Meriden Congregational Church Newsletter


We are a Spiritually Progressive,

Open & Affirming, Sanctuary Congregation 

dedicated to 

Transforming Lives

as a Compassionate Community,

extravagantly welcoming EVERYONE,

celebrating diversity, cultivating awe & wonder,

and seeking Peace with Justice for all Creation!

Join us for our Intergenerational

Faith Community Celebrations

Each Sunday at 10:00 AM

Back in the Church,

with optional masks and physical distancing,

and zoom option as well!

Watch for weekly e-mail notices,

and/or contact

Here it is--Volume 6, Issue 11 of our e-mail Newsletter!



PASTORAL PONDERINGS--"The Cosmic Significance of Christmas"

Monthly Update on our Church's Pastoral Transition

Worship & Music Ministry News

  • Our Sunday Faith Community Celebrations in December
  • Spiritual Formation News for our Children, Youth, & Families
  • Music and Ministry Notes
  • Tenderly Held in our Hearts and Prayers
  •  Into God’s Hands

Welcoming and Caring Ministry

  • Invitation to Join our Church Caregiving Ministry Team
  • Call for Hospitality Ministers
  • Holiday Dessert Auction--Sunday, December 10th, after church
  • Christmas Eve Flower Orders due by Friday--December 15th

DECEMBER CALENDAR of EVENTS in the Life of our Spiritual Family

  • Outdoor Christmas Tree Lighting--Saturday, December 9th @ 5:00 PM
  • KUA Candlelight Service--Tuesday, December 12th @ 7:00 PM
  • Christmas Pageant--Sunday, December 17th @ 10:00 AM
  • Festive Holiday Refreshments after church on Sunday--December 17th
  • Christmas Caroling--Wednesday, December 20th @ 6:30 PM
  • Candlelight Service of Lessons & Carols--Christmas Eve @ 7:00 PM

Spiritual Formation for Adults

  • Restoring the Kinship WorldView Study

Administration & Finance News

  • Report of Projects planned for 2023
  • Report of the Assistant Treasurers
  • Stewardship Progress thus far
  • COVID-19 Task Force Update

December Birthdays & Anniversaries

Growing a Just World for All

Economic Justice

* Worker Collective Action" Rev. Dr. Gail Kinney, Worker Justice Minister

* Support for the PRO Act

Immigrant Justice

* Monthly Vigils at the ICE Building

Climate Justice

*Reflections by Ed Cousineau on the Pope's Climate Justice Proclamation

Antiracism Ministry

  • Join the Movement UCC "Abolition Advent" Calendar
  • Christian Peacemaker Team Advent Calendar, with focus on Palestine
  • Screening of the film, "Israelism"
  • Continuing Black Lives Matter Vigils on Wednesdays @ 3:30 PM

Legislator Contact Information

Visit our website

Revs. John & Susan Gregory-Davis,


Meriden Congregational Church


“The first Incarnation of God was 14 billion years ago

at the awe-inspiring

fiery birth of the universe,

where God became enfleshed in all created matter.

At that galactic Bethlehem, like any artist who empties himself into his masterpiece,

God emptied herself into the exploding universe of billions of galaxies and planets. The Creator lovingly spoke on that Cosmic Christmas, and their Word became stars and galaxies, suns and moons,

oceans and earth, fin, feather, and flesh”

-      Ed Hayes 

A few years ago, in response to the commercialization of the Christmas holiday, a question that began to surface was “Whose Birthday is it anyway?!”  Although I enjoy so much about this holiday season, I do sympathize with a desire to help us remember the “reason for the season” as well.  And this question could be a good way to help us do that, though I suspect I might suggest a different answer than the one others might be looking for. An obvious answer to this question is Jesus, which I suppose is intended to help us put the “Christ” back in Christmas. But I think I prefer a much larger answer, somewhat akin to that of Frosty’s first words, wishing us all “Happy Birthday!”


     For to paraphrase cosmic theologian Matthew Fox, Christmas is a Birthday Party for the divine within us all, the Image of God yearning to come alive and be born anew, liberating us from the chains of fear or doubts about our self-worth, into the dignity and possibility of becoming fully alive in our compassion with and for each other.  Sure, celebrating the birth of Jesus is at the heart of the Christmas story, but more because of what this birth tells us about every birth, and every creature, than about the sacred nature of this one person born more than 2,000 years ago. Far from setting those who believe in the divinity of Christ apart from those who do not, the Christmas miracle is far grander in its invitation to transform anything which might divide us against each other, into reminders of our essential interconnectedness within the Beloved Community of our shared divinity. 


Thus each time we awaken to what the late Catholic priest, Ed Hayes, calls “the divine design that has made each one of us an emerging Emmanuel,” each time we realize that even more than being made in God’s image, “we are the embodiment of God in our world,” then we have been reborn as Love incarnate. And this matters, not only because we are the matter of Love in our world, but because we then begin to see ourselves, our neighbors near and far, those whom we love, and those whom we have yet to learn to love, not as differences to be feared, neglected, or rejected, but rather as kindred to be loved, embraced, and included in and through our words and actions. 


Friends, let us embrace this season of Advent as our yearly invitation to be and stay “woke” to the ever-evolving journey of our becoming Emmanuel, God with, within, and for each and all of us, without exception, and with divine tenderness and passionate commitment to justice and collective liberation, in ways that inspire us to work for and live yet more deeply into the the Kin-dom which has always been God’s Christmas dream for all creation.  And in and through our Advent “awakening” of ourselves and each other, “may God bless us all, every one!”


