Moving Ahead with Focus

Blessings on your Advent!

So I did the thing: signed all the paperwork, turned in my ID card, and left the day job laptop in the cube. Yep, as a dear friend likes to put it, I've "left the Federal service." (A bit more accurate than "retired" for both of us, since we each plan to work for ourselves.)

Another friend and sometime Bible study buddy gave me a lovely journal to commemorate the occasion, along with this card. It really struck me. As a writer, I love the words "what if." They can inspire all kinds of stories: What if Jo had married Laurie? What if JFK hadn't been assassinated? What if the singer in "Maggie May" had actually gotten on back home?

But in real life, "what if" can get me into trouble: What if I'd been nicer to my parents? What if I hadn't been such a smart-mouth in my twenties and thirties? What if I hadn't been unchurched for thirty-three years. Regrets can be poison. We can't change the past. All we can do is sincerely ask for forgiveness, and with Christ's mercy and help, live today and tomorrow in a better way.

Marcia Wallace, a popular sit-com actress in the 1970s (and later, the voice for a "Simpsons" character) used the words on this card as the title for her 2004 memoir. It included the stories of her successful fight against breast cancer, the death of her husband after six years of marriage, and other life challenges. I'm keeping this card to remind myself to use "what if" as a motivator for changes in the here and now--not to look back and beat myself up over the past.

On the Nightstand: Tree of Souls by Howard Schwartz

The queen of looking back was Lot's wife. In Genesis 19, angels tell Lot his city will be destroyed due to the Lord's displeasure, and that he, his wife, and his two daughters need to leave and not look back. And Lot, whose actions are sometimes less than admirable (earlier, he offered to let his daughters be raped; later, his daughters get him drunk and have sex with him) obeys. He doesn't look back. But his wife does, and turns into a pillar of salt.

I was digging around to learn more about Lot's wife and what made her turning around so despicable to God. A simple matter of obedience? (Ah, obedience; almost never simple, right?) And I came across this book, which has reviewed well and won some awards.

I ordered it to use as a resource for learning more about the Jewish take on Lot's wife and other stories. I doubt I'll read it cover to cover, but I like the idea of having another view on the Old Testament accounts I find both instructive and challenging.

What's on your nightstand?


I don't know about you, but I feel a little cheated this year. Yes, I know we still have four weekends of Advent total, but it just didn't seem right that the season didn't begin the weekend after Thanksgiving!

But I'm still celebrating the waiting in fine form. The new fake Christmas tree is up. My sister and I will be headed next week to see the National Christmas Tree and the U.S. Botanic Garden's holiday exhibit. We'll also treat ourselves to lunch before seeing "The Chosen's" Christmas movie in the local theater. The Bible study program I attend is planning a "sip and shop" evening at the parish to shop and, yes, share a glass of bubbly. And, as has become tradition, my dear friend Karen and I will organize one of the breakfasts for the 5 a.m. Simbang Gabi novena Masses at her parish.

May you find much joy and love with family and friends as you prepare your hearts and souls for the Savior's coming!

Blessings, Melanie

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