Fall 2022

Issue No. 2

Announcing the Newly Launched 2022/23 Recognition Program!

Program Updates

2022/23 Recognition Program

In the newly launched second round of the campaign's recognition program, we'll recognize participating schools and districts for implementing or planning activities in the categories below. To apply for this exciting opportunity, fill out the application on our website!

November Webinars

November 8th at 10am PT/1pm ET. The U.S. Department of Energy and Berkeley Lab will outline the 2022/23 Recognition program and provide information about DOE grants. Columbia Public Schools in Missouri will share their experience receiving 2021/22 recognition for implementing energy efficient HVAC retrofits. Registration.

November 15th at 10am PT/1pm ET. A speaker from National Renewable Energy Laboratory will share resources for decarbonization of existing schools, including tools and guides from DOE’s Better Buildings Initiative, along with practical examples from school districts. Registration.

Funding Opportunities

Check out the recently published Notice of Intent for an upcoming funding opportunity announcement for $80 Million for the Renew America Schools Grant related to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act for public school facilities. You can download the document which will highlight focus areas, eligibility and next steps.

Check out the Energy CLASS prize. Since many school districts lack the bandwidth or knowledge to finance, build, and sustain energy upgrades, DOE’s Office of State and Community Energy Programs is launching this Energy CLASS Prize to build institutional knowledge and personnel capacity at local educational agencies (LEAs). 

Energy managers, or Champions, trained under this Prize will learn to identify, plan, and implement critical upgrades in school facilities, so that students can learn in comfortable and healthy classrooms.


New Guides on Retrofit Packages for School Facilities 

Berkeley Lab and kW Engineering collaborated to create guides for schools. These retrofit packages (see retrofit packages tab) describe efficiency measures that provide savings and other benefits.

They are primarily intended for school facilities’ staff involved with the planning, design and specification of infrastructure upgrades.

See the Guides

Decarbonization Roadmap Guide for Schools 

A recent guide from New Buildings Institute, Decarbonization Roadmap Guide for School Building Decision Makers, can help schools plan to achieve an efficient, healthy, and carbon neutral portfolio over time.

The guide also includes a toolbox of templates.

See the Roadmap

White House Fact Sheet focused on School Indoor Air Quality

The White House’s recent fact sheet – Back to School 2022: Giving Every School the Tools to Prevent COVID-19 Spread and Stay Safely Open All Year Long (Aug 16, 2022) – highlighted the importance for school districts to continue to utilize funds to improve indoor air quality.

News from our Partners

Apply to your State to Become a 2023 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon School, District, or Postsecondary Sustainability Awardee

U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools (ED-GRS) is a recognition award for school sustainability that connects school built and natural environments, health, and learning. The ED-GRS Pillars are: 1) reducing environmental impact and costs; 2) improving health and wellness; and 3) offering effective environmental and sustainability education.

For those schools progressing in all three of these areas that have not previously received the ED-GRS award, now is a great time to contact your state about the 2022-2023 application cycle. All schools can advance toward these aims by using the resources on the Green Strides School Sustainability Resource Hub.


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To learn more, visit