Wishing us all the Birthday JOY of a Cosmic Merry Christmas!

Your loving Co-Pastors,

John & Susan

Transforming Lives as a Compassionate Community:

ReImagining Love”



(In-Person and on Zoom,

in the Sanctuary,

with masks optional)

DECEMBER 3rd @ 10:00 AM

First Sunday of Advent

This Sunday we light our first purple Advent Candle, the candle of  HOPE, as we begin our journey through these blessed days of Advent. Highlights of this service will also include blessing our Christmas Smiles gifts, and Celebrating Communion both in person and via zoom.

DECEMBER 10TH @ 10:00 AM

Second Sunday of Advent

Join us as we light our second purple Advent Candle, the candle of  PEACE,  as we continue to rejoice in the blessings of this Advent season and reflect on how we can be channels of God's Peace & Love for those around us, near and far. Following our service, we will delight in our Holiday Dessert Auction! Please bring a dessert to share for the auction and an appetite for some beautiful holiday treats to bring home, too!

DECEMBER 17th @ 10:00  AM

Third Sunday of Advent

Come experience this timeless Story of joyously celebrating the sacredness of every child, brought to life by a cast of adorable angels, shepherds, lambs, prophets, inn-keepers, Magi, and Holy children all! Let your hearts delight in this heart-warming, pageant, sure to touch your soul and make you smile! On this Sunday, we will also light the our remaining two Advent candles--the pink candle of JOY, and the last purple candle of LOVE! And following our Pageant, come celebrate our "cast" and the merriment of Yuletide rejoicing with festive holiday refreshments over in our Parish House!

DECEMBER 24th @ 7:00 PM

Christmas Eve Service

Join our church family as we joyfully celebrate the Birth of Jesus with a glorious Service of Lessons and Carols. Let the wonder of this Holy Eve embrace and surround you as together we cherish the Christmas Scripture readings, sing favorite Christmas Carols, delight in our Christmas Eve singers and instrumentalists, and sing together by Candlelight on that Silent, Holy Night! All are enthusiastically invited to join us, whether in-person, or in the wonder of cyberspace (see link below), as we pray for the peace and joy of our ever-loving God to bless and fill all our hearts and homes throughout this holiest of seasons!

(Please note that there will be no Sunday morning service on Christmas Eve Day, nor on Christmas itself)


DECEMBER 31st @ 10:00 AM

New Year's Eve!!

Blessings of the New Year!

Come join us on this last day of 2023 to welcome the New Year for an Inter-generational Sixth Day of Kwanzaa Service featuring Carol Hartman's daughter, Megan, reading a Christmas story, and singing favorite Christmas Carols!

Whoever you are,

Whomever you love,

Wherever you are on

life's journey,


share in all our

Spiritual Family Services, Celebrations,

and Activities!



Peaceful greetings to all our children, youth and families during this season of Advent and Christmas! We are so excited about the opportunities planned for our church families, children and youth as we approach this holiday season! Please join us for any and all activities that you and your family are interested in!


Children’s Spirit Circles: These are the special times for our school aged children (kindergarten through grade 6) on both Sunday mornings from 10:20-11:15am and on Thursday afternoons. Our date this month is December 14th from 3:15-4:30pm. Our Spirit Circles are held either outdoors on the grounds of the church or in the parish house. During these times, Kelsey MacNamee--Spiritual Formation Coordinator for Children, Youth, and Families—or our Co-Pastor Susan Gregory-Davis, offer thoughtful and fun children’s program highlighting the spiritual values we wish to support in our children’s development, such as kindness, compassion, inclusion, openness, peace, justice, reverence for nature, joy, and love. Based on the Joyful Path curriculum (created by the Center for Progressive Christianity), each interactive session includes community building, “Prayers & Blessings,” story-telling (drawing on wisdom resources from around the world, an engaging activity, and a snack! We look forward to sharing these special times with your children! (Parents/guardians are always welcome to participate, too!).


Sunday Morning Messages “For the Child within us All!”: Each Sunday morning during our 10am service, Kelsey and/or Susan look forward to sharing an engaging message for your child/ren! Following this time during the service, the children will begin their Spirit Circle time. Join us for this time created specifically for your child/ren as they are exploring and developing their inner spiritual resources that will nourish and support them their whole lives long.


Our Whole Lives (OWL) Lifespan Sexuality Education Program: This church year, we will be offering OWL for our Kindergartners/First Graders, Fourth through Sixth Graders and Seventh through Nineth Graders (and possibly our Second and Third Graders, depending on interest and facilitator availability). We are in our 20th year of offering this tremendous program through our church! We hope you and your family will join us for this unique opportunity to support our children and youth in developing healthy, well-informed, compassionate, and respect-based attitudes and understanding of their developing sexuality. More information will be forthcoming on the dates of these programs! Please let

Kelsey ( or Susan ( know if you are interested in more information and spread the word to other families in our wider community! Everyone is welcome to take part in this exceptional program--a spiritually-based but non-religious program.


Monthly Pizza Pot-luck Supper for all our Young Church Families (with children and youth of any age!). Our next gathering will be on Friday, December 15th! Join us for this monthly support group for young families! We begin with our family pizza time with your child/ren from 6-6:30pm, followed by a supportive parent discussion from 6:30-7:30pm (free childcare offered during this time). Come with your joys, your struggles, your hopes, and your beloved children, as we celebrate the amazing work of parenting and share support for all its challenges! Please RSVP if you are able to join us! Invite friends! We look forward to welcoming you!

