Wellsky has released the latest update to the APR & CAPER! Users can now properly run the reports due to the following updates:
- Q8a, Q24a, Q21 having issues resulting in null values populating in the cells
- Q23c, Q25i, Q27f1 having calculation issues related to percent of positive destination
- Q27m had an issue related to the Youth Filter causing incorrect counts to be returned
Users who have submitted their reports to Sage will need to resubmit. There is currently a validation warning in Sage that is related to data quality & not the APR/CAPER code. If a client is missing their Rental Subsidy Type after selecting "Rental by client, with ongoing housing subsidy" they will get a validation warning in Sage. Missing data can be identified either by comparing the “Rental by client, with ongoing subsidy” count to the count in Q23d or using the Eva Data Quality tool.
Information on how to properly run the APR & CAPER can be found in the zenguide article resources below: