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March 2024 Newsletter

Monthly Calendar

A Note from the Pastor

Preparing to rise, a moment at a time


The stories of spiritual journeys often focus on dramatic moments. Moses hears God from a burning bush. Jacob wrestles with an angel. Paul is struck blind on the road to Damascus and encounters the risen Christ. Sudden transformative mystical encounters are the core of faith stories. I don’t think we would have religion without these moments. 

But as I go through Lent, I am more aware of the value of searching for God in the daily ordinary. Just because I am not having an epiphany doesn’t mean God is absent. People say the devil is in the details, but isn’t the Divine in the details too? The poetry of Psalm 139: 7-10 says,

Where shall I go from your Spirit?

    Or where shall I flee from your presence?

 If I ascend to heaven, you are there!

    If I make my bed in Sheol, you are there!

If I take the wings of the morning

    And dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea,

 even there your hand shall lead me,

  Your right hand shall hold me.


My Lenten practice is going through my day for 15 minutes using the Prayer of Examen. This prayer practice gives me time to reflect on gratitude, the moments when someone touched my heart, and my mistakes and missed opportunities. The short time spent rummaging through my ordinary life, looking for the Divine, makes some moments resonate. I notice the kindness and courage of the weary caregiver. When I see that I could have handled a situation differently, I have a chance to act anew. If I stop and name the small accomplishments of the day, they feel more like seeds of compassion scattered in the world rather than part of the unending to-do list.


These 15 minutes aren’t yielding burning bushes. But bushes were once seeds that fell to the earth took root, and sprouted. It was years before a bush was ready to burn radiantly. The gift of praying through my ordinary days is the wonder that comes with being more present. When I’m going through the motions, rushing to get things crossed off the list, I’m devaluing my time (and ultimately myself.). Then I think about what my absent self communicates to the people around me. If I am present, I’m more likely to live with curiosity, compassion, and courage. The more times I stop and practice the presence of God, the more the divine becomes a living reality.


Sometimes, I long for a dramatic vision that would inspire me on a heroic course of action. At times I have blamed myself for not being more inspired and wondered if I was listening close enough for God. But I wonder if that is more about the ego than searching for God. I’m finding freedom, grace, and resonance in my work by paying attention to what I’m doing right here, right now. 


I’m a fan of Julia Cameron’s books on how to be a writer. This wisdom stuck with me when I first read her book, The Artist’s Way. Expect to be accompanied. When you sit and write, just keep moving; at some point, you will be accompanied by something more than yourself. It’s not about waiting for your muse to show up for inspiration. Writing (and life) progress when we put in the work and value the process for its own sake. Then, we discover we have become a part of something greater than ourselves.


As Lent continues, I hope you find value in the ordinary moments. Pause and remember that God is right here, right now.  


Pastor Todd


Click HERE to Download the Daily Devotional for Lent

Lent & Holy Week Worship Schedule

March 3 | Third Sunday in Lent

"Raise Up"

John 2:13-22

March 10 | Fourth Sunday in Lent

"Light Up"

John 3:14-21

March 17 | Fifth Sunday in Lent

"Lift Up"

John 12:20-33

March 24 | Palm Sunday

"Sit Up"

John 12:12-16

March 28 | Maundy Thursday

7:00 PM

Tenebrae Service

March 31 | Easter

Easter Sunrise Service

Sunrise at 6:21 AM

Maine State Aquarium

194 McKown Point Rd,

West Boothbay Harbor

Easter Service

10:00 AM

"Look Up"

Mark 16:1-8

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Flowers: Forms Due March 18

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Easter Flowers

This Easter, you can purchase flowers in honor of loved ones to be displayed in the sanctuary during the Easter service, or you may choose to donate in honor of loved ones with a monetary gift to help restock the Community Fridge.

The complete list of Easter Flower/Restock the Community Fridge Fund dedications will be included in the Easter Service bulletin and printed in the weekly church emails the week before Easter.

Complete the order form and return it with your check for $15.00 (or greater), payable to Congo Church BBH with Easter Flowers in the memo line by Monday, March 18th. Order forms will be available at the church, or you may fill out the form electronically HERE, and there is a link to pay in the form.

One Great Hour of Sharing: March 10, 2024


It's Time to Share the Light

You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world.

Matthew 5:14-15 (The Message)

“This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine…Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine… “ If Jesus had a playlist of music, surely this familiar hymn would be among the Top Five. Jesus teaches that faith calls for action. Sharing our light as the diverse and colorful expression of God’s love here on earth leads to making blankets, staffing food pantries, cooking meals, building houses and schools, signing petitions for worthy causes, and protesting injustices. A simple song with a simple message—our light is on

a light stand for all to see—shine and share. On any given day, light is shining because we are there through our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS). Your contributions make a difference.

