcome to Church Milestone.
Our 3 and 4 years olds (and any older kids who may be interested) are invited to this milestone class where we learn more about what it means to be the church! 

Sunday, October 23 at 3 pm: Family Halloween Concert
@ FUMCLR Sanctuary
Our music ministry will be leading this fun and engaging Halloween concert. 

Sunday, October 30 at 10 am: Sunday School Trick or Treating
Come dressed in your costume to church and get ready to trick or treat during Sunday School! 


Friday, November 4 from 5:30–8:30 pm: Parent's Night Out
Drop off your kiddos at church and enjoy a date night. 

Sunday, November 6 at 10 am: Family Sunday School
Enjoy the pancake breakfast, Christmas market, and UMCOR service opportunity. 

Saturday, November 12: Ingathering
This is a family-friendly mission opportunity at the Arkansas Food Bank. 

Sunday, November 13 at 10 am: Parent Bible Bootcamp
While this is for our 3rd and 4th graders' parents, all parents are welcome to learn more about the Bible and find ways to incorporate it at home. 

Saturday, November 19: 3rd and 4th Grade Bible Boot Camp

To Stark Ligon and family following the death of Marianne on October 6th. A Memorial Service for Marianne will be held on Saturday, October 15th at 2 pm in the Sanctuary.
To Irma Jewell on the birth of her 14th great-grandchild, born on October 9th .

To Barbara and George Wise following the birth of their first grandchild, Graham Gilbert Wise on September 17th.
Following are ways you can give your tithes and offerings:

■ Mail: You may still mail to the church office.
723 Center Street, Little Rock, AR 72201.

■ Bank Draft: Contact our Finance Director, Sonja Taylor Larkowski by phone at 501-372-2256 Ex. 209 or email stlarkowski@fumclr.org.

■ Online: Visit fumclr.org/give to give by credit card or ACH.

■ Church App: Click Give in the church app. To download text FUMCLR App to 77977. Or search for FUMCLR in your App Store.

■ Text: Text FUMCLR to 77977. Follow instructions in reply.
Being good neighbors to make Little Rock a place where children THRIVE.