Bring Them Home Now March on the Mall

Sunday, March 3 at 12:30pm Meeting at Constitution Avenue & 17 Street

Joining the international call to BRING THEM HOME NOW, many groups across the DC area are coming together this Sunday, March 3 at 12:30pm to mark 150 days that hostages have been held in Gaza. This event is organized by the Hostages and Missing Families Forum in conjunction with Run 4 Their Lives and will call for the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas. As we march around the Reflecting Pool, we will raise our voices and chant “Bring them home - Now! Alive! Bring them home!” 


Bring Them Home or Run 4 Their Lives attire is appropriate. Flags of hostages’ countries of origin are also encouraged. They are: Argentina, Brazil, China, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Germany, Israel, Mexico, Nepal, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Tanzania, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

At Jewish Treasures

While Supplies Last

The hostages in Gaza are always in our thoughts. Just arrived at Jewish Treasures - a limited number of "dog tags" created by an Israeli artist. The Hebrew reads "My heart is held hostage in Gaza" along with the October 7 date. Chain is included. Cost is $18. Visit the shop on Sundays and Tuesdays during OTRS or make an appointment through the office.