Share the light.

The One Great Hour of Sharing offering is received on Sunday, March 10, 2024, the Fourth Sunday in Lent. It supports partners worldwide with ministries that fund health, education and agricultural development, emergency relief, refugee ministries, and both international and domestic disaster response. Over the next couple of weeks, you will hear of ways your donations have impacted communities in need.

You may bring your offering to worship and place it in the special offering envelopes that will be handed out with the bulletin or mail checks to the church. Checks can be made payable to Congo Church BBH with OGHS in the memo line. If you prefer to give online, click HERE.

Lost & Found

We have several lost items that have been found here at the church. Are any of these yours? Please take a look at the pictures below, and if any of these items are yours, please email Heather at before March 7. All unclaimed items will be donated to the Humane Society Thrift Store on Friday, March 8.


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News from the Deacons

At our in-person February meeting, we welcomed the newly elected Deacons: Catherine and Dan Lavitt, Barbara Fritz, and Cathy Shepard. An orientation for our new members followed the meeting.

Other highlights:

  • Activities were reviewed for the Lenten Season, the theme of “Prepare to Rise,” bookmarks sharing Lenten dates, materials for self-study/reflection, the book group on Wednesday discussing “Fresh Ways to Pray from Your Day…Reimagining the Ignatian Examen,” Easter flowers and alternatives for the use of funds, etc. The Mission Committee has suggested using a portion of the Easter flower funds for the purchase of supplies for the Community Fridge Project.
  • There was a discussion on how to better engage our remote members/friends. We will continue this discussion.
  • Our role with the Music Committee.
  • Coordination of education on the church’s alarm system and budget.
  • Revisions to the Deacon’s booklet on “Roles and Responsibilities.”


We encourage anyone to sign up for the invocation/scripture reading on Sundays, flowers for Sunday service, and hosting coffee time.

We welcome your comments and thoughts – please reach out to any of the Deacons.

Jim Saunders Memorial Service

James R. Saunders passed away peacefully on February 6 at St. Andrews Village.

A memorial service will be held Saturday, March 9, at 11:00 AM in the church Sanctuary.

We offer our deepest sympathy to Diane and their family during this time.

Click HERE to read Jim's obituary.

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Sunday School News

March is here and the Easter fun begins! Easter is early this year so mark your calendar for all of our fun Easter activities! 

Sunday School March/Easter Calendar:

3/3 Create Easter Paintings

3/10 Fun with Ms. Kristin

3/17 Last Supper

3/24 Dying Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream

3/31 Easter Sunday: Easter Egg Hunt and Fun in the Fellowship Hall

If you have any questions please reach out to Magen at

Ms. Magen

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Community Lunch Update


The Community Lunch Committee prepares to host their last lunch of the 2023-2024 season on March 6 in Fellowship Hall. The committee, comprised of your fellow congregants, cordially invites you to attend.

To give those participating members recognition and thanks for their time and donations this year, a list of their names follows: Ron Ross, Barclay Shepard, Susan Reynolds, Debra Watson, Alice Mutch, Sue Hochstein, Kathy Bugbee, Maria Doelp, Nan Jackson, Genie O’Connell, Carol Atwood-Lyon, Barbara Fritz, Cathy Shepard, Diane Demetriades, Patti Jo Barter, JoAnn Moore, David Eastwood, Fleet Davies, Shawn Lewin, Sandra Seifert, Heather Bryer-Lorrain, and Todd Weir. We also thank Laura Francis and Holly Stover. As you can see, it takes a church village to produce this lunch. The committee will host this March 6 lunch from 11:30 AM-12:45 PM.

All members of our church are welcome to join this committee. FMI call Heather

at (207) 633-4757.

Church Life & Education

Please call the church for Zoom links.

Adult Education

8:15 AM Sunday

Bible Study

NOON on Mondays

Book & Meditation

6:30 AM Tuesdays

Wednesday Book Group: Fresh Ways to Pray from Your Day

4:00 PM Wednesdays

Men's Breakfast

8:00 AM

March 1, April 4, May 2

Mama D's

Spouse Support Group

2:00 PM Wednesdays

Bells Rehearsal

3:00 PM Thursdays


Choir Rehearsal

4:30 PM Thursdays


Contact Us

Congregational Church

of Boothbay Harbor, UCC

125 Townsend Avenue

Boothbay Harbor ME 04538

(207) 633-4757

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