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Synod Purpose and Goals

Dear Friends in Christ,


When we talk about the Northwest Intermountain Synod, I find it helpful to be clear about what exactly we are referring to. We are all the synod—congregations, ministry sites, and individuals. Our highest governing body is the Synod Assembly, which is required by the constitution to meet at least every other year. The Synod Council is the board of directors of the synod and serves as the interim legislative authority between meetings of the Synod Assembly. Our Council currently meets twice in person each year and once online. The synod staff consists of four of us full time staff: Assistant to the Bishop Pastor Phil Misner, Director for Evangelical Mission Pastor Liv Larson Andrews, Executive Assistant Cathy Steiner, and me, plus part-time Website and E-news Communicator Lin Carlson. 

In early December, Cathy, Liv, Phil, and I had a two-day retreat facilitated by two staff from Gonzaga University. We had several pieces of pre-work to do in advance of the retreat: identifying our personal values (the things that motivate us or give us direction) and social styles. You can imagine already that the facilitators accelerated our getting to know one another on a deeper level. They also facilitated conversations in which we identified the work we must do as the synod staff and who should be doing what. They helped us create our staff purpose and our goals for at least a few years. For this work, they lifted up our synod mission and vision statements and the ELCA’s Future Directions work. They also guided us as we talked about the gifts and needs in our synod.

Our staff purpose, which we keep in front of us weekly, is Serve, accompany, and equip ministry sites and leaders of the NWIM of the ELCA so they can point to and participate in the gracious work of Jesus.


Our goals are:

  • Cultivate a team culture that enables our collective work and individual thriving. Put simply, we know our staff culture impacts the entire synod. Our collaborative work with synod council also fits here.

  • Amplify collective gifts and resources by deepening and broadening relationships and partnerships. We are working to elevate and partner with our outdoor ministries, nurture cluster collaboration, and create additional opportunities for gathering within and around the synod. Our commitment to ecumenical partnerships also lives with this goal.

  • Develop and raise up discerning leaders who proclaim and further the Gospel. We will keep our Candidacy Committee well equipped and encourage everyone to continue identifying and encouraging future rostered leaders. We will also create pathways for lay people to become Synod Authorized Ministers. We will encourage networks, cohorts, and continuing education. We will use our goals to inform our existing work and events (primarily Fall Convocation and the Regional Gatherings).

  • Equip and empower partners to practice stewardship towards solidarity in Christ. This is where creation care, anti-racism, LGBTQ solidarity work belongs. Work around land stewardship also lives here. All of these are rooted in our staff purpose: Serve, accompany, and equip ministry sites and leaders of the NWIM of the ELCA so they can point to and participate in the gracious work of Jesus.

The staff and I hope to keep creating space for congregations, cohorts, small groups, and sometimes groups of only 2-3 people to encounter the very real presence of the Triune God. We know that God is going ahead of us, is truly with us, redeeming the world. Our staff wants all of us to receive, point to, and participate in what God is already doing.


Bishop Meggan Manlove

Northwest Intermountain Synod


April 27 | May 4 | May 18

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Special Synod Assembly

Dear Friends in Christ,

You may have questions about the Special Synod Assembly of the Northwest Intermountain Synod on Sunday, April 21, 2024, at 6:30 pm PST/7:30 pm MST. There are two purposes to this Special Synod Assembly:


After the 2023 Synod Assembly, Churchwide changed the formula for how many voting members are allocated to each Synod. As a result, NWIM Synod needs to elect a lay person, who is 30 years or younger at time of election and who is also a person of color or whose primary language is other than English.

Additionally, the meeting agenda will include approval of the edits to the Bylaws that were approved at 2023 Synod Assembly, after which the ELCA identified required edits. These will be sent to you in a pre-assembly packet.


Frequently asked Questions:

Who will be the lay voting members from our congregations?

Lay voting members of the 2023 Synod Assembly continue as voting members until the 2025 Synod Assembly.


What if those members have transferred, died, or are unable to attend?

From our Synod Constitution:

†S7.21.02.  If a special Synod Assembly is called and voting members at the previous assembly are unable to serve as voting members, where permitted by state law, the congregation through the Congregation Council may elect new members who shall continue to serve until the next regular Synod Assembly.


Where will we meet? On ZOOM.


How will we vote?

We will use Election Runner, as we did at Synod Assembly 2023, and there will be a few practice votes in advance to work out kinks.


Will we register?

