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CFB News & Updates

Oct 2022

Hunger Action Month Recap 

While Hunger Action Month has passed, we believe that every day of the year is a great time to take action against hunger and food insecurity in our community! 

We wanted to share a few resources for those facing hunger, and some easy ways you can fight hunger today and moving forward. 

Hunger in Mesa County is real -- 14%, or over 20,000, of our community members are experiencing food insecurity and may not know where their next meal will come from.  The Community Food Bank program demand has risen over 400% in just three years. Inflation costs following a pandemic have hit folks hard, but we have also been doing dedicated outreach to make sure everyone knows we are here in their time of need. 

The Grand Valley is blessed with incredible abundance and bounty -- from a thriving agricultural sector, to robust local ranching, and boundless generous spirits and hearts of service. No one in our community should go hungry. 

We are serving an average of 6,000 individuals and distributing over 40 tons of nutritious food every month! In 2022 we have served over 40,000 individuals and provided over 500,000 meals. 

We need your continued action and assistance to make that happen. 

Please take a moment to consider recommitting to this work, and taking an additional step toward a hunger free Mesa County.

To our lovely volunteers and donors, we truly would not be able to meet our mission without each and every one of you. 

On behalf of our full CFB team and the clients we serve -- thank you. 

Alisha Wenger 

Executive Director

(970) 640 - 0336 ext 3

Executive Director Alisha Wenger and food bank baby Olivia

Executive Director Alisha and food bank baby Olivia

Important Hunger Relief Resources 

Are you or someone you know facing hunger and food insecurity? 


Call: 855-855-4626

The Food Resource Hotline is available to all Coloradans in 150+ languages, regardless of legal status. All caller information is confidential.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program 

Eligibility and general program information 

Email the Community Food Bank Resource Navigator to set up an appointment to discuss an application! 

Nutrition Resources for Women & Children

Program description and eligibility information from Hunger Free Colorado

Local information on Mesa County WIC 

Get Informed & Take Action! 

There are so many ways you can be informed and engaged both locally and on the national level. Check out some of the local work, policy, and research currently going on both in our backyard, and beyond! 

Mesa County Hunger Alliance 

The best way to address a local issue is through local action and collaboration.

The Mesa County Hunger Alliance is a coalition of over 30 agencies and organizations working in various ways to address food insecurity and provide hunger relief in the Grand Valley. 

Community Food Bank is a proud member of the Hunger Alliance and works closely with many partners to scale our impact! 

Follow the link to read more about the Mesa County Blueprint to End Hunger plan, strategies, and calls to action. 

Learn More!

Healthy School Meals For All 

No child should go hungry. Poor nutritious and childhood hunger can impede proper development and distract from learning. 

This year Coloradans have the option of taking a big step toward supporting our community kiddos by voting YES on proposition FF. 

Proposition FF helps support school food programs, creates a Healthy Food For All program -- removing barriers and social stigma, while supporting local farmers and providing important reimbursement for our school districts. 

Follow the link to learn more and vote to support Mesa County kiddos this November.

Learn More!

White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition & Health 

The White House held a national conference on Sept. 28th -- it has been over 50 years since the last conference was held in 1969.

That initial conference was a pivotal event that launched many of the hunger relief programs like school lunches, supplemental assistance programs, and nutritional labels we are so familiar with today. 

We look forward to keeping an eye on the strategies and initiatives that will come from the 2022 conference. 

Conference Action Items Fact Sheet


Read the Full National Strategy Here!

FRAC Report on WIC 

The Food Research and Action Center recently released a report on the efficacy and increased usage of the WIC program throughout the COVID-19 response. The Women, Infants, & Children supplemental nutrition program is designed to provide additional benefits and support to infants, children under 5, and pregnant & postpartum mothers at risk of nutritional deficiency. 

WIC is such an important resource for our mothers and children during their most important and vulnerable time of nutritional needs.

Learn More & Read the Report!

2021 Biff Messinger 'Spirit of the Food Bank' Award: Anne Wenzel

We can't think of a more important person to recognize for their local impact in fighting hunger throughout the Western Slope than Anne Wenzel.

Anne has helped facilitate so many incredible projects and organizations throughout her tenure at the Western Colorado Community Foundation. From helping launch the Lunch Lizard, to bringing together the Mesa County Hunger Alliance -- Anne is a true hunger hero. 

With Anne's leadership, WCCF is celebrating 25 years of incredible community impact this year. Congratulations!! 

The Community Food Bank wouldn't be the organization it is today without her mentorship, guidance, and support. Thank you Anne!! 

Anne Wenzel

President & CEO 

Western Colorado Community Foundation

August Volunteer of the Month - Lee Ann McAda 

Lee Ann holding down the Tuesday intake desk! 

Volunteer Extraordinaire

Lee Ann has been volunteering with the Food Bank for over 9 years, and so far in 2022 she has spent over 115 hours volunteering at CFB! Lee Ann is a steady and calming presence at the intake desk on Tuesday afternoons. She always takes the time to make sure each and every client gets what they need, whether that be a smile or a resource referral.

Not only does Lee Ann make sure each client gets what they need, she also comes in early on Tuesday and reconciles our database records. Lee Ann truly is an amazing volunteer and we are so grateful that she is part of the CFB family! 

Are you from the valley? If not, where? and what brought you here?

I was born in far northern Minnesota, where I still visit a family cabin regularly. I came to Grand Junction in 1964 when my parents divorced (my mother was born here) and have been here since! I have never been tempted to leave.

What is your favorite thing about the Grand Valley?

I enjoy being in a place where in 45 minutes you can be up in the mountains or out in the desert. This valley is so beautiful and there is so much to do outside here, it is great!

What do you like to do when you're not at the Food Bank?  

I also volunteer with Meals on Wheels as a relief driver and I enjoy baking, my kitties, hiking, camping/traveling and spending time in the yard. 

What motivated you to get involved in the Food Bank, and how long have you been volunteering with us? 

I first volunteered at CFB when I was working at a local bank when I was much younger (in my 20’s) for about 4 years and served on the board of directors as well. Then 5’ish years ago, I ran into Biff Messinger (then CFB board president) at a meeting. We talked about CFB and our histories with it. My husband and I toured the facility on Crete Circle with Biff and decided to jump back into volunteering. Best decision ever!

Anything else you'd like to share with the rest of the awesome volunteer team?  

Every volunteer that works at CFB is performing a wonderful service to the organization and our community. In my position as an interviewer, I am blessed to be able to chat with our clients in depth, learn their stories and see the difference CFB makes in their lives. They often tell me how each and every one of us treat them with respect and dignity - so important.

Thank you so very much for all you do for our community Lee Ann!!

Sign Up to Volunteer Today! 

Take Action Today

Support the Community Food Bank! 

Coordinate YOUR Holiday Food Drive Today!

Become a Community Food Bank Harvest Member!! 

Monthly donations to the Community Food Bank are the most effective and impactful way to support our work to end hunger in Mesa County. 

We are experiencing record high demand, with unprecedented food costs.

We need your help to make sure no one goes hungry in our community. 

With an average cost per meal of just $0.23 your monthly donations can make a big impact. Every $1 donated helps provide over 4 nutritious meals to our Grand Valley neighbors!

Please consider becoming a monthly donor, every donation makes a difference. 

Become a Harvest Member Today!!

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