Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family
We are thankful for the blessings we enjoyed in 2022 and we are looking forward to meeting with family and friends once again for Thanksgiving dinner.
Commercial/Residential Snow Removal Contractors

Protect yourself with the correct insurance coverage whether you are a landlord, property owner or snow removal contractor, or you are just being a good neighbor.

Review Your Snow Removal Service Contract:
Obtain a Certificate of Insurance for the Service provided on an Annual Basis
Review and Update Annual Contracts

Remoción de nieve de contratistas comerciales/residenciales

Protéjase con la cobertura de seguro correcta, ya sea propietario, dueño de una propiedad, contratista de remoción de nieve o simplemente sea un buen vecino.

Revise su contrato de servicio de remoción de nieve:
Obtener un Certificado de Seguro por el Servicio prestado Anualmente
Revisar y Actualizar Contratos Anuales
Call or meet with us for your annual review to make sure you have
the coverage you need at the best possible price with award-winning service. 
If you aren't currently woking with us,
’Think Frailey First’ and call us to secure the correct plowing coverage. 
Jessica Martinez
Operations Manager
Agent, Commercial Lines
Ronalyn D. Birnbaum
Managing Agent,
Commercial/Personal Lines
Josephine A. Fontan
Account Manager,
Commercial Lines
Angels for Aging Campaign starts today!
The team at FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services put up a Christmas tree.  
Monroe County Area Agency on Aging, Carbon County Area Agency for the Aging, and The Garden at Stroud supply the names of elderly people along with their two wishes.  These names and wishes are placed on the tree in order for clients, public and staff to take.  Starting today November 1st, wishes are purchased and gift wrapped placing the name on top of the gift.  
All gifts must be returned by Friday December 2, 2022 to one of our offices.
#poconoinsurance #thinkfraileyfirst #FraileyCoversYourHome
#FraileyHablamosEspanol #carboncountyinsurance
#lehightoninsurance #jimthorpeinsurance
FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal Street, Lehighton, PA 18235