Faith Odyssey for our Seventh through Ninth graders: Susan and John are so looking forward to this year’s Faith Odyssey program! Whether your youth has been involved in this fun and engaging faith exploration program this past year (or two) or is interested in joining us for the first time, we welcome you!!! In December we met on Sunday the 3rd. Our next meeting (for mentors and students) will be on January 7th in the parish house12:30-2:00pm!

And if you have a high school student in your family who is interested in gathering for our Senior Seekers time for support and fun, please let Susan or Kelsey know! We would love to be of support to your high schooler and friends during this important and challenging time in their lives!


And we especially hope that you and your children will join in our Children's Christmas Pageant on Sunday, December 17th! Emails are going out to all our church families about how your child/ren can be involved in the most wonderful Christmas Pageant ever!!!

So much to celebrate!! Especially you and your family!!! We look forward to sharing any and all of these spirit-filled activities with you and your children and youth this holiday season!!!


Our Saturday November 4th Potluck Harvest Dinner in the Parish House was a great success. There were more than 50 people here feasting on Turkey, stuffing and all the fixings. Many people were involved in cooking . Thanks to Lee Oxenham for organizing this event.

Thanks to Kathy Wright, Anne Cragin, Christine Heins, Carol Hartman, Lee Oxenham, Laine Gillespie and Bill Chappelle who provided food for November Coffee hours. Thanks also go to Lee Oxenham and Donna Beaupre for giving the kitchen a thorough deep cleaning. There will even be a new kitchen floor soon.

We will need a few volunteers for Coffee Hours in December--for December 10th, and 31st. On December 10th we will have a Holiday Dessert Auction and it helps to have a few goodies to munch on while the Auction is happening. On December 17th John and Susan will be hosting their Christmas Open House after the Pageant (I know they would appreciate a few people to help with those preparations) On the 24th we will only be having the Christmas Eve Service. On December 31st we will need Coffee Hour Volunteers again.

On Friday December 15th at 6:00pm there will be a Young Families Parenting Conversation. Several families have been gathering to talk about the joys/difficulties of parenting. Come see what it is all about.

The outstanding news for the Welcoming and Caring Ministry is that Lee Oxenham has agreed to be co chair of this Ministry with Kathy Wright. Yes, it is possible to find new, enthusiastic leaders. If you have ideas you wish to put into action for our fellowship, discuss them with me or Lee Oxenham.

In November Lee Oxenham, Kathy Wright, Ed Cousineau, Steve and Donna Beaupre and Peter Nolette were ushers in church. Thanks for helping the ministers do their jobs. It takes many people to build the community and to make our fellowship strong. If you would like to help with any of this please contact Kathy Wright at (603) 469-3235 or at home at (603) 675-5989.


Kathy Wright, Co-Coordinator of the Welcoming and Caring Ministry

Do you find a deep sense of 

joy and gratification

in reaching out and helping others? 

If so, Please join our

Church Caregivers Team!

Even if you have only a few minutes a month to write a short "thinking of you" or "get well" card, your loving care will be so appreciated by members of our church community. If you would rather make occasional phone calls or in-person home visits, there is a place for you on the Caregivers Team, too!!! Everyone is welcome to offer gifts of care with no effort ever too small! Our Team meets quarterly with the loving guidance of our Chair, Kathy Wright. If you are interested in joining or talking further, please contact Kathy at or Susan ( We warmly welcome you to join in the very meaningful ministry of this small group with a BIG HEART! 

Our Church’s Upcoming Pastoral Transition:

A Loving Update for Members and Friends of the

Meriden Congregational Church


Dear Friends,


Each month between now and June our church newsletter will feature an update with current information on how our church is preparing for our pastoral transition prompted by the upcoming retirement of Susan & John. Written each month by our Co-Pastors or members of our church’s Leadership Ministry Team, you will be kept up to date on all relevant developments, as it is of utmost importance that the whole of our church family is vitally part of this time of transition. We are on this spiritual journey together and are here to support one another with faith, hope, and love! 

Please know that your questions and concerns are not only warmly welcomed but also needed, as each person’s input will help us more faithfully sojourn through these upcoming months. Thank you for being a loving and invaluable part of this special time in the life of our church family.  And please let us know how we can support you and your family as we grieve, celebrate, and give thanks for all we have experienced together these past twenty-eight years, all the while rejoicing that our steadfast and still-speaking God is lovingly companioning us every step of the way! 

With love from our Co-Pastors, Susan and John, and our church’s Leadership Ministry TeamBill Chappelle (Chair), Jill Marshall (Vice-Chair), Cindy Griffin, Melanie Henry, Gail Kinney, Kelsey MacNamee, Lee Oxenham, Shawn Rogers, Shideko Terai, and Kathy Wright.


December Update on our Church’s Pastoral Transition

By Susan and John


A blessed Advent and holy Christmas to you, dear friends! We are so grateful to be sharing once again in this sacred season with you. As our last Christmas here at our beloved church and with you, our beloved church family, we find ourselves cherishing every moment. Advent and Christmas are always beautiful, yet poignant, seasons in our lives as we re-experience all our memories of Christmases past, especially when losses of loved ones are held close in our hearts. Every year we need to be gentle and loving toward ourselves and others through this holiday season. And we recognize that this being our last Christmas together may bring up for you and your family feelings of sadness and loss, even in the midst of great joy. (This certainly is true for us!). Please know that we are holding you, our church family, in prayer and with so much love this month. We are so grateful to walk with you through this holy season, whatever you may be going through. Please let us know how we can be of personal support to you and your family during this sacred time. 


