Pictured above from left: SCAC Immediate Past President Debbie Summers presents the 2023 J. Mitchell Graham Memorial Award to Charleston County Board of Voter Registration and Elections Executive Director Isaac Cramer and County Council Chairman Herb Sass.
Based on feedback we received from members and the condensed annual conference schedule implemented two years ago, SCAC has adopted a new timeline for the J. Mitchell Graham and Barrett Lawrimore Memorial Awards Program. This schedule will give us time to properly recognize and honor our counties for their innovative and collaborative projects.
The 2024 Awards Competition will take place on September 19 at the SC ETV studio in Columbia. The announcement of winning projects and recognition of all participants will occur during an awards luncheon held in conjunction with SCAC’s Fall Advocacy Meeting on October 17 in Columbia.
The call for project entries will be released in May. This includes important dates and deadlines, competition rules, and an online application, which will be available at sccounties.org/awards.