Daily Lenten Offering

“You have heard that it was said to those of ancient times...

But I say to you...”

Matthew 5:21-22, 27-28

33-34, 38-39, 43-44

God, en-courage me to take a stand against the patterns that do not serve life. Help me disrupt the deeply ingrained habits that recycle hurt and worry. Afford me the calm capacity to define myself for myself, while remaining connected to others. Amen.

Ok, so many of you thought last week’s podcast was “dry as toast.” Fair enough. This week’s is less academic and only 29 minutes long!

Plus, one of my favorite stories for the kids.

square-m image

The Assignment with Audie Cornish: Healing Political Divisions in the Pews

“The logo for our church is an iceberg. And it's it's this idea that what needs to be explored is the 90% that's beneath the surface, the 10% is visible. And I think the task for leaders, for people who actually want to see the world move towards wholeness and healing and civility, and the common good is to help people identify what's happening actually beneath the surface.” —Pastor Rich Villodas of New Life Fellowship

Eyes on the Stars

On January 28, 1986, NASA Challenger mission STS-51-L ended in tragedy when the shuttle exploded 73 seconds after takeoff. On board was physicist Ronald E. McNair, who was the second African American to enter space. But first, he was a kid with big dreams in Lake City, South Carolina. 

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