In terms of the December update on our church’s preparation for the upcoming pastoral transition, our Leadership Team continues to prepare for the transition by informing themselves of the next steps--to be taken after the holidays. A summary of these next steps is as follows: 


1.     In January, the Leadership Team will have a zoom meeting with Rev. Sara Marean (Associate Conference Minister of the NH Conference of the U.C.C.) for the purpose of learning more about writing and submitting to the NH Conference an official document, “The Request for Pastoral Leadership for our Time of Transition.” This document which will set in motion the Conference’s regional and national search—on our church’s behalf—for an interim/transitional pastor to be hired by our church for approximately one to two years, beginning after the Co-Pastors’ retirement date--June 2nd, 2024. Our Leadership Team will submit this document to the New Hampshire Conference by the end of February.

2.     Once the NH Conference receives this document, publicizes the pastoral opportunity, and learns of interested applicants, Rev. Marean will pass along names of candidates to our Leadership Team—who in turn will interview and choose an interim/transitional pastor for the church, again, for a one-to-two-year period of time. 

3.     The focus of the interim/transitional pastor’s one-to-two-year ministry will be to help the congregation fully to let go of John and Susan’s Co-Pastorate, to reassess the current identity, values, and hopes of the congregation, and to support the church in looking forward to identifying and welcoming a new settled pastor. During this interim/transitional time, the congregation—with input from all members and friends of the church--will prepare a comprehensive U.C.C. document called the “Church Profile” (a thorough description of the church, its ministries, and what the membership is looking for in a settle pastor) and form a seven to nine member “Search Committee,” representative of the congregation. Once the “Church Profile” is advertised nationally through the U.C.C. and interested candidates contact Rev. Marean, she will pass along their names and information to the Search Committee who will go through a comprehensive process of interviewing candidates, selecting a final candidate, and introducing this person to the congregation for your approval and blessing.                                                  


More detailed information about this long, thoughtful, and faith-filled process will be forthcoming and available in each of the monthly church newsletters. It may feel overwhelming at this point, but with the experienced and expert support of the NH Conference, our wonderful Leadership Team, and the many dedicated members of our church family, it will be a process—not only of hard work—but of abundant blessings. Together we will trust in God’s loving presence and grace to companion and guide us. And please know that our hearts and prayers are with you as we walk this faithful journey together these next six months. 

With deepest gratitude and love and prayers

for a blessed Advent and Christmas Season,

Susan and John 

Music and Ministry Notes

Music and Ministry December 2023

Advent starts on December 3rd this year. It is hoped that the Church Christmas Tree will be up for the Second Sunday of Advent on December 10th. Our Christmas Pageant will be on December 17th. Christmas Caroling will be in the evening of Wednesday December 20th at 6:30pm.

Because Christmas Eve is on Sunday, we will be planning only one service in the evening at 7:00pm. The Choir will perform on Christmas Eve. Join us for this gala celebration. On December 31st we will have a New Year's Eve Christmas Story and Carol Singing in the Church at 10:00am.

Kathy Wright

for Music and Ministry

Tenderly Held  in our Hearts and Prayers


   As we journey together through this Season of Advent, our hearts go out to all those for whom the joy of this Christmas will be tempered by the sorrow of loves ones lost this past year, especially Kathy Wright, Jerry Diamond, Nora Kells Gordon, Beth Kopp, Suzanne Lenz, J Rendahl, Christine Heins, Jeannie Hines, Jill & Greg Marshall, Angie Hinton, Sue Pullen, Linda Perkins, Meg Shafir, Reed Brozen, Chip Wood, Judy Croitoru, and Terry McNamara, along with all members of these individuals’ families.    We pray also for the families and loves ones of all those lost through the violence and war in Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, & Darfur.

             And as we celebrate once again the Good Tidings of God's love for ALL people, we wish our friends in Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia, and Zimbabwe, and all those living in such troubled lands as IsraelPalestine, Ukraine, Haiti, Myanmar, Darfur, Afghanistan, , Syria, Pakistan, North Korea, Yemen, Nigeria, South Sudan, the Congo, Iraq, & Iran, much love, deep peace, and great joy, both this Christmas and throughout the new year to come!  We pray with special concern for ALL immigrants & refugees seeking sanctuary & welcome throughout our world, that we may be among those whose open arms and doors reveal that there is always room within the inn of God’s heart. And we pray too for our BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) friends and neighbors, seeking to build with them a world wherein Black Lives Matter!” 

           Likewise do we pray for  Carol Hartman’s step-daughter, Alyssa; Betty Pardoe; Rev. Greg Marshall; Carol Hartman’s grand-nephew, Jack, as well as Carol’s daughter-in-law, Michelle; Emma Greenough’s friend, Laura; Larry Burch’s aunt, Tine; Angie Hinton’s friend, Margaret Maxham; Connie Kousman’s grand-nephew, Graham, as well as Connie’s sister Joyce; Gina Marzilli-Ericson’s mother, Paula; Amy Lappin’s mother, Sheila Spence; Robyn & Bob Carpenter; Karen Sutton’s husband, Robert, as well as Karen’s friend, Amber Howard; Laine Gillespie’s friends, Josh & Perry;  Erik Heaton; Betty Walker; Penny Arcone’s friend, Dick Slubin; Beth Kopp’s father, Jim Kane; Linda Perkins; Jody Schubert’s brother, Rick; Jim Schubert’s sister, Martha & her daughter, Wendy; Joan Burch; Suzanne Lenz; Judy Croitoru; Chris Dye; Linda Perkins’ friends, Dorothy, Albert, & Doug; Susan Turner’s cousin, Buddy Stevenson, as well as Sue’s friend, Barbara Zenker; and Odile Clavier’s mother, Marie-Claire, as well as Odile’s niece, Amelie Marie.

