Message from Pastor Carolyn

Friday, January 12, 2024

Dear Saint Mark Family,

God’s grace and peace be unto you.

Let me begin by thanking you for your generosity, and for your faithful commitment to the life and ministries of Saint Mark. As a congregation, we are able to do the life-transforming ministries we do day after day, week after week, and year after year because of your support. One of the ways you have been supporting the ministries of Saint Mark is by financial gifts, and your gifts make a significant difference in what we can do and the scope with which we can do them.

Today, I am happy to share with you that because of your generosity we met our 2023 ministry budget, closing out the year in good standing. Your giving contributed to 80% of the overall planned budget, and with contributions from other sources we were able to meet our budget in full. My heart is filled with gratitude to God and to you. Because of your generosity we can look forward to continue doing Christ-centered, discipleship-focused, and life-changing ministries in 2024. Even as I write this note, I am reminded of Jesus’ teaching in Matthew that anyone who gives to the cause of Christ will by no means lose their reward.

Thank you for your generosity, Saint Mark. You will not lose your reward.

This Sunday we will be sharing on “Presence,” as we continue our conversation about the vows we made when we joined Saint Mark United Methodist Church. To be present is one of the ways we promised to support faithfully the ministries of Saint Mark. You and I know how important it is to show up, to be present. We know how valuable it is to our growth as disciples of Jesus Christ to worship God together and to fellowship with each other.

Today, I encourage you to make it your goal for this year, 2024, to be present in worship at least 90% of the time - that would be approximately 47 Sundays. I invite you to take on the challenge to show up, to be a present with your church family for this number of Sundays. I know it may seem like a grand number - “47 Sundays you say Pastor Carolyn? No one can do that!” But accept it as a loving challenge, and make every effort to see how you can do it. Make it even a fun competition with your Sunday School class, or your Bible Study group. Mark off every Sunday you have attended worship on your calendar, so you can keep track and see your progress. Whatever you do just show up, be present and learn and grow and fellowship as a disciple of Jesus Christ. When you are truly unable to be physically in person at either the 9am or 11am service, join online at the 11am service. This will also count to your 90%. When you worship online join in with the others and make your comments in the comments’ box. It is always touching to go back and read the comments and greetings that are written. You can also watch the service later in the week by going to the church’s website. I am already thinking of a few fun ways we will be celebrating those who have met the goal.

Saint Mark, the truth is that we miss you when you are not here in worship with us. It is like the empty chair at the dinner table - you are missed. We want to see you. We want to worship God with you and fellowship with you. I invite you to take the challenge.

Finally, this Sunday Rev. Andy and I will be preaching on honoring the vow to be present. I look forward to seeing each of you.

God’s richest blessings,

Pastor Carolyn.

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