YES! You will need to register to attend this Special Synod Assembly.


How do we nominate someone for the Churchwide Assembly voting member position?

We have a nomination form up on our website.


I am sure there are questions I have not anticipated. Please direct them to me or a member of our synod staff. I hope to see you online Sunday April 21.


Bishop Meggan Manlove



Electronic Carillon Available


A Carillon is usually a set of bells that plays and can be heard in the community. Lord of Life in Kennewick, WA has an electronic carillon available for your church to use. It re-creates the sounds of a bell tower with many songs programmed into it. There is a timer for hourly chimes, songs, or whatever else you want to command. The unit is a NovaBell Generation 4. It weighs approximately 60 pounds, so we don't want to mail it, but could arrange delivery through church connections and visits. Please email Pr. Kirsten Sauey Hofmann if you are interested:

CONCORDIA CHOIR performing in Spokane

Wednesday, March 6

Purchase Tickets


Discerning Your Call

Have you ever considered seminary? Have you ever felt like God might be calling you into ministry, but you’re not sure how or where to start? Join others in discernment at Signs Along the Way, a visit weekend at Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley. Learn more and register at

PLU, MultiCare and WSU’s College of Medicine

roll out exciting new health care partnership

More than 140 health care providers, educators, and community leaders gathered earlier today at Pacific Lutheran University for the announcement of the Partnership for Health Innovation. The exciting new partnership unites PLU, MultiCare, and Washington State University’s Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine around two common goals: preparing students to become local health care leaders and improving health outcomes in Pierce County, particularly for traditionally underserved and vulnerable populations in Parkland-Spanaway and the surrounding unincorporated area.

MultiCare CEO Bill Robertson announced that the partnership will include the construction of the MultiCare Medical Center at Pacific Lutheran University. Funded by MultiCare and located on campus at PLU, the new center will provide high-quality, culturally appropriate outpatient services to the almost 200,000 people in and around Central Pierce County.

“Joining together with Pacific Lutheran University and Washington State University’s College of Medicine to launch this Partnership for Health Innovation was a natural fit for our organization. I’m confident that our partnership is going to play a significant role in the future of health care and health care education for our region,” said Robertson. “The MultiCare Medical Center at Pacific Lutheran University will provide care to everyone who lives in Parkland-Spanaway and the surrounding areas. It will also help provide even more learning opportunities for students at PLU and WSU who are pursuing health care careers.”

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Nominate a Student for LSM

Lutheran Summer Music Academy & Festival (LSM) is a residential academy for high school musicians. Students study with nationally recognized faculty, and are immersed in musical experiences through large ensembles (Choir, Band and Symphony Orchestra), chamber music, private lessons, elective classes, ongoing recitals and concerts. Students also experience a welcoming and joyful community that worships together daily, offering musical gifts through Lutheran liturgy and hymnody.

LSM 2024 takes place at Valparaiso University in Indiana from June 30-July 28 and is open to students who have completed grades 8-12. Spots for LSM 2024 are filling fast! Nominate a student today at



There are many online resources out there for Christians eager to deepen their understanding of scripture. But how do you know who to trust? The online sources are abundant, making finding a trusted source much more complicated than simply asking your local pastor or deacon which Bible translation to purchase from the local book store. One of my go-to sources for several years has been BibleProject. I have used videos from this website for Confirmation, Adult Bible Study, and occasionally, especially when preaching on a biblical book I am less familiar with, my own edification. I do not think this resource should replace solid commentaries, NRSV study bibles, or discussing scripture with others. However, it is an engaging resource for your Bible Study toolbox.


From the BibleProject website:

BibleProject is a nonprofit, crowdfunded organization that produces 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, articles, classes, and educational Bible resources to help make the biblical story accessible to everyone everywhere.

From page one to the final word, we believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. This diverse collection of ancient books overflows with wisdom for our modern world. As we let the biblical story speak for itself, we believe the message of Jesus will transform individuals and entire communities.

Many people have misunderstood the Bible as a collection of inspirational quotes or a divine instruction manual dropped from Heaven. Most of us gravitate toward sections we enjoy while avoiding parts that are confusing or even disturbing.

Our Bible resources help people experience the Bible in a way that is approachable, engaging, and transformative. We do this by showcasing the literary art of the Scriptures and tracing biblical themes from beginning to end. Rather than taking the stance of a specific tradition or denomination, we create materials to elevate the Bible for all people and draw our eyes to its unified message.”

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