So too do we pray for these members and friends of our faith community currently receiving treatment for cancer: Susan Pullen; Odile Clavier’s colleague; Shideko Terai’s Uncle, Ted De Luca; Christine Greenough’s friend, Karen;  Penny Arcone’s son, Anthony;  Amaia Leach; Anne Cragin’s sister, Beth; Angie Hinton’s friend, Mickey LaHaye; Martha Zoerheide’s neighbor, John; Vicki Ramos-Glew’s mother, Carole Spencer; Juliette Hampton’s teacher, Melissa Thaxton; Bill & Laine’s neighbor, Barbara Gifford; Becky Luce; Laura Cousineau’s brother-in-law, Eric; Cecilia Hampton’s best friend Victoria’s mother, Bev; Sue Turner’s brother, Kurt, as well as Sue’s sister-in-law Bev, and Bev’s step-daughter, Sarah; Connie Kousman; Gail Kinney’s brothers, Charles & David; Linda Perkins’ friend, Linda Stone; Ed Foltyn; Jo Evarts, as well as Jo’s sister, Jingles; Robert Bryant; Jeff McNamara; Lauryn Moeller’s daughter-in-law, Lisa Rae Moeller; and  Kevin Ramos-Glew’s nephew, Duncan.

Into God's Hands

As this Season of Joy begins, we are especially mindful of those for whom this Season also holds the sorrow of recently lost loved ones.


         We extend our sympathy to Jo-Ellen Courtney, upon the loss of her beloved feline companion, Luna on Friday—November 3rd, 2023.


So too do we mourn with Betty Pardoe as she grieves the loss of her beloved feline companion, Sara, on Monday—November 20th, 2023.


         Likewise do we enfold within our hearts Kathy Wright, ,the loss of her sister, Carolyn Youtz, on Thanksgiving Day—Thursday, November 23rd, 2023,


            As God has welcomed these dearly departed ones back into the realm of God’s eternal embrace, may their families and loved ones be comforted with God’s healing presence in the midst of this time of mourning.



Each Christmas we have been blessed to have Poinsettias grace our church. This year we will again order flowers from Lebanon Coop Floral Department. If you would like to order some call and leave a message at the church (603-469-3235). Also let us know if you would like to honor or make a memorial commemoration with your order—who it’s for. 

Prices are as follows:

 4” single $7.50  6” pot $14.00  7 1/2” pot $34.00  8 1/2” pot $50.00               

 4”Cyclamen $9.00         4” Zygo $9.00

Please have orders in no later than December 15th, 2023.

Lighting our (Outdoor) Christmas Tree!

Saturday--December 9th at 5:00 PM

        All are warmly invited to our Fourth Annual Festive Lighting of our outdoor Christmas Tree on the green in front of our church on Saturday—December 9th at 5:00 PM. With the ending of the many year tradition of the Meriden Tree Lighting at the bottom of our hill a few years ago, we began this now beloved tradition for our church and wider community. 


Our outdoor tree will just have been put up earlier that afternoon (thanks to Santa Shawn Rogers and his Christmas tree elves!), and as the light ends that evening, we will kindle our tree lights for the first time this winter, as we share the ancient yet ever new Christmas story, sing our favorite Carols, and celebrate the light shining even in the deepest night, both on our tree and on our faces, as we light our individual candles, gather around the warmth of a fire, and wish each other a Merry Blessed Christmas!   


        Come and enjoy this special time to be together as we journey through this Holy Season, and bring your friends and neighbors too--we look forward to celebrating with you!          

Christmas Eve Candlelight Magic

The highlight of our preparations to Welcome Christmas anew into our midst and throughout our world will once again this year be our annual 

Candlelight Service of Lessons and Carols, 

beginning at 7:00 PM on Christmas Eve!  

And on zoom here:

Our lovely Candlelight Service will feature singing by our awesome Christmas Eve Choir, Including many of our high school and college youth, with solo and ensemble, accompanied by piano, flute, clarinet, and trumpet, with carol singing and readings re-telling the Christmas Story!

Early arrival is recommended as seats may fill up quickly this year! All are enthusiastically invited to join us, whether in-person, or in the wonder of cyberspace, as we pray for the peace and joy of Emmanuel, God ever with us, to bless and fill all our hearts and homes throughout this holiest of seasons!


“Journey to Bethlehem”

Christmas Pageant

Sunday--December 17th, 2023 @ 10:00 AM


We are looking forward to celebrating

the birth of Emmanuel through

 our Joyful Christmas Pageant! 


All Children and Youth of all Ages

 and All who are young at Heart

 are warmly invited to join us

 in bringing to Life once again

 our Holy Story!


We will rehearse on Saturday—December 16th,

from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM


Come one, Come All to Bethlehem!  

Kimball Union Academy Candlelight Service

Tuesday evening--December 12th, at 7:00 PM

           All are enthusiastically invited to attend.  This year’s service will feature multi-faith readings, songs, dance, and music from throughout our world, “starring” KUA student speakers, musicians, singers, and dancers, and concluding with our candlelight singing of "Silent Night, Holy Night."

