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Art Changes Lives.


spotlight project


THIS STORYcould begin with where we ended, like so many others. Like beginning on the last page of a book we've already read. When Amarosa Academy approached Artstart, the request was simple – listen to the voices that aren't being heard and use the walls to help them tell that story. This was no ordinary mural we would be painting.

Over the course of 1 year during this COVID-era collaboration, lead artists Erika Lutz, Alina Nuebel, and Kaya Rose, used this unique opportunity to take a different approach with the students of Amarosa Academy. Our artists began with 6 months of deep listening to develop mural concepts from the wisdom of collective understanding of what happened to these students. The teen students of Amarosa were gently guided to share their teen stories and reclaim their sense of place and belonging through creative skill building and the art of human connection.

A homage to the strange, beautiful, and sometimes difficult transitions the teen students are navigating, the playful and bold mural that was born out of that listening became a visual metaphor for their labyrinth-like journey of inner and outer transformation. The mural, a 480 ft long artifact of the collaboration, transformed the entire courtyard of Amarosa Academy – the people who were part of the epic journey along with it. We call this journey See You on the Other Side.

See You on the Other Side supported the social and emotional well-being of students by embedding community minded artists within schools. This partnership was made possible by a AB 86 Expanded Learning Opportunities grant and a generous community grant from Sonoma County Vintners Foundation. Like magic, our lead artists cultivated a community of over 100 people to join this calling, including the entire Amarosa student body and staff, an entire team of artists, and a wealth of generous volunteers.

So where did the story end? Turns out it's only just beginning. 

Join our epic journey to see what happened at



Are you looking to spend some time creating new and innovative art pieces for your community? You're in luck! We're always on the lookout for new work experience teen apprentices to join our current projects.

Paid apprentices, ages 14-21 will be able to work with lead artists to create artwork for various projects ranging from mosaic, acrylics, and even stained glass!

Sessions are usually a few days a week for a month at a time. Send an application to get started!


Our WORK EXPERIENCE APPRENTICES are grateful to have sponsorships from patrons willing to help them pursue their creative journey. We use art as an outlet to express self, family and community.

With each installation we see growth and inspiration come alive.

Change a young life today! Sponsor an Apprentice $400 per session*

(*funds also support our art mentors and program)


Tera Crawfords Analy High School art class creating mural pieces in the classroom.

We here at Artstart want to thank all of the community members and supporters that came to our dedication of the World of Good mural in Sebastopol on October 18.

This project conveys the spirit of community.

The colorful iconic images, individually researched and designed by students and apprentices, come together to bring a sense of history and belonging in Sebastopol. Many elements of the mural were created offsite and applied, a process which enables safe group participation in large murals.

Special thanks to the Goodwill Industries of the Redwood Empire, Sebastopol Rotary Club, Creative Sonoma Arts Impact Grant,

Sonoma County Vintners Foundation, Miranda Lux Foundation, the students and teachers of Analy High School and Sebastopol Liquor and Deli (for their delicious bread pudding surprise)!

Want to see art in your community?

Artstart can do it with your help.

Call 707.546.2345

to start creating beautiful installations for everyone while

instilling confidence and career growth for our local teens.

Renewal Sculpture Raffle Results!!

We'd like to thank everyone who participated in our raffle for this beautiful sculpture created by Rick Butler, Valerie Adams, and Charlie Cobb. Your support continues to provide us with the means to supply outreach to our youth community and fund more amazing art installations all across our county.

A special thank you as well to the Art Trails Steering Committee of Santa Rosa and the Sebastopol Center for the Arts for graciously donating this intricate piece with the help of the three artists involved.


Deadline: November 18, 2022

We are hiring a

Programs Director!

We are actively seeking a part-time (20 hour per week at $35 per hour) Programs Director to help develop and manage exciting programs for students and the community. Our office and art studio space is a vibrant hub of creativity.

If you enjoy managing multiple projects, communicating with potential clientele, and working with our youth community to install a variety of different art installations then send a cover letter and resume to:

As you can see, Artstart accomplishes quite a lot with our small but dedicated crew. Make a difference. Become part of our team. Volunteers welcome in all areas.

We especially need a select few,

with a commitment to service

and a passion for our mission,

to become a member of our Board of Directors. 

Get to know us by joining a committee: Events, Finance, Marketing, Grant Writing, Outreach, Art Assistance and more.

Find out how you can help. Please contact us today.

To our AMAZING and GENEROUS donors and grantors: the mission continues BECAUSE OF YOU.


Connect With Us
317 Sutton Place
Santa Rosa, Ca 95407
(707) 546-2345