Faith Odyssey for Adults!!

Restoring the Kinship Worldview:

“Indigenous Voice Introduce 28 Precepts

 for Rebalancing Life on Planet Earth

  • Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) & Darcia Narvaez

Continuing on Thursday—December 7th, 2023

at 3:00 PM at the home of Selden & Jan Lord

27 Serenity Drive, Cornish, NH

And on zoom here:


          Contending that Indigenous worldviews, and the knowledge they confer, are critical for human survival and the wellbeing of future generations, Editors Wahinkpe Topa (Four Arrows) and Darcia Narvaez emphasize our deep need to move away from the dominant Western paradigm--one that dictates we live without strong social purpose, fails to honor the earth as sacred, leads with the head while ignoring the heart, and places individual “rights” over collective responsibility. Restoring the Kinship Worldview invites readers into a world-sense that expands beyond perceiving and conceiving to experiencing and being, rooted in an Indigenous vision and strong social purpose that sees all life forms as sacred and sentient--that honors the wisdom of the heart, and grants equal standing to rights and responsibilities.


Report from Buildings and Grounds of MCC Administration

The following news was taken from the Annual Report of Administration and Finance

Projects Completed and Planned

A) 2022 was a year for John and Susan to have their sabbatical. As a result of

them not being at the parsonage for the summer, it triggered a discussion

around security. We determined it made sense to install wireless security

cameras the end of June.

B) Dane Gautreau was hired to do a few painting projects over the summer. All

the church windows and window trim were newly painted that were

accessible with a standard ladder. The cathedral style windows on the front

are left to be done this summer 2023. Dan also painted the exterior of the

doors and the two entrance roof trims and some of the ceilings before the

cold weather arrived.

C) We were hoping to get the slate roof repairs started. The slate roof

contractor Leon Shabbott was working locally in Enfield at the Shaker

Museum and was hoping to take advantage of having his hydraulic man lift in

the area and do a beginning portion of the repairs that will need to be done

in the next year or two. In the end, we were not able to get enough days

available for him to do that early portion of the proposed repair. We are on

his list for early spring. We expect the total repair to be around $ 20,000 this


D) The concrete entrance steps to the Parrish House were able to be temporarily

repaired to get us through the winter. We have agreed to hire Paul Sousa

(mason) from Cornish to do the permanent repair – rebuilding in April 2023.

E) A privacy door was installed in late summer at the top of the stairs going

from level 1 to level 2 of the Parrish House as requested by John and Susan.

A pane of glass needs to be installed and the new walls and trims still need to

be painted. That work is scheduled to be done in February

Shawn Rogers

Co-Chair of Administration and Finance


Considering what we have received as of November 22, 2023 we have received $8,310 in Pledge payments. We have also received $1,546 in Plate payments. The total is $9,856 of both Pledge and Plate payments.

In addition there were $196 donated for the Harvest Supper, and $250 donated as a Memorial Contribution in Memory of Tony and Charlotte Quimby. Also $400 for Christmas Smiles and $1,000 donated for maintenance of the Parish House.

So far this year our total of pledge payments is $111,333. Our total of plate payments is $8,065. So our Grand Total of payments thus far is $119,398. Often people pay all their pledge at the beginning of the year which accounts for this total.

 Some other funds which may have been contributed through stocks may not be noted here.

Kathy Wright

Jim Lenz

Notes from the COVID Task Force

The MCC COVID-19 Task Force reminds you that various face masks and hand-sanitizers are available for your use and protection as we shift to in-sanctuary worship on Sundays for the coming months.


Please consider the updated Covid vaccines if you are eligible. Remember the mantra:


If you feel unwell—just stay home. 

Stay “boosted” and “current” as best you can.

           Consider a mask when you’re in a crowd.

                      Wash your hands frequently.


Ed Cousineau

For the MCC Covid-19 Task Force




  12/2       Patrick McGlone

12/2      Sean Teehan

12/5       Molly Cherington

12/5       Taylor Clerkin

12/5      Sandy Steel

12/5 Leigh Callahan

12/5      Mary Van Wyck Heaton

12/6     Alex Zuckerman

12/6       Douglas Taylor

12/7       William Sensenig

12/8       Bill Taylor

12/8       Austin Powell

12/9       Trevor McGraw

12/10 Liam Robbins

12/12     Kristina Wilkinson

12/13     Erin Fielder

12/14     Peter Nolette

12/14     Maya Tomlinson

12/15     Isabel Brozen

12/15     Jacob Lenz





12/15    Charlton Muhlauri

12/18     Emrys Elkouh

12/19     Rick Hines

12/19     Bob Pyer

12/21     Marcia Ronbinson

12/20     Glen Greenough

12/22     Tia Perry

12/24     Jacob Cousineau

12/24     Garret Heaton

12/24     Tim Guaraldi

12/24     Ada Wendt Hennessy

12/24     Grey Greenough

12/25     Doug Heaton

12/25     Naomi Goodwin

12/27     Ella (Bishop) Duke

12/30     Penny Arcone

12/30     Judy Croitoru

12/30     Laura Packard

12/31     Aila Marie Van Dolah

December Anniversaries

        12/6   Sheila Cragg-Elkouh & Nabil Elkouh

12/27 Sarah Pensgen & Eddie Sirlin



Outreach News

Outreach, Peace, and Justice

Ministry Teams

News for December 2023 

"The way to heal the soul of the nation is to pass policies that heal the body of the nation. It’s the just thing to do. That’s how we as a nation can move forward together" ~Rev. Dr. William J. Barber 


Listen Community Dinners Meriden Congregational Church has offered the commitment to prepare and serve dinners the FIRST Thursdays of the odd-numbered months. The next date is January 4th. If you know of anyone, including the broader community, who would be interested, please text, phone or email Shideko Terai. 603-252-7898 The director, Larry Lowndes has discontinued the use of the volunteer hub; therefore, Shideko will send out a notice a week beforehand to seek volunteers. Many thanks to Ed Cousineau, Anne Cragin, Martha Zoerheide, and Linda Leone for volunteering in March. 

Claremont Soup Kitchen Bill Chapelle continues to lead volunteer participation at the Claremont Soup Kitchen on the fourth Saturday of every month and this slot covers the hours 2-5:30 PM. No cooking experience necessary. December 23rd is the next opportunity. “We always have a lot of fun. Your Saturday night begins with a good feeling that you have given nice people a delicious meal.” ~Bill Chapelle


Economic Justice 

Please read Rev. Dr. Gail Kinney’s article below. Also, please urge passage of the PRO Act as detailed below.

Social Justice 

"There are millions of poor people in this country who have very little, or even nothing, to lose. If they can be helped to take action together, they...will be a new and unsettling force..." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Immigrant Justice

Our church is a member of the NH Immigrant Solidary Network. Organizations include GSOP, AFSC, and clergy. It is interfaith and non-partisan. Please contact John if you would like to get involved.  

Climate Justice

Advent resources are available at Please see article below by Ed Cousineau concerning the Pope's most recent climate justice proclamation.

Racial Justice /Antiracism

   A few years ago our church formed a Racial Justice Ministry Team that has been guiding us in learning about the ways in which systemic racism and white supremacy undergird so much of our history and identity. Now, in keeping with the call of our denomination, the United Church of Christ, to become an antiracist church, our Racial Justice ministry team has evolved our name to become the Antiracism Ministry Team.  

   During this season of Advent, we once again encourage subscription to our denomination's "Abolition Advent" Calendar. Daily reflections can be received by e-mail, and/or accessed on-line at Please note that we will also soon have 2024 editions of the Equal Justice Initialize Racial Justice Calendars available in the church office.

One of the ways that our Church Leadership recently chose to live more fully into our antiracism commitment is through declaring ourselves to be an "Apartheid-Free" congregation, thereby affirming our theological and moral conviction that "ALL people are equal and should be treated with dignity and respect." With a particular focus upon the oppressions of the Palestinian people, this commitment is in keeping with the national Resolution calling for a Just Peace Between Israel and Palestine which our church co-sponsored.

Especially in light of devastating war on Gaza, during this Season of Advent, we likewise encourage use of the Advent Calendar provided by our Christian Peacemaker Team Friends at this link: It is fun and easy to use, and offers deeply moving and compelling stories, songs, and videos by and about Palestinians and their lives and losses in the embattled land of Gaza.

We also hope to screen the film "Israelism" on Sunday evening--December 17th, though we have not yet received confirmation of its availability. A trailer for this provocative film may be viewed here:

    Our weekly BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigils continue on Wednesday afternoons, from 330 to 4:00 PM, and all are welcome to join us anytime.

In solidarity and hope, 

Shideko Terai (she/her), Outreach, Peace & Justice Coordinator

text or phone 603-252-7898, email

The graphic above is borrowed from Vanderbilt Divinity School’s Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice, from which we derive much inspiration for our own NH Faith & Labor solidarity efforts. I will be forever grateful to Ed Cousineau who connected us with Wendland-Cook Program founder and director, Distinguished Professor of Theology Jeorg Rieger, whose vision and insights are a sacred gift.


For Labor Day, the Wendand-Cook Program team offered a series of reflections. Here’s an excerpt from graduate research fellow and PhD candidate in Theology Rev. Francisco García: “Labor activity has been continuously on the rise coming out of the worst moments of the pandemic, and the stakes have never been higher for the working majority in the U.S. Our extractive economic system continues to know no bounds."

Local labor and community struggles are also brewing all over the country. Between a hot labor summer and the hottest recorded temperatures in recent human history, the exploitation of people and planet can only be countered with sustained, organized people power at the grassroots, but also coordinated across regions to achieve scale.

While labor unions and other worker-centered organizations…are central to this fight, the role of theological reflection on how religion and labor can come together in the work of collective liberation is also necessary.” Our church is committed to just such theological reflection in matters of worker justice!

by Gail Kinney, Worker Justice Minister


Divisive Concepts Language
Doesn’t Belong Anywhere
in NH Law !

America has a history of banning Black studies. We can learn from that past (Derecka Purnell, The Guardian) - “This history is important because it helps us realize that today’s book banning efforts belong to a broader political backlash to the current Black liberation movement that started with the murder of Trayvon Martin in 2012. The ideas and demands that Black people, and all people, deserve freedom from police violence, deserve quality housing, deserve universal healthcare, deserve a world that has different problems from what Dr. King identified as the triple evils of racism, capitalism and militarism. It is no accident that these ideas are found in the very same books that prisons ban, including mine. Prison officials, politicians and rightwing pundits target knowledge found in critical race theory because they know that theory leads to action for people who care about love, liberty and justice. They want to stop people from being inspired to fight for better lives.”

A Note from our Environmental Justice Team--

On October 4, 2023, Pope Francis released a brief update to his 2015 teaching letter that was addressed to all persons of goodwill who are concerned about the environment. The original document was a detailed study and a call for attentiveness to the strains on our shared environment. It linked the exploitation of the riches of the earth by the powerful to the

planet’s degradation. The document specifically noted that the poor, the vulnerable and the powerless suffered the most from a rapidly changing climate, a scarcity of water and a lack safety The letter prompted some observers to conclude: “Our care for one another and our

care for the earth are intimately bound together. Climate change is one of the principal challenges facing society and the global community.”

The Pope’s short 2023 update turned up the level of his alarm, even voicing keen frustration that the U.S. and the rest of the global community had yet to take substantive steps in response to mounting evidence. “What we are presently experiencing is an unusual acceleration of warming, at such a speed that [substantive climate change] will take only one generation – not centuries or millennia – it is no longer possible to doubt the human –

‘anthropic’ – origin of climate change.” He challenged the prevailing view that “goodness and truth automatically flow from technological and economic power….”

Writing that “God has united us to all his creatures,” he continues, “Nonetheless, the technocratic paradigm can isolate us from the world that surrounds us and deceive us by making us forget that the entire world is a ‘contact zone.’” While we at MCC might call this a “thin space” where the holy can break into our human reality, Pope Francis is asking us to

extend seeing that same “thin” contact zone across the entirety of creation. An anthropocentric worldview—humanity as primary focus of the entire cosmos—must yield to a more subtly “situated anthropocentrism.” Humanity is within creation not poised at its summit.

While not minimalizing that “Efforts by households to reduce pollution and waste, and to consume with prudence, are creating a new culture,” Francis observes that families are showing a concern far beyond the “unfulfilled responsibilities of the political sectors and [in spite of] indignation at the lack of interest shown by the powerful. “ His call for nations, governments and alliances to pursue broad policies for action and to take responsibility for

urgent interventions needs the support of individuals, families and communities.

As a small but vocal church what can MCC do? The answer is simply to use our amplified voice to call for policies at local, state, federal and international levels. This is the first of some occasional—but regular—notes from the Environmental Justice team to keep church members on their “toes” about policy discussions. As a native Argentinian Pope Francis is said

to love soccer. Perhaps we can kick the ball into the goal and not just kick the can down the road.

Ed Cousineau

2024 History of

Racial Injustice Calendars

Equal Justice Initiative challenges racial and economic injustice and provides legal representation to people who have been illegally convicted, unfairly sentenced, or abused in jails and prisons. Their 2024 Calendar is a full-color wall version that includes hundreds of historical entries and 12 short essays highlighting historical events and issues in our nation's racial history. Available in the church office or by request.  

Steve Beaupre' faithfully rings our church bell

each Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 PM as a clarion call to

our Community BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigil

Thank you, Steve!!

 We are continuing our Showing Up for Racial Justice BLACK LIVES MATTER Vigils each Wednesday afternoon, now happening from 3:30 to 4:00 PM on the SouthWest corner of the intersection of Rte 120 & Main Street (at the blinking traffic light). We have “BLACK LIVES MATTER” signs available for folk to hold, but please feel free to make and/or bring your own signs.

  Come join us in “showing up for racial justice,” and Standing for  LOVE, and AGAINST racism, white supremacy, hatred, and violence, here in our community and beyond!  Togetherlet us publicly declare that we will NOT be complicit in white terrorand let us call our friends and neighbors to rise up with us in our resolute affirmation of the inherent and sacred value of us all within Beloved Community

Invitation to join the 

Windsor County NAACP

          A group of residents in Windsor County are working to form a Windsor County NAACP Branch. For certification as an NAACP Branch we need to enroll 100 new NAACP members on our Membership forms. Members may be from any geographical location. All members 18 and older will be voting members of the Branch with only Windsor County residents eligible for elected leadership positions (as defined in Constitution). 


        The NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, established in 1909 is our oldest and largest civil rights organization. It was started in New York by white and black activists partially in response to violence against African Americans, particularly lynching. Today it has over 2000 Branches and half a million members worldwide.


           According to the NAACP Constitution it was founded on the beliefs embodied in the Constitution of the United States of America.... (its) vision and mission (are) to ensure a society in which all individuals have equal rights and there is no racial hatred or racial discrimination and to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.


       To become a member contact; for more information contact

John Gregory-Davis Speaking at the Budget Protest in Concord, NH-- June 24, 2021
Legislator Contact Information
                                                                                 Rep. Annie McLane Kuster
137 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202-225-5206 (Washington)
18 North Main Street, Fourth Floor
Concord, NH 03301
Phone: 603-226-1002 (New Hampshire)

Sen. Maggie Hassan
330 Hart Senate Office Building  .
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-3324 (Washington
1200 Elm St. Suite 6
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 603-662-2204 (New Hampshire)

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen
506 Hart Senate Office Bdg
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2841 (Washington)
2 Wall St #220
Manchester, NH 03101
Phone: 602-647-7500 (NH)


Rep. Margaret Drye

1136 Rt. 12A

Plainfield, NH 03781

Phone: 603-675-9159


Rep. Bill Palmer



Sen. Suzanne Prentiss

Legislative Office Building, Room 102

33 State Street

Concord, NH 03301

Phone: 603-271-3092


The UVHS & The Plainfield Community Resource Room have teamed up to help all Cat & Dog Owners in our area.
Every Month on the 3rd Saturday
when the Resource Room & Food Pantry is open
the UVHS will be present to provide  
FREE Cat & Dog Food.
For more information
please contact Stephanie at 469-3201.
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